Neutrality of game

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Ever since Adam met Eve, the game was already made... it hasn't changed much, if at all in that time. The only differences now are the social constructs in which the game is played.

The world reacts to your confidence, and responds to your character and convictions, nothing more and nothing less. Nature is completely neutral to your success or failure.

Consider the game of Football, the plays are roughly the same regardless of which team you are on... and to coin the cliche; On any given day there is a winner and there is a loser.

What determines the winners and the losers?
Especially because, at least for the pros, their abilities are at the top of the game...

The confidence of each member of the team is crucial, because without the confidence to say that they can throw or catch the ball, or to stop the opposing linebacker... more of those attempts will be missed, and the game will be lost. That is the birth of the convictions of being part of the winning team.

Also, their character, that willingness to push as hard as you can while your muscles and everything about you are screaming for you to stop... The motivation to do whatever it takes to not let down the team, and the strength to go on where others have quit. These traits are what determines the winners and the losers in any given game.

So, in the dawn of man, since it was these strongest of men that gathered all the women, these are the traits that still today will woo a woman far more then all the flowers you could ever buy. Yet, in other times, the social restraints meant that the man could not touch the woman, and was forced to use his words to display his confidence, character, and convictions.

Nature is completely neutral, and you can see this in that we are ALL born with the same experience, we all have the same bodies and the same potential.

So why are some of us getting regular action, while others are barely scraping by?

My theory is that those AFCs feel that the social norm IS the game, and so they go against nature to follow the social restraints thinking that it will get them where they want to go... Whereas, the truly enlightened sees the nature within himself, and tactfully adjusts his game to go along with those social restraints, and develops his character and confidence... and develops the convictions that HE IS A WINNER in the game.

But, when it comes down to it.... how are you going to get nature to 'favor' yourself?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mack Bishop
LOL --- i agree with Mack Bishop. So Pimp... your advice may sound inspirational but it does no good if it is not based on reality, plus you're saying the same things over and over.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
It's not so much meant to be inspirational, but rather a bitter dose of reality.

What it boils down to is that there is no free lunch... not now, not ever.

Otherwise, please explain how this is not a realistic viewpoint.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Why does it seem like these boards have become a lot more hostile recently? Yes, this post is maybe a little repetitive relative to many of the posts, but so is much of the first chapter of the Bible.

Keep posting these SPIS, cause I prefer to read this over "I called her tonight and she sounded hesitant... what do I do?????" posts.