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  1. B

    just a question (serious)

    Wow, lots of spiteful people on this forum. sad when most of you guys are meant to becoming real 'men'
  2. B

    just a question (serious)

    Do you think looks matter?
  3. B

    So guys I went on my date...

    Limiting beliefs, all of you. I never said i was really scared of women, i just hadn't been on a date in 5 years just because of a bit of doubt. this girl made it VERY easy for me, as i was nervous as ****. Think as much as you want that im a troll, dont need all your help anyways.
  4. B

    So guys I went on my date...

    Why are you finding this so hard to believe? we went on a date, we had a great time and we ended up making love. What is so hard to grasp that i did it all off my own back apart from the few articles here tha tboosted my confidence? you guys look into social interaction like its a complex...
  5. B

    So guys I went on my date...

    What the **** why? just because I got a little lucky? all i said was that i took a risk and proved that flowers wont **** up your chances.thank you searching :)
  6. B

    So guys I went on my date...

    ok, so now Im going to let you know how it went! in my first thread, i was told not to take her flowers or anything on the first date... but since she said she loves flowers i decided to do it anyway. So we met up at this italian resturant and we peck each other on the cheek and I gve her...
  7. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    um, girls like to **** handsome men I thought? if Brad Pitt got them a roll i'm sure they'd find it sweet, just cos the dude is handsome anyway. By the way I beleive handsome men don't need game, as i'm ugly and that is the only reason i turned to game at all. what do you mean by these...
  8. B

    I've hit the turning point

    Alphas are born, not made people.
  9. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    I don't get it then. If someone is really attracted to you, it wouldnt matter if you bought them a roll or not. If a girl wanted to **** brad pitt, Im sure if he bought her a damn roll from Cinnabon she wouldnt go "ops, wait no, don't want to **** anymore". Not making sense here dude.
  10. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    is that a real story? I doubt a girl would be one second be really attracted to you and then suddenly not just because you got her a god damn roll. no way, no way at all.
  11. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    We'll i've always seen people use that and also in the articles so i looked it up. normally i say like a scale of 1 to 10 anyway. I guess I must of missed that article then or something lol. just that on friday when we was in the bar she said she loves guys who send her flowers as she is well...
  12. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    great, people think Im a troll when i just ask for plain advice. i mentioned i was new to the FORUMS, not the whole scene andI was unsure if I should take flowers jeez. bunch of ******* shouldn't be even be giving advice apart from the first 3-4 posters.
  13. B

    Ended date early

    yeah I agree. maybe you should explain yourself and say you're sorry and send her some flowers or something to make up?
  14. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    Hm, what if I gave her flowers and be fun at the same time? Show that I'm a thoughtful and fun guy. I could get a different type of flowers maybe? Is that what you mean? :confused:. Maybe get her a sunflower to be different? Im not tryin to imrpess her... just being thoughtful. :) But I...
  15. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    She told me she realy likes flowers though... hm? Maybe just a thank you card isnted for coming on the date?
  16. B

    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    Hey guys, what is up! Just wanted to say my name is Bottomline and Im 29 years old. Just got my first date in over 5 years thanks to some of the advice here. Met her in a bar on a Friday night. She is so beatuiful, maybe a HB8.5? So anyways, I was thinking what type of flowers do girls like...