When she starts crawling back...?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lets say you meet a girl, she has average interest level, you date and fool around a couple of times. I gave her 2 shots at dating me again but she came with 'maybe' suggestions and I cant settle for anything less than determined dates. We were supposed to meet tonight but "everything got late" and she is still at another town with her girlfriend. I dont give a s**t if she is shopping or sucking a c**k but I get angry when someone disrespects a meeting/date.

So she is now in isolation, she will call me withing 3 days I am sure. I have no idea if I should reject her completely though or give her another shot? How do you deal with them when they come crawling back after you have employed the 2 strikes rule?

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Each situation needs to be judged on its own merit. If shes hot, and now chasing you, why not give her another shot. if she's "crawling back"... there is a hint of obligation on her part, in which a good DJ will capitalize upon.

Look at this comparison: Say you are a salesman. And a person you have cultivated for a sale backs out. Some people would say to drop that prospect completely... spend your time cold-calling on new prospects. I say I must agree to an extent, but also why not take another shot at the one you have already cultivated. Theres a good chance that they will come through this time. As long as shes approaching you for another chance, use it. it's still time better spent than cold-calling. What do you have to lose? a few hours of your time? Know when the situation is aligned in your favor, and ripe for the taking.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Joe Stud said:
Each situation needs to be judged on its own merit. If shes hot, and now chasing you, why not give her another shot. if she's "crawling back"... there is a hint of obligation on her part, in which a good DJ will capitalize upon.

Look at this comparison: Say you are a salesman. And a person you have cultivated for a sale backs out. Some people would say to drop that prospect completely... spend your time cold-calling on new prospects. I say I must agree to an extent, but also why not take another shot at the one you have already cultivated. Theres a good chance that they will come through this time. As long as shes approaching you for another chance, use it. it's still time better spent than cold-calling. What do you have to lose? a few hours of your time? Know when the situation is aligned in your favor, and ripe for the taking.

I can relate to this since I was in sales before. She actually called me tonight some hour after I made this thread. She might have called because she wanted to make sure I wasn't mad, we talked for approximately 35-40 minutes. This is a big no no I know...but she was spilling her heart out about very private stuff not even her best friends knows, so I couldn't really hang up without being rude. Next time I see her I will make it clear that I am not a girlfriend though, she makes out with me, she better try to **** with me.
I think I need to emphasize on being more of a challenge, since looks/confidence/self control is all good. Maybe backpedal a bit and let her chase me more you know what im saying?