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  1. G

    Help me choose between 2 women

    Hey guys, I am in a situation where I am choosing between 2 different women, and I know this decision will make a very significant impact on my life. Girl 1; Started seeing her about 1 ½ year ago. Works as a nurse, makes good money, cute but not stunning (swedish standards), shy...
  2. G

    Why Girls Today are Flakier than Ever Before and How to Adapt to Game in this Era

    I've been thinking about the exact same issue OP is posting about. The only way to overcome facebook and the hordes of AFC's, is to destroy her ego with a sledgehammer. It's time we as men learn to be ****y, self confident, charming semi-douchebags. Imagine standing on a streetcorner in...
  3. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    I have been ignoring her since I made this thread. She sent me a couple of messages but I ignored all of them since there wasn't any question in her texts. I agree completely with the guy that said to ignore her until I can get the upper hand. I have done exactly that at least 20 times before...
  4. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    I guess you guys are right. I have to forget about those glorious fun bags. How about facebook? Delete her? Wouldn't that make me look like too emotional?
  5. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    Well number 1 goes for every single member on this site. If you don't ask, you don't learn. As for number 2, I want to bang her because she is attractive, it's not like I want to marry her. Number 3 I agree with. I've taken all your points into consideration, but I would appreciate some...
  6. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    Care to elaborate? You write out exactly what you are thinking on this site, something I would never do with a woman. Is that why you think I am beta?
  7. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    I really should re-read/re-evaluate since I sense way too much estrogen in my self whenever she contacts me. My idea before I made this thread was this. Text her back with a "i'm fine thanks, u?". And when she asks if I want to meet up, i'll ask her "as what? friends?". If she says yes, I'll...
  8. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    Well when we broke up 2 years ago, it was almost completely because of me. I wouldn't let her get in the way of my dream to go to Brazil. While I was over there we broke up on the phone. Well I think the book of pook, among other material is in essence about manipulating attraction since...
  9. G

    When do I stop ignoring her?

    This is regarding my ex girlfriend (8.5). We started dating about 2 years ago, we got together for a couple of months but we broke up when I left for a 2 month vacation in Brazil. During these last 2 years, we have been dating on and off, most of the time just as friends. Recently I made...
  10. G

    Girl hangs up on phone...response?

    great tips guys. well I called her out and told her I dont have any time to be playing around with her...and she admitted she was getting feelings for this other dude and it wasnt her fault because I didnt care about her at all etc etc..... So I told her we can still be "friends" (what...
  11. G

    Girl hangs up on phone...response?

    problem is im way to picky... *heads off to slap myself normal*
  12. G

    Girl hangs up on phone...response?

    She just texted me this: low battery, call you soon It is actually kind of logical since well...her charger is here next to me. I dont care though, I will still give her a **** parade for a couple of days.
  13. G

    Girl hangs up on phone...response?

    I have to admit I like her more since this **** happened. Probably like the girls who start falling in love with me as soon as I stop caring about them. I think having NC will actually just pave the way for the next guy that is trying to hook her up, if that havent happened already. Whats...
  14. G

    Girl hangs up on phone...response?

    Background: I met this chick which I would say is a 8...pretty girl, fake tits. She is very nice personality wise and acts 'caring'. We started meeting a couple of months ago and ended up in a relationship, I ended the relationship by disappearing. I got the urge to **** her again and we...
  15. G

    I do not enjoy socializing

    As soon as I read the thread title, the first thought that popped up in my mind was "this guy is probably a toker". I dont know if you still smoke...but I smoked for a long time on and off. Lay it off and see how you feel after a couple of months. It is very easy for some people to become...
  16. G

    Feel Like I lost FACE

    I think it will make you feel better about yourself if you hear someone else's story who had a worse break up. I was together with my ex for 4 years, we knew each other since childhood...the perfect relationship, perfect sex, perfect everything. She would do ANYTHING I told her, and I gave her...
  17. G

    How do you deal with guy friends?

    Update: She called me up yesterday night and we somehow entered the subject. Since she was complaining on me watching a movie with a old fling (I did this after her "dates") and we agreed on not being alone with friends of the other sex at home etc. She followed this up by telling me how much...
  18. G

    Guys disrespecting your date...?

    Personally I only bring my girlfriend to clubs where I am close friends with everyone, I train with the bouncers and know the owner. So if stuff like this turns up, I can have it sorted out myself or by my friends. If I go to a club where I dont know anyone, I only bring ONS girls.
  19. G

    How do you deal with guy friends?

    Damn it's a small world! I'm moving to Rio for 2 months in 2 weeks! I'll take you up on that offer if i'm around your neck of the woods, but i'll rather do a feijoada and a guarana/acai drink :D
  20. G

    Guys disrespecting your date...?

    Depends on the circumstances. If i'm hanging at some club with some girls I half-know and plan to just f**k, I'd enjoy the compliment in silence. If I was at some restaurant or other public place with my official girlfriend or someone I care about, I'd lit them boys up like a christmas tree.