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  1. G

    How do you deal with guy friends?

    What bothers me though is that when she meets with her guy friends (which she apparently has known since she was a teen/kid) they watch movies sometimes or go out and eat dinner. As a side-note, I am leaving for Brazil for 2 months soon, could this have anything to do with it? She has told me...
  2. G

    How do you deal with guy friends?

    I am only worried that she will back off or get turned off by this...thoughts?
  3. G

    Girl Calling You By Your Last Name

    Well, you should consider the fact that I live in Sweden; girls and culture here is different. We don't call each other by last name, and we don't use Mr, Mrs, Miss etc. It is perfectly normal for someone to get confused why somebody is using their last name where I live. If you do use it...
  4. G

    Girl Calling You By Your Last Name

    In my world it pretty much means that she is trying to be controlling. I'd tell her to stop saying my last name like she is my mother. If something annoys you, make sure you tell her...if she uses the usual "What?" response to make you studder, say it even louder.
  5. G

    How do you deal with guy friends?

    I've been playing this 7.5 latina by the book of pook, she is totally hooked. Now...she has alot of guy friends, and frankly I dont give a f---k. But I would live to know what would be the correct non-AFC behavior in response? Meet up with my girl friends to make her jealous? She is very...
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    Don Juanita introducing herself

    Svenskar o finnar på sosuave? Där blev man förvånad. :)
  7. G

    Weird question...

    Excellent post, f28300 as well. This is what I was thinking at first, that why would I care? But sometimes the little leftover AFC's in all of us tries to revolt against the man. BTW here's the wallpaper (worth the click)...
  8. G

    Weird question...

    Is it bad taste to have wallpapers of girls in bikinis on the computer when having a girl over? I dont even know why I think like this and I re-read my question and it just sounds plain stupid. But I cant help but ask if this is bad taste?? I mean, if we go by pook...they should feel inferior...
  9. G

    When she starts crawling back...?

    I can relate to this since I was in sales before. She actually called me tonight some hour after I made this thread. She might have called because she wanted to make sure I wasn't mad, we talked for approximately 35-40 minutes. This is a big no no I know...but she was spilling her heart out...
  10. G

    When she starts crawling back...?

    Lets say you meet a girl, she has average interest level, you date and fool around a couple of times. I gave her 2 shots at dating me again but she came with 'maybe' suggestions and I cant settle for anything less than determined dates. We were supposed to meet tonight but "everything got late"...
  11. G

    "How could it have gone wrong??" - The Sh*t Test Everyone Fails

    Squirrels That was some ground breaking stuff right there. And I loved your fighter remarks since that's what I do. When you talked about the octagon and title shot...I heard dana white in my head go; "do you want to be a f**king don juan?!"
  12. G

    Girl wont except my fighter lifestyle

    I could give you some insight on the matter since i've been fighting MMA/NHB since 2000. I've ran through a fair number of women through these years while training and competing. As fighters, we have a bounty on our heads from the crazy women. They are attracted to the whole 'bad boy image'...
  13. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Funny as hell that you said Katja from Poland...I actually know a katja that lives in Wroclaw. Thanks for the advice, i'm basically just acting like a man right now, letting nature have its way. It helped alot to read the DJ bible. Sure thing, i've been to london before. Unfortunately I didn't...
  14. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Alright so i've managed to flip the situation a little bit, but I still havent seen her yet. She texted me now and asked if im in her town etc, should I go ahead and date her or tell her im busy and see her another day?
  15. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Honestly I would rate myself a 9. I have been together with girls of this caliber before, my ex girlfriend (we lived together) was a model in a swedish mens magazine. I just dont know why I all of a sudden turned AFC to this one girl, maybe I got a oneitis-flu or some s***. But that's all over...
  16. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Now when I think about it, everytime i'm with a friend and tell this girl so, she get jealous in a way and immediatly think it's a girl. I have cut the attention out of the picture, and I feel like I can act like I usually do now around her. I texted her about 5 hours after she texted me...
  17. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Reading it for the first time right now. It gives me glimpses of my personality so far, but now I know black-on-white what to improve and what to cut out.
  18. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Thanks for the advice. Actually that's the weird part, I do "date" (read: ****) alot of different girls regularly. And I treat them the opposite of the girl this thread is about. So I dont know why I decided to be Mr.Nice guy all of a sudden. But from your advice I learned one thing, I need to...
  19. G

    Need help with a HB10

    Good advice. But I dont agree on the part that you cant get sex after 2 weeks, I have, many times over. The circumstances was that she didn't trust me on that night. You sure I should text her back? Since I read some stuff on here that said to not get in touch except by phone call. Her text was...