Great example of C&F in action


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
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I subscribe to the David DeAngelo Double Your Dating email newsletter. It's filled with alot of good stuff on seduction. I thought this example recently of C&F sent in by a reader was brilliant:



I'm a guy who has had pretty good success with
women. Im in shape, and attractive, not shy, and
have always had the attitude that if she isn't
interested there must be something wrong with HER.
But your materials are fantastic. They have helped
me have a PLAN so I have been better prepared in
certain situations. And the entire C/F thing has
helped me weed out the right women. In other
words...some women get offended, turned off to this
approach. GREAT!!!! If you are a stuffy, too good
for everyone, can't have any fun woman I dont need
you OR your attitude. It helps find out who the fun
ones are.

Now for how your materials helped me this past
weekend. Im in a college football town and was at
a huge tailgate (10,000 people) party that takes
place near the stadium in front of a local hotel.

Im in the hallway of the hotel using my cell phone
and see a GORGEOUS girl sitting on a bench doing the
same. Heres the dialogue when she gets up to leave.

Me: "You're going to leave without even hitting on
Her: "You need a better line than that"
Me: "That wasn't a line"
Her: "That was a line and a bad one"
Me: "For it to be a line I would have had to be
interested in you"
Her: Laughs and hits me
Her: "You're a player"
Me: "You're not very smart are you? The game
already started and the players are on the
field. I thought you would meet
some athlete down here, seduce him and hit the
lottery huh?
Her: Hitting me again.
Me: Why dont you try Los Angeles. Kobe's out there
Her: I have to go into the bathroom DONT go

This is where it gets Classic. While she is in the
bathroom her friend (who I dont know is her friend
and wasnt around earlier) sits down on a chair
near me and we make eye contact. I think to myself
that if I werent waiting on the other one I would
get to know this one. We exchange a couple of
smiles and thats it. I thought about getting an
email, but didnt. so here is how it picked up with
the original girl.

Me: Its about time. I almost didnt wait that long
Her: STOP!!!!
Me: Plus I had that girl over there hitting on me
Her: Thats my friend I came with!
Me: Some friend, she tried to steal me when you
weren't looking
Her: (to her friend) Were you hitting on him
Friend: Maybe (laughing)
Her: The love of my life and you try to steal him
Me: I have to get to a private party Im here for...
do you have email
Her: Only if I get yours
Me: Only if I get a kiss goodbye
Her: (quick kiss on the lips)
Me: Thats not what I meant....tell your friend
you will be back in about 5 minutes
Her: (to friend) You going to be here for 5
Me: Follow me!

The rest is private! But again....your information
is priceless!


What you have written here is GENIUS LEVEL

I could write an entire chapter of a book on this
one short story... hell, I might even do that
some day.

The one thing that I will comment on here is the
amazing ability you've demonstrated of serving
the ball back over the net EVERY TIME she tried
to be a stuck-up, bratty girl.

Most guys would have thrown in the towel at the
very first "You need a better line than that".

As soon as a woman says something like that to
most guys, the guy crumbles... he falters... he
loses his composure... and he's DONE.

In that moment when he loses his balance, she
instantly and unconsciously has that gut-level
"Wuss" response... and the door SLAMS shut.

Most guys don't realize that if you can "keep
the ball in play", you can turn a situation like
this from "bad" to "WAAAAYYY GOOD" in a matter of
a few SECONDS.

I was talking to a good friend of mine recently,
and we were talking about starting conversations
with women.

We were talking about that moment when you first
start using ****y Comedy with a woman... and she
says "You're kind of full of yourself... what
makes you think you're so cool?"... as if she's
put off by your attitude...

And my friend looks at me, shakes his head,
smirks, and says "Yea, you own her at that

Now, what did he mean?

How is it possible that if you've apparently
acted too ****y... and turned a woman off...
that you could "own her"?

Well, it's true.

I was once joking with a friend... sometimes
you'll meet a girl... and you'll bust her
balls and tease her so much that she starts to
get agitated... and all of a sudden she snaps
into a mode of:

"I don't know what it is that makes you think
you're god's gift... but I need to make out
with you to find out!"

LOL... it's funny.

Now, like I mentioned before, this is more
advanced stuff.

You need to have a good feel for chemistry and
sexual tension before you really try these
types of moves with women you don't know.

But there's a very interesting lesson here...

A woman doesn't have to LIKE you to feel
ATTRACTION for you. The ATTRACTION happens
on its own... regardless of other things
happening at the same time.

George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Sounds like a typical day in the life of George Gordon, only he doesn't have time to transcribe 2-4 of these dialogues a day.



Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
This is hilarious. I know what is meant by that moment when the girl snaps. I often hear "A little conceited, are we?" followed by me saying "Conceited means you're not as good as you think you are. I *am* as good as I think I am."

Works like a charm everytime.