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  1. D

    Neutrality of game

    Why does it seem like these boards have become a lot more hostile recently? Yes, this post is maybe a little repetitive relative to many of the posts, but so is much of the first chapter of the Bible. Keep posting these SPIS, cause I prefer to read this over "I called her tonight and she...
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    How would you deal with Ed the Sock?

    Desdinova: Sure, that works, but "you're fvcking gay" is a pretty lame insult anyway. I'm talking like really, really funny stuff, where if you just sit and take it, you look like a giggly idiot, but if you try to talk back you have no chance. Another example is Ali G. For a Comic Relief...
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    How would you deal with Ed the Sock?

    Have you ever had to deal with an aggressive bigmouth? For those of you outside of Canada, Ed the Sock is a VJ on MuchMusic. He's in a similar vein as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, who sometimes appears on Conan O'Brien. Basically, he's a sock puppet who insults everyone and everything, which...
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    FR: New Years

    Always fun to read your posts. Keep it up.
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    Have you ever wanted to fvck a dorky chick?

    Dude... you test your fruit for diseases before you eat it? That's just crazy.;)
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    Player Haters - Need Advice

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I think that not letting it get to me is really what DJ is all about.
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    Player Haters - Need Advice

    Do any of you have problems making friends with guys? All throughout high school, I was super-shy and introverted, and I had only a few close friends, all of them male. We were all pretty AFC together, and our frustration was a source of bonding. Now that I've moved on to college, I'm totally...
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    Great example of C&F in action

    This is hilarious. I know what is meant by that moment when the girl snaps. I often hear "A little conceited, are we?" followed by me saying "Conceited means you're not as good as you think you are. I *am* as good as I think I am." Works like a charm everytime.
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    Lay Report: Too tight ass

    Hey Vanilla, don't take it so hard... I remember my first time (wasn't that long ago, but before I came here). Your story doesn't even compare to the surrealness (and hilarity) of mine. If you want a good laugh sometime, send me a PM.
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    I know that exact feeling. When I hear platonic-chick friends say how so-and-so is hot, I can't help but feel somewhat jealous. It used to bug me a lot more when I was more AFC, and I didn't realize that people say that about me. I think the key is to think of yourself as the sh!t, but that...
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    Bud Babes Boxing (fr)

    Hey man, I saw Bud, Babes and Boxing and I thought that it was awesome to find another Winnipegger here. Do you go to any of the Canad Inns bars?
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    I've noticed about eye contact

    I get that problem with some girls. When I make EC from a distance, they always look away first unless I smile right away. I tend to be a little slow with the smile, because I think that smiling all the time makes you look like a geek. But on the other hand, I think it can make you look...
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    Nice Girl vs Party Girl

    I've been following stuff from for a long time now, and I'd always thought I was really pimp. Tonight was a very humbling experience for me. In my relationships, I tend to have better luck with the "Nice Girls", the ones you meet on the street and not in clubs. This doesn't...
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    Anybody from winnipeg?

    I'm from Winnipeg too. Where do you hang out?