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  1. N

    Answering machine woes

    one girl's rules -If I get a call and I dont recognise the number, I never answer - you never know who it will be, and there are some people I just dont want to talk to. -If they dont leave a message, I assume it can't have been important, and I don't call back. -If they either leave a...
  2. N

    am i out with this girl?

    Hmm...I'm not sure if it would work, but would growing a real beard cover it up? just not shaving for a few days? Actually this is more curiosity than fas as advice goes I'd hafta agree with puero-rican on this one..
  3. N

    Games Confused Normal Not?

    AHAA you live with your MUUUMMY!!! *giggles and points* (like the tree-girls in highschool) right, now that i've got that off my chest... It sounds like she is using you, she probably doesn't know any better way to behave around guys. Perhaps it's up to you to teach clear with...
  4. N

    Lay Report: Too tight ass

    bump, that is bloody awful...and bloody hilarious
  5. N

    Asking out in person vs telephone...

    y ask her OUT? u know where she lives, and u are confident she's interested - invite yourself IN. If you find the situation at her place too awkward, then do ur romantic date thing....sounds like the ****y approach could work well here?
  6. N

    Games Confused Normal Not?

    What is her rating? Is she worth your attention at all? she sounds like bit of a tramp to me - judging by how insecure she sounds, about a 5 or 6? Many women will play mind games with you, it's usually when they are feeling insecure, and like Puerto-Rican says, it's only a game if there are...
  7. N

    What should I do when I have a controlling gf and cant dump her cause of her bros

    All this big macho talk about machetes and baseball bats... there is a small problem with shooting someone - you tend to get caught and I am under the impression that punishments (at least in your country) aren't particularly lenient. How is it physically possible to be in a relationship with...
  8. N

    am i out with this girl?

    true, rashes and pimples are pretty hard not to notice. Unless it's extremely severe (in which case you should go see a dermatologist) ignore it. If you don't worry about it, chances are she wont. If you get all insecure about it, you'll come across as an insecure pimply guy. I know a guy...
  9. N

    Answering machine woes

    There's nothing you can say to ensure she'll call u back. And if she isn't interested enough to call u back, calling her repeatedly is certainly not going to raise her IL. There's nothing wrong with leaving a short msg, but don't overdo it. Say "If you want to see me again you'd better call...
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    A girl with boyfriend

    i agree, forget her. If she's taken, chasing after her is lame. If she is willing to dump her bf for you, she'll be just as willing to dump you when the next guy comes along. ------------------ I'm not a DJ, just a girl who knows a DJ when she sees one.
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    How much contact are you making? ****y is well and good, but if you then want to spend too much time with her she'll start to smell the desperation on your breath. Make sure you have enough interests to make you interesting.
  12. N

    What the hell is wrong with me?

    weeee! that was my first post since I got back! :)
  13. N

    What the hell is wrong with me?

    Relax Ryan, you are not the first guy to sit in front of his computer talking 'big game' and chicken out IRL. I'd be willing to put money that at least half the so-called DJ's here are in the same boat - you are at least willing to admit it. The harsh fact is that it wont get any easier...