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  1. S


    When doing the online thing, if she has a bunch of selfies all cropped from the chest down, then it's not a coincidence. Whether it's tentacles or just a fat pasty body, she's hiding something.
  2. S

    Help answer this text pls.

    Thanks guy. FTR I went with: "Eh, that's nothing. I can do better."
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    Help answer this text pls.

    First date tonight/last night. She came over and we fooled around, watched some TV. Shortly after leaving she sent the standard thanks-for-a-great-night message. Two hours later she sends this: "OMG rude!!! You gave me hickies!!!" IDK. Maybe, "Oops...good thing you don't work this...
  4. S

    Women do THIS often?

    ...OR she is into you, and she dropped the boyfriend line on that other guy to shut him down, because she wasn't into him.
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    HELP NEEDED QUICK!!! How to reply to this txt?

    FTR, you're one card left to play is not hounding her about it. Don't make a bunch of missed call notifications for her to see when she turns her phone back on. Just let it mellow for at least a few days.
  6. S

    HELP NEEDED QUICK!!! How to reply to this txt?

    Well d@mn man, that's different, if she msg'ed you trying to get together. Should have been clear about that. Then fvck yes assure her it's just a mate and get her over. And so far you haven't fvcked up either way. Just be cool and easygoing in your response. Aim for not-desperate and lighthearted.
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    HELP NEEDED QUICK!!! How to reply to this txt?

    Guy, you're in an awesome position, so stop sweating. She just confirmed that what you said made her hamster squeak, so you can plod ahead on now knowing that she's at least lukewarm interested. Keep going strong. If you backtrack and say "no, no, it's not like that" or some other weak crap...
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    HELP NEEDED QUICK!!! How to reply to this txt?

    But you said you want to bring her on as a FB/FWB, so you have moved on, right? If so, she needs to know that you don't care one way or another (even though you really do). Put it this way, whether you're casually interested in a NSA relationship or desperately want her back as your GF...
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    HELP NEEDED QUICK!!! How to reply to this txt?

    Play long game here, not short game. In this case I think trying to keep her talking seems needy. She's left you to it, so that's it. The way to make her hampster run is to let her imagine what's going on and to seem like you don't care all that much either way, i.e. you have options, she's...
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    She wants to meet for coffee (first date) during the day.

    She tried to set up for coffee during the work day, i.e. texted me to see about meeting an hour later. I couldn't because I work for a living and plan my time off at least a few hours in advance. I have kind of a routine for dates and it doesn't involve me just dipping out of my office for an...
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    POF The dumber the message the more they reply..

    Mostly true. 'Leagues' are a fluid concept in RL but really do guide things on POF/OKC. If you're just not attractive enough for her, then there's nothing you can do to make her pay attention to you, however, if you're right on the borderline of what she would bang then the quality of your...
  12. S

    need urgent help right now for date tonight!

    Don't invite her over, unless she's so all over you that it's ridiculous. Otherwise, invite to do something that has to be done at somebody's home, e.g. play video games, watch a movie, open that great wine you were telling here about.
  13. S

    old girl from school is back, wanna bang her

    Damn straight don't initiate. If she does, then great, unless she waits to hit you up until just before 20:00 on Mon or Tues, then you say: aw shucks pretty lady...I didn't her from you so I made plans :( But lets rain check for [date/time range] In that case: If she goes for the...
  14. S

    She's withholding sex in the AM. What to do?

    She protests that she has to hurry to work, and to be fair she does then rush with the shower, dressing, eating etc. after she shuts me down. BUT, I know what time she has to be at work and it's not like it has suddenly changed. Previous mornings she's found 10-20 minutes to make it happen...
  15. S

    She's withholding sex in the AM. What to do?

    This morning and the last time she shut the pvssy off and wouldn't open her mouth either. She was playful when I pulled her back/wrestled around, but absolutely would not budge. We rocked it during the night like usual and no other variable has changed. Also she's not on her period. We've been...
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    The perils of POF/busted!

    Threesome with Princess Prego? Hmmm.
  17. S

    The perils of POF/busted!

    Last night I went to a POFer's house. We're schmoozing in her living room when her housemate walks through the front door. "Starrie this is Kelly; Kelly, Starrie." I banged Kelly last month, having also pulled her off POF. What's more, Kelly is now visibly pregnant with her fiancee's (didn't...
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    ***Can’t stop fantasizing about her? You need to read this!***

    I don't so much fantasize and idealize as I kick my @ss over sure thing hot lays that I screwed up. I'm like the anti-romantic that way: I'll be tangled up for days lamenting missed sex, even in the midst of other lays. I wish there was an article for that.
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    Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol. 2.Hoe!

    Food for thought. I only message chicks that I know without any doubt are hot, i.e. girls for whom I'd have to put on my Grade A game face in RL. The whole point is to snag the small percentage of nearly-out-of-your-league ***** that is available too you more efficiently than in RL, right...
  20. S

    How is complimenting "needy"

    The value of compliments depends on context and frequency. Complimenting too much is like being a clown and constantly laying on the jokes, especially via text. It's begging for a reaction and she sees that. Try attaching compliments to other things so that they aren't so glaring and 'ta-da...