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    The official feminism thread [Merged threads]

    Dude, You seem to have the nasty habit of putting words in everyone's mouth. I mean, "we should all be ashamed of our sexuality"? Wtf? BGMan didn't say anything of the sort. He merely criticized Kinsey's methodology, which many other disinterested parties have done. I guess, though, that...
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    MrCode's Boot Camp Journal

    Hi Mr. Code, I can empathize with you over the lack of sleep. The class your taking sounds interesting, btw. I hope it helps you meet interesting people. Best of luck.
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    Acheron's Boot Camp

    Haven't done much lately. Been really tired and busy. Only got in one approach this week. Saw two ugly girls walking down the street, one of whom was wearing a shirt that read, "I (heart) nerds." Said, "Hey, your t-shirt is awesome! Do you really love nerds?" Got a positive reply and proceded...
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    duke007's Boot Camp Journal

    Keep up the good work! It sounds like even the failed approaches are really improving your game.
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    Acheron's Boot Camp

    Great to hear fron you, Mr. Code. I hope you can immerse yourself in your BC now that the hurricanes have passed. Today I greeted five people, had extended conversations with two, and performed one successful cold approach. The victim this time around was an HB 9 working outside on French...
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    The Ultimate Bootcamp

    I don't have any friends that I would feel comfortable explaining the situation to. I think I should get some cheap professional pictures. I wonder if they do that kind of thing in the mall somewhere. Does anyone know? Don't explain it to her, just request that she pick one. If she asks what...
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    Countless Boot Camp Threads

    Gee, dude, that's a wee bit harsh, don't you think? I created a thread of the type you referred to, and I can assure you it has nothing to do with egotism. Besides, I've read six other such threads, and they've all been quite interesting. And don't get me started about the irony of your...
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    Comebacks to Objection Lines

    That's pretty good, IMO.
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    Comebacks to Objection Lines

    1. "OMG, me too! We have so much in common." "Great. Here's your chance to trade up." "I'm sure he's secure enough to let you have a boytoy for the night." 2. I wouldn't say anything. It's her choice. Besides, she may be constrained by her parents. I have a Korean friend who said his folks...
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    Acheron's Boot Camp

    Thanks for the comments, guys. Today was a slow day; I only had one class. I greeted sixteen people and held conversations with five. One of the five was a classmate, one was a stranger, and three were old acquaintances. I hadn't seen any of three in the past six months, so my fortuitous...
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    new to forum....introduce question...:)

    Hi ****ydude, My tips are the following: 1. Dont misuse ellipses. (Ellipses are the ....... in your post.) They aren't necessary in every paragraph. 2. Try avoiding this chick for the next week or two. While you're doing so, read the DJ Bible, Weapons of Mass Seduction, and the...
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    The Ultimate Bootcamp

    Take several pictures of yourself or have a friend take several pictures of you. Then ask a girl you know fairly well which picture she likes the most.
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    Acheron's Boot Camp

    Since boot camp journals exist in part to aid and inspire, let me quickly share the parts of Sosuave I’ve found helpful. The Bible, Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Don Juan Boot Camp, and the forum’s archive are all great. So are the sections of the main site marked “Quick Tips,” “Romantic...
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    Acheron's Boot Camp

    Hello, I started BC a while ago but haven’t got around to posting a journal until recently. To make up for lost time, let me recap the past thirteen days: First eight days - Had lots of homework, was feeling out of it. 12 greetings, 5 conversations, 2 cold approaches, 1 phone number...
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    Is this type of girl good for LTR or is she just another *****.

    I guess you should just go with your instincts. If you worry about it so much now, chances are you'd feel way too uneasy in any relationship with her.
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    The Ultimate Bootcamp

    Hey Dapper, Try not to feel too bad. It sounds like your lack of success stems much more from crappy luck than from crappy game. Is there anything you can do, like jogging or working out, to temporarily take your mind off BC? Your screen name is great, btw. Best of luck, Ach.
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    Is this type of girl good for LTR or is she just another *****.

    She doesn't sound too far out of the ordinary, unfortunately. Your opinion of her, I suppose, will have to depend on your beliefs. Before you waste time judging her, though, you ought to make sure that she's not just using you to fill in the gap and/or to get back at her boyfriend. First...
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    C+F Voice Message

    Weapons of Mass Seduction, which is available through the link at the top right corner, has a lot of good info on vocal improvement. It's worth a look, IMO.
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    List of A few examples of ****y Funny things I have heard ...

    Those two are great. I'll have to use them sometime.
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    duke007's Boot Camp Journal

    Duke, Sorry to hear, man. Try to keep in mind that this is just bad fortune and doesn't really reflect poorly on your DJing skills. In fact, I'd say you did great overall. You definitely should have asked HBDelta for her number, though. You'd have lost nothing doing so, and she might...