Guys disrespecting your date...?

S. Pryor

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2009
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That "poster" who said that was me young'n. LOL at "assuming you meant USA". Did you think I meant North America, South America, North Pole, South Pole???? I don't know how it is in other people's countries. That's why I said it. For all I know people may not be THAT crazy in your country. Forgive me young man for I have sinned. Gtfoh.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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everytime i picture my self in a situation like that

im wearing a blazer and i take the guy by the sholder and tell him to back off (in a cold mafia way)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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This is a **** test in my eyes by a random dude. Do you show her your some tough guy and get in his face, cause a scene. She is going to either love it, or think your some out of control tough guy. You do nothing your just so calm cool and collective, or you are a wimp. It seems like you in a no win situation. I can not afford to get in a fight at a bar with my career, so I would probally wisper something to her and leave the bar or club take her somewhere else.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2001
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Buenos Aires, Argentina.
pua1989 said:
lol @ poster who said that "in America" (assuming you meant USA) this happens all the time....get real dude. go to Argentina or Brazil where men literally grab women off the streets
Mmm, I live in Argentina and never seen this done in the streets or a club.

We are not cavemen!!!

Now were the **** did I leave my mastodon steak???


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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Aiken_Drum said:
Mmm, I live in Argentina and never seen this done in the streets or a club.

We are not cavemen!!!

Now were the **** did I leave my mastodon steak???
Television tends to give that impression. They often show dangerous crap happening everywhere like it's rampant and it's a very scary world in general.

Well, not everywhere. There is an exception. Staying tuned in and sitting in front of a TV is safe. Go figure that.

"Sit tight and let us pump some more vicarious in your veins, it's all good!".

I'll stop now before I go into a long rant about how advertising's main goal is to crush people's self-esteem so they'll be dissatisfied and buy more stuff to temporarily "quick-fix" the self-esteem. (that advertising crushed, hahaha, good one).


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Getting into a fist fight over a comment regarding a woman you hardly know seems a little extreme to me. If someone grabbed a woman in my company, I would of course physically intervene. Comments alone, I would just take my date away from him and then have a management or a bouncer boot him. Part of being dominant is knowing that you're in control, that you have things handled. Starting a fight over a comment is a sign that you're out of control proportionate to the situation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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S. Pryor said:
And also what if they call her a bitch or a slut or whatever. What if they tell her to drop you and get with a real man or some shit like that y'know.
right there they are disrespecting YOU directly. It's not about the girl anymore it's about you. You don't have to punch a guy in the face for it, but come up with a witty come back on the spot that will put the ball in his court. You'd be surprised how many guys are just talkers, and will back up the instant you stand up to them.

If they get irritated and start revving up, then it becomes really funny. At this point my favorite things to say are "you're mad now big boy? you want me to call your momma to fix you some hot chocolate?" or "look at him he's getting all angry... you lost your favorite teddy bear?"

Just talk to the guy like he is a retarded 5 y.o. chances are pple around will start laughing too, at which point the guy can either get physical with you (rare) or he will walk away in shame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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When you handle these things correctly in a controlled manner he'll realize a) he can apologize "my bad" whatever, b) he can be a **** and walk away knowing he's the lesser man, or c) risk serious bodily harm from a guy who is displaying total confidence in himself.
Okay, so you demand an apology and the guy says: "I'm not apologizing, what are you going to do about it, punk?". What's your next move?

Because IMO nine times out of ten when you demand an apology this is going to be the response. The only time the guy would apologize is if you clearly have a size advantage on him. I'm sure we all know guys who, once they get a few drinks in them, want to start a fight. A friend of mine is this way. He's fine sober, but a few drinks and he wants to fight. And he's a BIG ripped guy so I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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zekko said:
Okay, so you demand an apology and the guy says: "I'm not apologizing, what are you going to do about it, punk?". What's your next move?

Because IMO nine times out of ten when you demand an apology this is going to be the response. The only time the guy would apologize is if you clearly have a size advantage on him. I'm sure we all know guys who, once they get a few drinks in them, want to start a fight. A friend of mine is this way. He's fine sober, but a few drinks and he wants to fight. And he's a BIG ripped guy so I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that.
Ok, let's say you're somewhere and some guy grabs your mother's, sister's, or daughter's ass?

Or, he goes for all three. You're just doing to stand there and not demand an apology? Just pretend it didn't happen? I'm sure they'll love it and decide you did the right thing :rolleyes:

Don't accept second class treatment. Be confident, be a Man.

There are many ways a confident man can keep a situation from spiraling out of control. Even if the guy is a **** about it at least you took action and didn't let the possibility of physical danger scare you into not showing your women that you're ready to protect them when necessary.
Apr 13, 2008
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Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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Franky Four Fingers said:
PS - Case in point;

This brings me back to my younger years in high school. I was inside a house hanging with my friends when a friend of mine took a beating outside of the house from a bunch of other teenagers just passing by. He ended up getting knocked out literally. A girl that was not his girlfriend that was with him outside (there were two girls with him, one was his girlfriend) came up to the house to ask for help. I went downstairs seen my friend lieing on the ground knocked out as the other teenagers were walking away.

I checked my friend real quick and went out into the street and yelled to the leaving teenagers "who's f*king with my friend", the gang all came back, my friend comes around and he starts talking with them and it turns out it was a misunderstanding and he works things out with them (my friend got a few licks in before getting knocked out and one of the bigger teenagers nose was bleeding).

The girl who was not my friends girlfriend, just mentioned above, who seen me stand up for my friend ready to fight (what I now know as alpha male behavior) starting chasing me down over a period of two weeks trying to get me to go out with her. I did end up going out with her. However, some months later someone disrespected me personally while she was with me and I didn't respond. A short time later she left me.

Moral of the story; if she's your serious girlfriend and some schmuck disrespects her he better apologize and if he doesn't you better make him or you better find another woman because she WILL leave you. Yeap, even that woman who loves you that you've been with for 5 years in a relationship. Gone.
Yes. She will eventually leave.

I don't think that people are understanding that this is built into women and not a concious choice. Their #1 emotional priority is security....without security, they're not very happy no matter how other things are going in general.

When a man stands up for his woman's physical safety, it makes her hot.

If he doesn't, it turns her off. And, when someday she sees some other woman's man standing up for her, she'll feel very jealousy/upset/angry, realize she doesn't have a man, and she'll be planning on leaving, even if she wasn't before.

You can't beat nature in this regard.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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ThatMysteriousGuy said:
Ok, let's say you're somewhere and some guy grabs your mother's, sister's, or daughter's ass?.

911, that's assault, and a free ride in a police car is better than an apology.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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fuzzx said:
Remember a fight can result in DEATH or very serious injury. If one of you tried to pick a fight with me, you'd go home in a wheelchair. Be careful who you decide to jump. I have permanently dislocated the knuckles in my hand due to an impact injury... in the end it wasn't worth it.

Some of you 'tough guys' will run head first into your own funeral.

Usually *I* am the one to point that out, good job. I'm not sure how things are everywhere, obviously, but it's common for people to carry a firearm here in the pacific NW.

How tough would these tough guys feel with a few extra holes in their physique?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Ok, let's say you're somewhere and some guy grabs your mother's, sister's, or daughter's ass?

Or, he goes for all three. You're just doing to stand there and not demand an apology? Just pretend it didn't happen? I'm sure they'll love it and decide you did the right thing

Don't accept second class treatment. Be confident, be a Man.
I didn't ask you for a speech on confidence, I asked you what your next move would be if he didn't apologize as you demanded? I take it from your response you would hit him. See, I don't think your demand of an apology is going to do anything except force a physical confrontation, unless as I said he is clearly smaller than you. I might also point out that this thread started with a guy making a remark about your girl's boobs, and now your bringing up somebody grabbing your daughter's ass? Whole different case there.

This actually happened to me when I was about 27. I took a date to a party, she was an HB9, and some drunk dude there started getting a little handsy with her, and she was protesting. I didn't hit him, but I took him down to the ground, put a hold on him, and made him assure me he would act appropriately before I let him up. You might have been proud of me, but I felt like an @ss, and I don't think it won me any points with the girl either. I think she thought it was brutish and disgusting. Back then I was quicker to violence, now that I'm older I probably would avoid it. Maybe step between them and say "whoa, hands off the merchandise" or something like that.

I keep thinking what if it's a guy like my buddy who is huge and ripped? Because that sounds like JUST the sort of thing he would do when he drinks. The thought of me attacking him seems laughable because there's little doubt he would crush me, it would be like me jumping Ray Lewis. I guess I could start chopping at the ankles and work my way up. Getting your @ss beat doesn't seem like it's going to prove to your girl that you're alpha.

But I agree you can't just let some guy maul your girlfriend. As Kenny Rodgers said "sometimes you have to fight when you're a man". The problem I have with your "demand an apology" approach is it almost ensures a fight. I would be most concerned about legal actions against me (as opposed to getting beat up) if I were to actually initiate the physical contact. It doesn't seem like a good idea.


Sep 18, 2009
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This problem's probably the toughest one I've thought about because it doesn't seem like there's a good solution. I think it's pretty much agreed that if it's just a lewd comment that a witty comeback or deflection would be enough. But what if the guy does grab her ass or something? Some are saying just to not bring a girl to a club, but this could happen anywhere. The scum of the earth could jump out at Six Flags and sexually harrass your girl.

I still don't think anyone's been able to answer this problem very well. I liked the "demand an apology" tactic, but zekko was completely right in that it almost ensures a physical conflict. I'm pretty sure the azzhole would just laugh at you and make some other nasty remark.

How about "You better not do that again, or else __________?" It seems to me that it'll have a higher rate of success. But seriously, what in the world do you do if the guy does it again, doesn't listen to you and he's some hugeass ripped mofo?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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I see that nobody likes my idea of making fun of the guy in a disrespectful way. Is anybody here familiar with the concept of self-defense? If you punch a guy in the face for groping your girl you go to jail. If a guy tries to hit you first, misses, then you clock him you're in the clear.

One of my buddies who had a couple fights in the ufc used to to this if anybody disrespected his girl or just tried to start a fight with him. Well, the catch is that some of his friends would usually clue in the wanna-be tough guy that my buddy is a pro fighter, at which point the tough guy would just deflate and starte to apolog9ize profusely.

I agree, guns are a big problem. I don't have a solution for that...

Howevert, as a general rule, your woman will dig it when you stand up for her. As The Mysterious Guy and others have pointed out, a woman is naturally looking for security/a shelter. If you DON'T stand up for her she will always feel like you are not the MAN for her. It's only a matter of time b4 she dumps you. If you don't care about her (just a random date) then no big deal, but if it's your gf then you're in trouble. You could do everything else right, but if you cannot provide that feeling of security for your chick she will look for someone else who can.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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drak_ool said:
I see that nobody likes my idea of making fun of the guy in a disrespectful way. Is anybody here familiar with the concept of self-defense?
I have some training, mostly firearms use and weapon retention. The thing is, I wouldn't verbally escalate, I'd probably just say something like "We should go someplace classy, this place is full of trash" or something to my girl - I don't need to interact and later possibly kill someone. Obviously the place is full of people who are not my kind of people if that crap is happening.

At most, he can have a free ride in a police car.