Guys disrespecting your date...?

S. Pryor

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
What do you do if you're on a date with a woman and a knucklehead(s) disrespects your date? They come up to her saying "nice tits" or something like that. Anything where she's looking at you like "so what are you going to do?" We all know if it was our wives we'd have to without question act because it's our friggin wife! But let's say it was your girlfriend or just a lady you were spending the evening with out. Two women which you don't really have any solid ties to. How do handle the situation? And I'm only asking the EXPERTS on this not the fucking spectators that have ZILCH to contribute.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Depends on the circumstances. If i'm hanging at some club with some girls I half-know and plan to just f**k, I'd enjoy the compliment in silence. If I was at some restaurant or other public place with my official girlfriend or someone I care about, I'd lit them boys up like a christmas tree.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2008
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I never understood what was wrong with responding with "Yeah, I know" when somebody complements some aspect of your girl?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Personally I only bring my girlfriend to clubs where I am close friends with everyone, I train with the bouncers and know the owner. So if stuff like this turns up, I can have it sorted out myself or by my friends.
If I go to a club where I dont know anyone, I only bring ONS girls.

S. Pryor

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
Not at a club. If you and your lady are at a club and she's attractive, you know the vultures are out in full force. Any setting outside of the club is what I'm really getting at. And also what if they call her a bitch or a slut or whatever. What if they tell her to drop you and get with a real man or some shit like that y'know.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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S. Pryor said:
What do you do if you're on a date with a woman and a knucklehead(s) disrespects your date? They come up to her saying "nice tits" or something like that. Anything where she's looking at you like "so what are you going to do?" We all know if it was our wives we'd have to without question act because it's our friggin wife! But let's say it was your girlfriend or just a lady you were spending the evening with out. Two women which you don't really have any solid ties to. How do handle the situation? And I'm only asking the EXPERTS on this not the fucking spectators that have ZILCH to contribute.
You don't react in a negative way. It shows that other people have power over you.

What you should do to keep your girl happy and respect you is to reply in a fun way that shows you don't care what people's opinions are about her. (Remember, not being negatively effected/manipulated/controlled by things around you is part of your goals in general) This also makes her feel more secure knowing that she's the only one who can change how you feel or think about her. Also, when you make a big issue out of it, it becomes a big issue to her. Don't get emotionally upset...anger/hostility, words are not sticks or stones.

For instance: "nice tits" (reply in a joking/smiling way, mean it, and go back to what you were doing as if nothing happened)
"Really, I didn't know that"
"it's good to see you're not blind"
"I know" {---- as mentioned by randomshinichi is a good default for any similar positive comment

This sort of thing also applies on those occasions someone goes negative because they dislike your girl:

"she's a biatch/slut"
"yeah, but she's MY biatch/slut" (this works for her arch-rival females as well)
"doesn't it suck when even a slut turns a guy down?" (remember, lame guys call girls sluts when they've been shot down/rejected, this is a more subtle reply that works wonders, OH SNAP!)

And actually, you can mix it up by not replying verbally at all. I'll give the person a look like the most retarded thing ever was just said and smile/chuckle. It's me displaying that the person is very low status. Quickly taking care of these types of situations and immediately resuming what you were doing stops your girlfriend from thinking/feeling about it much. And, being quick-witted is a quality women highly value in a man.

Women really love this sort of thing. Women want to know their men will protect them from serious threats, not stupid bullshait words some lame person says. Kicking his ass or asking others to do it is right out. I'd like to add that there are SOME girls who really like getting their man in fights and often end up using it as a weapon against him. Many a time I've seen girls do this and they've got a well trained pit-bull that they really don't respect at all. The sad part is that if she gets mad at the guy or loses interest she'll often start provoking situations where he's risking taking a beating....often while she's already working on getting a new guy.

There are of course some exceptions and he'll have to be removed from the situation, like where the guy is a total idiot and won't stop, or it's in a place where you know just about everyone and they'll back or help you get him out of there. But, always maintain your composure and don't use violence unless absolutely necessary.

What if they tell her to drop you and get with a real man or some **** like that y'know
That's not an issue. Remember that women can't stand men telling them what to do or how to feel. The actual real way to get a girl to stop liking her boyfriend enough to drop him with words is he's got to have bad qualities and the person has use reverse psychology to get her pondering those bad qualities without being directly told to do that.

Also, if you react negatively to that sort of thing, she'll smell insecurity and think you're afraid of her leaving you.

S. Pryor

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
About that "doesn't it suck when even a slut turns a guy down?" what if she doesn't turn him down? What if his game is working and he (if it's just one guy and not a bunch of vultures heckling) ends up leaving with the girl? And I'm a little unsure of not making it a big issue. I think in the worst case scenario the girl herself would overreact and act like "how are you gonna let him disrespect me" and this and that. I suppose that's just her showing her cards early and that way you won't waste time with her. BUT the biggest thing....what if someone grabs her tits or ass? It's not an old boyfriend or anything just some asshole that does it. What's the move?


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
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I'm not sure what you guys are getting at with this.

First of all, if a guy does that, the thing I have found to work is to start clapping for him. "That's hilarious, man! What else you got?"

Then make slightly "big eyes" at the girl you are with.

or -

Look at him..clap... then look at the girl "See! I told you he still exsisted.. The Worst Comedian EVER!"

If he really persists:

"Dude, I'm working here. Do I come bother you when you're working at Burger King?" (or whatever)

Worst case scenario, look at the girl and ask "Do you want to talk to him or me?"

If she says you, take her hand and leave.

If she says him, say "Have fun" get up and leave.

She can't say both.

These last two are both from Juggler and work like a charm.


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Still nobody's addressed what to do if some douche literally sexual harrasses her by like grabbing her ass or tits or makes some really lewd comment. I'm eagerly awaiting an answer for this. Every time I play it out in my head, I can't think of a way to resolve it

And yeah not at a club, just in a normal everyday scene like walking down the street or at a restaurant or something.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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sageproduct said:
Still nobody's addressed what to do if some douche literally sexual harrasses her by like grabbing her ass or tits or makes some really lewd comment. I'm eagerly awaiting an answer for this. Every time I play it out in my head, I can't think of a way to resolve it

And yeah not at a club, just in a normal everyday scene like walking down the street or at a restaurant or something.
Where the hell are you hanging out? Seriously. You shouldn't be taking your girl to dangerous places where the laws of civility and decency have broken down so far that women are wantonly groped in the streets or when enjoying Shrimp Scampi.

Or, are you on a pirate ship and there's just one girl?

That aside, if one of the pirates grabs her ass you can say something like "you will not treat my woman in a disrespectful manner, apologize to the lady" in a deep confident way, and take it from there. The more you learn to control your emotions the more you'll be able to slightly let a bit of restrained "nothing will stop me from going to the mat over this if it's repeated" VERY EVENLY CONTROLLED hostility get into your eyes will scare the fark out of even the biggest guys. No one wants to tangle with a guy that looks like he's on the edge of going psycho...and that's how very controlled emotions like that come you could kill him and whistle a happy tune while you're shoveling a hole in the ground.

Guys will back down but he has to "save face" so don't escalate, give him an apology out. People will see and feel your strong intent, plus you forced him do something to fix things. Learn to focus your intent precisely and people won't fark with you or your lady much because you'll radiate a "vibe". Also, kicking people's asses all the time won't stop it from happening again because if they didn't see or hear about the ass kicking, it won't stop it. And, a guy who can beat the fark out of you won't be deterred anyway, he might find it actually fun to target and bully you by messing with your girl.

ALSO: If your girl keeps having this happen when you aren't around or she's flirting and then this happens. DUMP HER. She needs to be able to take care of herself like a big girl without you having to follow her around. Plus, it's a form of control/jealousy and she's training you to be her personal attack dog. If she's constantly putting herself in situations where she's getting manhandled, then something is very wrong. DUMP HER. Don't run around fixing her own messes. DUMP HER.

Random good facial looks combined with dangerous attitudes.

S. Pryor

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
MysteriousGuy there is no way you could possibly live in America. People are fucking insane these days and in most cases your approach would get your put on the news or on youtube.

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
This happened to me once, but not with a GF. I was at the beach w/my fam and playing frisbee w/the sis. Some pr1cks plopped down a few ft from us and were clearly checkin her out and makign comments to each other.

Then eventually she missed a throw and bent over to get it. One guy yelled "nice ass!" My response: "Thanks bro, but I'm not gay." :moon:

Even his mates were like laughing their asses off haha then they moved. The guy who yelled out was clearly their "leader." No respect these days man. But basically just assume they r gay and talking to you.

If he GRABS her. Take him down and press charges for sexual assault/battery. But verbally, just do what I do. Turn it around and make him look like a fag.

more stuff: I read this one somewhere else. Some guy was walking down the street w/his GF and a guy yelled "nice tits babe!" and he replied "Thanks! but I'm taken."


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
MysteriousGuy there is no way you could possibly live in America. People are ****ing insane these days and in most cases your approach would get your put on the news or on youtube.
I was thinking the same thing. That is basically an invitation, even a dare, to fight in the US.

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, CA
i'd tell my date : " look at this desperate loser, pathetic. " because that's exactly what i would be thinking at that point. Afterwards just continue the night casually as if nothing ever happened.

we are only as good as the way we handle things.. In this case, i'm suave and in control.... unaffected by the moves of losers because i'm a winner.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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If you do not stand up for yourself and always demand respect for yourself and your girl, she will lose interest and wander off with what she feels is a more confident & powerful guy when she gets a chance. If you're married, it's going to really suck when she starts not wanting sex and starts prettying herself up more as well as finding "things to go do" while you're watching the kids.

If you let men grab her breasts and butt as described by random men in your presence in streets and while dining then don't be at all surprised when she eventually lets them do it when you are not around as well as other parts of her body. :yes:

You protect your woman by being an intimidating presence to other men when appropriate and demand an apology for your girl in a controlled and focused manner. THIS IS TRUE POWER AND CONFIDENCE. If you aren't willing to risk some injuries to protect her physical safety then you'll always lose to the men who will. Like I have said, violence is a last resort but just the display that some really controlled shait will be going down and the look in your eyes of zero intimidation is enough to get these lower status men to back down. They'll see you aren't jealous, they'll see you're willing to do what it takes to protect your woman but there's a way out. When you handle these things correctly in a controlled manner he'll realize a) he can apologize "my bad" whatever, b) he can be a **** and walk away knowing he's the lesser man, or c) risk serious bodily harm from a guy who is displaying total confidence in himself...the jerk has two much easier ways to get out of the situation and since you are controlling yourself you don't have his anger up. He'll be more logical and while he's thinking fear will get in without a lot of anger to stop it and he'll back down.

There are rare exceptions to everything of course. You need to use your best judgement. For instance, if the guy obvious has crack pipe burns or is completely wasted out of his mind on something, then, of course, it's better to let it go and just pull her close and slightly behind you. Your girl will understand that sort of thing, being confident and powerful but not stupid in the face of someone who's seriously unbalanced. Do not apologize for not demanding an apology....just calmly mention "wow, drugs can really mess people" afterwards and go on about your business.

Living in fear of all other men and not taking confident action when your woman is manhandled in your presence will build up inside you and tear you apart as well as make her very insecure and unhappy with you. When you have a woman who treats you well and with respect then you are responsible for her safety at all times when she's in your presence.

And, the idea that USA primates are completely different than other primates on Earth is a cop-out.

PS: Taking your woman to unsafe environments where this is commonplace on the streets and in dining places is a very bad idea.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Men who disrespect others only disrespect themselves, and in doing so they ensure their continued frustration, mediocrity, and failure.

Think about it: do those truly rich, truly successful, truly important go around disrespecting others? No, because their power is founded on the mutual cooperation of others in the community, be it locally or at large. They are free to think however they wish, but they keep it to themselves. It is much easier for the Proletarian common clay to be disrespectful, they don't have anything to lose anyway.

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, CA
Julius_Seizeher said:
It is much easier for the common man to be disrespectful, he doesn't have anything to lose anyway.
There you go, someone that GETS respect, respects others BACK because he is someone of value.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Piano Master said:
That's why you should stay out of clubs.
I agree, for some value of 'clubs'; my respnse would probably be something like "wow, I thought this was a classy place" or similar.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
lol @ poster who said that "in America" (assuming you meant USA) this happens all the time....get real dude. go to Argentina or Brazil where men literally grab women off the streets