Games Confused Normal Not?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I started a post yesterday about How to tell if a woman is playing games with your head or is confused. I am extremely confused on this. I want to know if this is a one of a kind thing or what. Or is this typical woman behavoir.

I met this woman at work and we was friends for about 8 months. We ate lunch together all of the time. Well one day we was talking and she was mentioning how she made out with these girls in college. Anyway she told me that if she didn't have a boyfriend she would fuxk me. Now she does have a boyfriend who supports her, and I can't. So after she told me she would fuxk me things changed between us. She start inviting me to parties but I would not go. She begged me to tell her why. I told her I am not comfortable going to a party with your boyfriend is there when I want you. She then told me ""I am crazy about you if I could ever cheat on him it would be with you I know its tough ""hence my screenname"" with you being single and me having a boyfriend but nothing can happen.""".... So I thought dammmmm but a few days later we start talking and this time she says """" itstough you are such a hunk I don't know how i can keep my panties from getting wet just being in your prescense you truly are a modern day Pook"""" OK maybe what she really said was """ If I ever got you alone and something got started between us I would not put an end to it. I can't believe I could do this to my boyfriend but the way I have been treated lately I just don't know. Thats all I am saying and it can't happen at work.."""""" ..... Tells me ever since she met me her life has been turned upside down. When she found a better paying job she tells me the only thing that will kill her about leaving is not getting to see me everyday.

Anyway to my point with Playing games confusion driving away.

So she shows signs of wanting me. Mirrors me calls people the same weird names that I call them,,, Start drinking the same thing that I do........ When I am in the same room I catch her watching me... I go outside to smoke she shows up outside... Does things for me my shoe camed untied I pointed down to it and she bent right over and tied it for me ""yes its true"" I told her to bring us breakfast one morning and she did. worries about me Makes sure that I didn't smoke or eat to much...

Now the possible games

I once came into the room and she was on the phone. She says to this person If itstough would drive anywhere ""I hate driving"" maybe he could come to the bar friday. So I think to myself I guess I will go but I never told her. So the day comes and she asks me to watch her kid. I am like wtf..... Tells me a couple of times that HER feet stink. Driving away???

Now once I see her kid and she says to her kid tell itstough who's eyes you have. The kid says she has itstough's eyes. She then says I DON'T THINK SO. Then she say Itstough has brown eyes. So I guess she pays attention to me??? But was it so bad that the kid said she had my eyes that Mom had to say I don't think so??????????????????????

Now she will touch me and make sexual comments in front of people but when its just me and her she acts normal..
So her last week at work I notice her coming over to my office asking my pointless questions I of course realize she is finding reasons to come over and see me. Then her last day she comes to work with darker hair "I only like dark hair and she knows it"" She says ""do you like my hair? It's darker"". I told her quit being a tease. So what she wants to know if I really like it, want to tease me or what. So her last day she tries to stall me from going home. gives me a hug and a kiss and just say I will be in and leaves it at that. No call me I will call you or nothing. Then all of a sudden a month later she calls me wants me to come over tells me to start calling and shows up unexpected at work to go to lunch????????????????

So is she one of a kind is she confused playing games .. How do you find out if the woman is crazy. I hope this is not normal for woman because I am going to have a heck of a time with any other woman that I meet...............................


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting story. Sure she's playing
some "games". But if you were interested
in her, why didn't you make a move ?
You had plenty of easy opportunities to approach her but you never did !
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Simple solution - go after a girl that isn't aleardy taken!

Time chasing her is time wasted. Spend your energy on more worthwhile pursuits!
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
It's questionable whether she's really
'taken' or not. Nevertheless, you should
have either made a move (to determine
what her real availability is) or go after
someone else. Sounds like it's too late
now for this one anyway.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Simple solution - go after a girl that isn't aleardy taken!

Time chasing her is time wasted. Spend your energy on more worthwhile pursuits!
Well I didn't really mean for this to be about this woman. Yes I want to know about her games. But what I am trying to find out is how to tell why the woman play the games to test you, to mess with ur head, or what. Like this woman I do want to know if she did or did not really want me plus what was the reason behind her games?????
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
It's only a game if there are two involved! Don't partake in so-called woman games--- Ask her "do you want to go out for a drink , pizza, rollerblading or whatever" if she says no, then say, "have a good day". Don't talk to her further or try to see her again!!! I don't where you guys are coming up with this girls game stuff -- don't be a participant and just leave - tilt - game over!

Wh@res only play games to see if you are a chump and do their bidding - don't be a chump and you win!


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
What is her rating? Is she worth your attention at all? she sounds like bit of a tramp to me - judging by how insecure she sounds, about a 5 or 6?

Many women will play mind games with you, it's usually when they are feeling insecure, and like Puerto-Rican says, it's only a game if there are two involved. The level of game-playing would vary depending on the individual. However if you found a decent girl with a healthy level of self-respect (ie, one worthy of an ltr) it is unlikely she would play games in such an extreme and confusing way.

Most women like to flirt and to have at least a few chumps wrapped around their little fingers. The same women would probably not dream of actually dating these guys. This is just the way things are, and there's nothing terrible or unusual about it, just don't allow yourself to be one of their pet chumps.

This one sounds like she doesn't know herself what she is doing, she's playing with you, but she's also confused about what she wants. She is also possibly unsure about her current relationship and wants to have a back-up male in case things go wrong. She's keeping you hanging on, but is not willing to make any sort of sacrifice for you.

If you have any interest in her at all, be straight with her, and be clear that you wont be her 'spare'. If she isn't willing to leave her boyfriend for you then spare yourself the humiliation and don't be a lapdog - walk away.
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Don Juan
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
What is her rating? Is she worth your attention at all? she sounds like bit of a tramp to me - judging by how insecure she sounds, about a 5 or 6?
Yep about a 6 or 7

This one sounds like she doesn't know herself what she is doing, she's playing with you, but she's also confused about what she wants. She is also possibly unsure about her current relationship and wants to have a back-up male in case things go wrong. She's keeping you hanging on, but is not willing to make any sort of sacrifice for you.
Interesting I guess my Theories about her are correct. She seemed to calm down alot when she first called me on my home phone and she found out I don't live alone. She wanted to know who that was who answered the phone and I always avoided the question becuase I was ashamed to tell her it was my Mother . After that day she made a few comments about my girlfriend which i don't have so I assume she thought the person answering the phone was my girlfriend. Then her enormously obese friend asked me in a strange way if I was in school which i was thats when this woman called me out of the blue and wanted me to come over start calling etc. Am I crazy or did she think that she would live with me????? Is this real interest or her using me????? This chick only has her boyfriend to live with she has No family around here and her Mom lives far away which they hate each other anyway. I can't support her at my current job. So do I tell if she really wants me and is holding back because I don't live alone or if she is just using me for a place to stay?????
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Don Juan
Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
AHAA you live with your MUUUMMY!!!
*giggles and points* (like the tree-girls in highschool)

right, now that i've got that off my chest...

It sounds like she is using you, she probably doesn't know any better way to behave around guys.
Perhaps it's up to you to teach clear with her that you aren't going to take her crap (you dont need to tell her that it was your mum on the phone) and if she wants to have anything to do with you she needs to clean up her act.

She claims to be "crazy about you" but if she isn't willing to act on that then she's not *that* crazy about you. If I was in your shoes (which happily I'm not) I would give her one chance, and if she fails, next her.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Just noticed this post again.
Why bother with all the speculation
and interpretation? Either make a move
(ask her out, approach her affectionately,
whatever) or forget it. You interpret
her behavior as games, yet if one can assume there is any interest on her part,
you are just as much playing a game !
Make a decisive move one way or the other.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I guess my writing skills leave alot to be desired, or nobody wants to answer my questions. I know I should not care but I have to know anyway.
1. Did the woman actually like me?
2. Was she just going to us me to have a place to live, if her and her boyfriend broke up?
3. Was I nothing more than a back up plan?
4. If I see her ever again should I even speak to her?
5. Was her games used to be cruel and to hurt me ?
6. Is there anything I can do to have her talking to me again?