Need help with a HB10


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Need help with a HB8

Hey guys

I've read alot of threads and advice given on this site, and I'd rate myself pretty good at following them usually. But I met this incredibly hot swede about 1 ½ month ago and she neutralized me with her looks.
Some background info...(warning, long rant)
I started dating her through a mutual friend, she was obviously attracted by me but still didn't want to make it physical. Mostly because she just broke up with her ex, and she wanted to trust me first. I understood that, I even respected her opinion. I dated her for a couple of weeks (AFC as f*** but I was dumb founded by her looks etc). I was picking her up at work (we live 40 mins apart and in different cities), and taking her everywhere buying **** etc. We fooled around 1 time at my place but we didn't go all the way, but clearly she wanted to, just didn't because of the circumstances.

Anyway it's been 1 ½ month and I was calling/texting more than I should. And she was taking a long time to text me back, sometimes as long as 1 ½ day. But being the neutralized SOB that I was, I confronted her in a nice way and she told me she needed some time for herself. I didn't even try to make her chase me, or anything.
Anyways we haven't talked for exactly 5 days and I haven't texted her or nothing, and she just now texted me and asked me how I am etc. Should I ignore the message and wait for her to call? Or should I wait and text her back?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Gameness said:
Hey guys

I've read alot of threads and advice given on this site, and I'd rate myself pretty good at following them usually,But I met this incredibly hot swede about 1 ½ month ago and she neutralized me with her looks.

fair enough it'll happen

Some background info...(warning, long rant)
I started dating her through a mutual friend, she was obviously attracted by me but still didn't want to make it physical. Mostly because she just broke up with her ex, and she wanted to trust me first.

I understood that, I even respected her opinion. I dated her for a couple of weeks

Sex is a fast process, if you haven't done in 2weeks its very unlikely you ever will with her. Always be sexual.

(AFC as f*** but I was dumb founded by her looks etc). I was picking her up at work (we live 40 mins apart and in different cities), and taking her everywhere buying **** etc.

No don't ever do this again, she just sees you as another guy that worships her looks.

We fooled around 1 time at my place but we didn't go all the way, but clearly she wanted to, just didn't because of the circumstances.

This was your chance here. What kind of circumstances could they be that you couldn't step away with her somewhere for a quicky.

Anyway it's been 1 ½ month and I was calling/texting more than I should. And she was taking a long time to text me back

rightfully so, shes probably talking with her ex as well

, sometimes as long as 1 ½ day. But being the neutralized SOB that I was, I confronted her in a nice way and she told me she needed some time for herself.

fair enough at least you know the situation.

I didn't even try to make her chase me, or anything.
Anyways we haven't talked for exactly 5 days and I haven't texted her or nothing, and she just now texted me and asked me how I am etc. Should I ignore the message and wait for her to call? Or should I wait and text her back?

text her back and say you've been good. Meet some new girls, this will prevent you from coming off so needy.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
EFFORT said:

Good advice. But I dont agree on the part that you cant get sex after 2 weeks, I have, many times over. The circumstances was that she didn't trust me on that night. You sure I should text her back? Since I read some stuff on here that said to not get in touch except by phone call. Her text was exactly like this, Hey how are you? Whats up?


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Gameness said:
Hey gameness.

I've read alot of threads and advice given on this site, and I'd rate myself pretty good at following them usually.
:cool: So what seems to be the problem?

But I met this incredibly hot swede about 1 ½ month ago and she neutralized me with her looks.
Hmm. No she did not. You 'neutralized' yourself, she had nothing to do with it. It amazes me how people think that others can control how they act, think, feel, ect. You are the only one in control of yourself so place the blame where it belongs.

Some background info...(warning, long rant)
Bleh I dont like listening to rants, but got time to help you out. Continue.

I started dating her through a mutual friend, she was obviously attracted by me but still didn't want to make it physical. Mostly because she just broke up with her ex, and she wanted to trust me first. I understood that, I even respected her opinion. .
I got the same problem with this 31 year old woman who is my next door neighbor lol. But I dont 'go out of my way' for her or anything..

I dated her for a couple of weeks (AFC as f*** but I was dumb founded by her looks etc). I was picking her up at work (we live 40 mins apart and in different cities), and taking her everywhere buying **** etc. We fooled around 1 time at my place but we didn't go all the way, but clearly she wanted to, just didn't because of the circumstances.
Oh ****. WTF is your problem, Mr. Nice Guy? Didnt you say you read the stuff on this website earlier? You must not have been listening then huh? Go read the Book of Pook right now!! (Google it)

Anyway it's been 1 ½ month and I was calling/texting more than I should. And she was taking a long time to text me back, sometimes as long as 1 ½ day.
God your a chump.

But being the neutralized SOB that I was, I confronted her in a nice way and she told me she needed some time for herself.
:crackup: I had no idea there was a 'nice way' to confront somebody. A confrontation always has a negative connotation to it, not positive. I have never seen a 'nice confrontation', infact those two words dont even sound right together. And haha you deserved what she did to you btw, thats what you get when you are a 'Nice Guy'.

I didn't even try to make her chase me, or anything.]
Im glad you didnt.

Anyways we haven't talked for exactly 5 days and I haven't texted her or nothing, and she just now texted me and asked me how I am etc. Should I ignore the message and wait for her to call? Or should I wait and text her back?
Didnt text her? Well good job el chumpo. Wait a couple of hours and text her back (After all she waited a day to answer your texts) . Try to set up a date, keep it at 2-3 texts maximum, if shes not down with a date, oh well dont text back. Make her come back to you. And stop being such a chump, dont let women rule your life. Stop buying her stuff and all the other stuff you were doing or you'll lose her. Show her you dont need her. Are you two 'exclusive'? If not then why arent you messing with other girls? But its good you know what your doing wrong, so just fix it lol do the opposite man, its not very hard.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice. Actually that's the weird part, I do "date" (read: ****) alot of different girls regularly. And I treat them the opposite of the girl this thread is about. So I dont know why I decided to be Mr.Nice guy all of a sudden.
But from your advice I learned one thing, I need to be myself, and treat this one just like the rest of them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
your a typical afc. what you can do now is to re-read the dj bible and work on things like patience & control. learn how to just wait and listen. only respond if you have relevant things to say.

i'd say for the text she sent you. just tell her you've been great and you guys should catch up sometime. Before you meet up with her read the dj bible.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
your a typical afc. what you can do now is to re-read the dj bible and work on things like patience & control. learn how to just wait and listen. only respond if you have relevant things to say.

i'd say for the text she sent you. just tell her you've been great and you guys should catch up sometime. Before you meet up with her read the dj bible.

Reading it for the first time right now. It gives me glimpses of my personality so far, but now I know black-on-white what to improve and what to cut out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Just be cool man maybe you are her type maybe not. If you are, you'll find out when you try to hang out with her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Man i would reply back ..."hanging out with a friend" that way she wonders if it is a girl or not and it shows social vaule. Ofcourse you are not hanging out w a friend but sometime you need to lie especially when dealing with HB10's.

If she texts anything else you do not answer for about 2-3 hrs..

If she does ask what you did again make something up and make sure to tell her that the so called friend was a girl. Trust me HB8-10 get jelous and she will see that you have more options than her.

ALSO STOP BEING AFC AND ACTING NEEDY!!!! girls love attention and when you give it to them they get bored especially the hot ones.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Prodigy746 said:
Man i would reply back ..."hanging out with a friend" that way she wonders if it is a girl or not and it shows social vaule. Ofcourse you are not hanging out w a friend but sometime you need to lie especially when dealing with HB10's.

If she texts anything else you do not answer for about 2-3 hrs..

If she does ask what you did again make something up and make sure to tell her that the so called friend was a girl. Trust me HB8-10 get jelous and she will see that you have more options than her.

ALSO STOP BEING AFC AND ACTING NEEDY!!!! girls love attention and when you give it to them they get bored especially the hot ones.
Now when I think about it, everytime i'm with a friend and tell this girl so, she get jealous in a way and immediatly think it's a girl. I have cut the attention out of the picture, and I feel like I can act like I usually do now around her.
I texted her about 5 hours after she texted me yesterday, and she answered within 10 minutes. Now I still haven't answered but I might, in 6 hours, if I got some time over :cool:


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
kingy said:
what do you rate yourself? cos if its not a 10 you are never ever going to get her and keep her

Honestly I would rate myself a 9. I have been together with girls of this caliber before, my ex girlfriend (we lived together) was a model in a swedish mens magazine. I just dont know why I all of a sudden turned AFC to this one girl, maybe I got a oneitis-flu or some s***. But that's all over now, no more free ride's, no dating without sex...or in other words ass, gas or grass. :D


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Alright so i've managed to flip the situation a little bit, but I still havent seen her yet. She texted me now and asked if im in her town etc, should I go ahead and date her or tell her im busy and see her another day?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
she hasn't asked you out, on this one be busy "not in x town tonight, my friend katja has flown in from poland and we're going out in X - fun times of glory x"

that will make it a lot easier to go for the meetup on your terms next time, 9s n 10s usually take a few more messages to get the meet cos they have so many options.

p.s. look me up in you come to london, sounds like u got some skillz


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
kingy said:
she hasn't asked you out, on this one be busy "not in x town tonight, my friend katja has flown in from poland and we're going out in X - fun times of glory x"

that will make it a lot easier to go for the meetup on your terms next time, 9s n 10s usually take a few more messages to get the meet cos they have so many options.

p.s. look me up in you come to london, sounds like u got some skillz
Funny as hell that you said Katja from Poland...I actually know a katja that lives in Wroclaw. Thanks for the advice, i'm basically just acting like a man right now, letting nature have its way. It helped alot to read the DJ bible.

Sure thing, i've been to london before. Unfortunately I didn't stay for too long so I could enjoy the local scenery a little bit more ;)