duke007's Boot Camp Journal


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
It's not what you think it is, d007...

Just a quick comment here. Dude, you're doing absolutely fine. Just because you see couples walking in th street, hand in hand, and there you stand, no one by your side doesn't make you any less of a man. Think about it, those chumps with no self-esteem...Is it better to stay in a relationship that was doomed than to go about trying to garner sucess? Look at it positively! You're doing great, and better off than before. Remember this :

"The girl you meet,that's right for you, you do not know when and how you will meet her."

So go out there, and have fun. Don't worry about the girls.
Uh, for now at least :D


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by duke007
Thanks acheron...I probably should have number closed HBDelta. She would have been good social proof if nothing else.

And Pulsar yes I can see what you mean and in a way you are right. But I think that's what bootcamp does to you...it's very goal-based and you have to make a conscious efforts all the time. Also like I said I was pretty upset soon after and needed to let off steam.

It's easy to let your mind dwell on negative thoughts when driving alone.....I was just momentarily fed up about being embroiled with taken girls all the time. I never actively pursue them either....I just find out the truth afterwards. Thanks for the reality check though

Cheers for all your support, I'm going play with the dogs in the park today, go to gym and just take it easy.
Duke, I agree with everything you've said, but I'd just like to add one point.

My belief is that the boot camp is actually meant to be standard stuff in the end. As a DJ, boot camp is like any other day in his life. (all be it at a slightly less extreme level)

But basically what I'm saying is that, if everyday is a boot camp day, and you know that in life there are ups and downs, then why not just play life and have a bit of fun and let go of the "attachment" of finding the 'right' chick and focus more on enjoying the process.

The reason this is cool is that, isn't it better to be able to walk up to any chick you're interested in and have a conversation, instead of having to sit down and have this invisible wall between some other person?

The reality is that for 95% of the population, that's how life is. I see everyday when I catch the train in to uni. They all walk in straight lines and not paying attention to their surroundings, and you see all these chicks and guys that probably under different circumstances could be really enjoying each others company, and yet they just sit there...all "invisible" like, pretending the other doesn't exist.

I know this reality only too well, since I myself haven't broken through the barrier (gotta start the DJ camp myself, when I get the chance :cool: ) but the point I'm making is that you are already WAAAAY ahead of most people, and really I think that since, DJ camp is meant to be like any standard day in your life, then why not relax a little and enjoy yourself.

I myself would have enjoyed myself with that french chick. And yeah, so culturally things are different in france, but if i could feel her leg up a bit, just for the hell of it, then lol, that beats, sitting on my ass watching tv or soemthing.

Do you see what I'm getting at? You are getting better and better skills at approaching people. Why not approach anyone, and have a chat to brighten your day up? DJ skills go far beyond just the woman...it can be applied to business (consulting, sales etc) or just general social fun :D

Keep ya chin up bro, and let go of the 'need' for a chick, and I bet you'd be surprised how easy it is when you don't have that pressure and just focus on learning about other people and having fun with them :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 3, Day 5

Awesome advice Pulsar...a chick friend that you can feel up without consequences sounds pretty cool!

Well it was another topsy-turvy day, but at least interesting things are happening too me. Better this way than having a boring-as-f*ck life like some other people.

I'm housesitting for my uncle at the moment for four days (missed my chance to share a double bed though :)). Part of this responsibility is walking his two dogs. We went out the park and had fun playing fetch. I'd just finished cleaning up my first doggy poo when my phone rang.

It was the clothing store saying I wasn't successful. I can't deny that after the events of yesterday I was absolutely devastated. In terms of personality at that group interview, I was definitely a standout. Not to be arrogant here but some of the others seemed quite dreary. I joked but used very little C+F...I honestly thought the interviewer was impressed by me based on her questioning. I'm sure as hell HBDelta was. Here I am conversing with and saying Hi to multiple strangers but I'm not good enough to work in their store. It was a kick in the guts.

I was walking the dogs back and a woman came past with her own little dog. My male dog starting sniffing its butt (haha nice one Georgie!) and this started up a good convo. She was a bit older and slightly overweight, but I realised dogs can work wonders for pickups. If she was hot I could say something like, "Lucky for you I'm not a dog ;)"

I stupidly went home and moped but then mentally slapped myself in the face and played some Thursday CDs full blast. I then left for the gym.

Approach 1
I was stretching next to an Asian girl with a very sexy body (HB8). I think I've seen her here before but I choked on the approach. This time I didn't. She was responsive and interesting without showing too many IOIs. And guess what she was doing tonight? Having dinner with her boyfriend's family! Boy, it's almost comical now.

I left and got some food. It's still holidays so the campus is almost dead empty. I sat outside eating and I can't be 100% certain, but I'm sure HB6.5 from the bus the other day went walking by! She looked very uncomfortable and was desperately trying to avoid EC. That made me feel sh1t....as if I was some kind of undesirable stalker just because I number closed her. But now I don't care because she is obviously the one with the social anxiety problem.

Approach 2
After that I decided it was time to be ballsier. Just as I finished eating I noticed an HB walking in my direction. I timed it so that I got up to leave a split second before her, and then I asked her how her day had been. Well this is the type of girl I like....pretty face, tight body, shorter than me, an HB8 in my book.

And she was VERY responsive too. After barely 10 metres she stopped and continued happily chatting with me because we were heading in different directions. I found out she was from Kazakhstan! But she's lived here since 12 so I don't expect major cultural issues!! She asks for my name...this showed me it was all clear for a number close. Lucky I did when I did because her phone rang straight after.

Approach 3
At the tram stop I see another Asian girl (HB6.5) and I engage her in some conversation. She smiles a lot but is extremely timid...barely talking and when she did it was barely audible. Not my ideal kinda girl but it was still a convo.

Another weird day with successes and rejections....it brings my week 3 convo tally up to 8.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Clubbing and Week 3, Day 6

My friend who winged for me in that approach last weekend came over for dinner last night and I tell him all about HBFrench. Quite late in the night he suggests we go out clubbing and I agree....why not?

There was a jungle theme and the place ws so packed people could barely move. It felt really stuffy too. Later on it clears up a bit, making approaches more achieveable.

But, by the end of the long night we were both kinda jaded by the whole scene. There were too many girls who looked underage, smokers everywhere and plenty of attention wh0res. This included two super-hot 9s on the dancefloor who led just about all the guys on (including us).

Cold approaches were disappointing also. One girl on the seats nearby was being squeezed by her friends onto the wet table. I told her to be careful or she might get a wet arse. This sparked a convo but the girl shows next to no IOIs.

Very late in the night my friend leads an approach to two moderately good-looking girls, but the one he talks to completely blows him off. My girl is more open, but when I suggest we start dancing....we head out to the dancefloor and she basically ignores me in favour of her sourpuss friend. I don't put up with this sh1t so I left.

But the most annoying approach was with 2 girls sitting at a table. One of them gave EC at least two times so I approached, but then she acted like cold b1tch. "Well f*ck you too," I thought and started talking to the other. She was VERY responsive and I was getting her to laugh a lot with some neghits and situational humour. Her friend butted in a couple of times and my friend was getting bored (don't know why he didn't wing) so I just went for the number close. But she rejected me without reason. Just said no and smiled as if she was above me. Even though she seemed to be greatly enjoying herself. :confused:

I get the feeling too many girls go to clubs without the intention to give out their numbers, because they think all guys at clubs are just stupid sleazes.

The attention wh0reishness and stuck-up attitude of club chicks I come across just makes them incredibly unappealing. I don't have time for mixed signals.....the last two weeks spent cold approaching makes me regard clubs even less than before. Girls in public are just more worth the time than vapid club girls.

DIdn't get to bed till very late.

Two other friends and I had planned to play golf today and we were meeting at 9:00.....but I slept in till 9:30. And sadly I was 1 hours drive away! They had to rebook golf for an hour later because I went clubbing. This is not how a DJ should be. :mad:

Golf in a mountainous national park was good but I was physically drained. Aferwards, just when I was starting to enjoy the day by driving quickly through narrow, windy forest roads in a mini-convoy, my car broke-down. The fuel line is screwed so the car began revving awkwardly, jolting, stalling and backfiring. Up ahead, my friends didn't notice so they drove ahead, leaving me stranded on a dangerous road in the middle of f*cking nowhere.

Somehow I managed to start her up again, but the problem reoccured soon after, and finally after five break-downs it gave up in the middle of a fast intersection far from home. I somehow managed to get the car to moderate safety but had to wait 1.5 hours for a tow, powerless against being rear-ended by some schmuck.

So it kind of screwed up my day and I didn't add to my week 3 convo tally.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 3, Day 7 - intense mirroring example

I felt a little unwell when I woke up this morning, which wasn't surprising seeing how hectic yesterday was.

It was a sunny afternoon though, and I sat on the grass at the bus-stop. Very soon a car driven by two good-looking girls slowed down and they waved and smiled at me for no reason. Barely 2 minutes later a guy speeds past, gives me the thumbs up and calls out, "Heyyyyyyyy mate!!" Of all the times I wait at bus-stops this sort of attention has NEVER been paid to me. Strange. I then waved at another HB driving past and she stuck her hand out the sunroof.

Campus was super empty and I felt unwell after an ill-timed workout, so I started to head home wondering how I'd get my last two approaches for Week 3. A tram broke down further down the road so everyone had to get out and walk. This was a perfect chance for an opener but there weren't any hotties in my tram :(.

Further down the road I come up to an Asian women in business attire and awkward shoes. So I asked if she wished she wore sneakers to work that day. She said it was a good thing she didn't wear her super-high heels. We chatted for a while..nothing special but she asked a few questions and tried to keep the convo up when it started to die. She looked reasonable but was a bit older and seemed quite ethnic. So I wasn't particularly interested.

I looked around the mall for a while but the girls weren't really out today, so I waited for the bus home. When I got in the there were barely any spare seats. I sat next to a curly-haired woman reading near the back, but she never looked up at me as I approached. I just wanted to read too so I didn't really care.

Then I thought of something REALLY interesting.

Out the corner of my eye I saw her chest moving with each breath. So I began to match her breathing pace EXACTLY as we read. She would have been able to sense my chest heaving as I had hers. It was difficult to see her breathe with the vibrations of the moving bus, but whenever it stopped (and it did plenty of times) I picked up the rythym right away. This would have made her think I was in tune with her the whole time!

At first her breathing pace was very slow, but in time it got quicker and quicker.....it almost made me uncomfortable mirroring it because it was so fast! One time, by chance, we flicked pages at the same time too. Sure enough, she started to lose concentration and kept looking up from her book. My arm never shifted from my side, but soon I felt hers against mine so we had constant contact. Then, she CLOSED her book and sat there, occasionally twiddling her hair! It was amazing. :)

I finished my chapter, put my book away and sat for a short while, paying close attention to her breathing. Before long I casually said, "Too tired to read?" And the response was very positive...she had that tone of voice as if saying, "I've been waiting for you to talk to me!" She was laughing at stuff I said that was barely funny. I found out that she was about 5-6 years older than me and she still showed interest. When I got off the bus and looked toward her window while walking away she was beaming right at me! Didn't number close because I'm not interested in older women.....but I probably should have.

I love psychology! Of my 6 or so previous cold approaches done on public transport, I've always had to break through an initial barrier or been blown off. But this time she was practically begging for it. This is like the perfect alternative to the 3 second rule - be cool enough to let her wait and build up anticipation. Mirroring is definitely a MUST HAVE DJ tactic.

So my Week 3 quota was completed on time! Next week I start looking for rejections.

I'd like to try some unconventional techniques with my approaches for week 4 so I can see what works and what doesn't. I plan to trial jwhite's method of asking if they are single.

Does anybody have any other suggestions for interesting approach techniques? I'll give anything you suggest a shot.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
I'd like to try some unconventional techniques with my approaches for week 4 so I can see what works and what doesn't. I plan to trial jwhite's method of asking if they are single.

Does anybody have any other suggestions for interesting approach techniques? I'll give anything you suggest a shot.
I was thinking the same thing for when I get to Week 4. Since you basically want to get rejections you might as well try some more interesting approaches. I haven't really thought of any yet, and to be honest any I come up with I want to try out for myself before describing them to others. Maybe that is a little selfish of me, but I'm learning here ;)

I think the "Are you single?" approach is a good one, especially for you since you've been getting a lot of chics with boyfriends in your approaches.

By the way, good job so far, and don't let the bumps in the road get you down. Remember it is about the journey, not the destination.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I've been missing for a few days...basically I decided to briefly put bootcamp on hold because I came down with a bad virus. On Saturday I forced myself to find some rejections but I felt dizzy, blurry and just wanted to sleep.

So I'm ready to resume tomorrow.

Also here's a little note about preserverance:
I called up HBKazakh on Sunday night but she abruptly ended the call saying she was right in the middle of something and to call back tomorrow. I was pretty sure it was another damn flake.

I waited until Tuesday to call back, without blocking my number so she could screen my call. No answer. 2 strikes.

I waited 2 hours and she answered quickly the third time. I said she'd better have a good excuse for ending that call so abruptly. It turns out she was having a big family dinner. I tried to set a date for tomorrow and she said that she'd love to but had a completely full day. So it's set for next week, which is further away than I'd like. But still I was almost certain she had flaked. She may still flake, but there's no reason why you can't try up to 3 times instead of NEXTing so soon.

And I used the "assume the sale" technique:

Me: "I'd like to meet you again in person, which do you prefer, lunch or coffee?"


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 1

I made myself resume bootcamp again in case I lost all that I'd gained in the first 3 weeks. However, my nose is still clogged and my voice weak so I'm not in ideal shape for DJing.

Uni was filled with HBs because classes have resumed, and I found myself having choke after choke. It was too much...big groups everywhere and people walking quickly. Later in the day I changed venues to the grass lawn outside the State Library.

I'd been lying in the sun for quite a while when a nice-looking but potentially older redhead girl sat down about 5 metres in front of me. She had a paper printout to read but keep looking distracted. At first I was fearful that everyone lying on the grass would see my approach except her.

Approach 1
But I went anyway...just plonked next to her and asked if she'd like some company. I guessed right about the age (mid 20s) but she was nice, maybe a bit quiet, but an HB8. I commented on her hair and asked how many bottles of dye it took to color it. It was funny when she went to take a sip of coffee and spilt it down her blouse! Then she spilt some on the ground a moment later :) I ripped on her...in a joking way of course.

When I went for the number close she said, "I seeing someone at the moment....but that's really sweet of you" or something like that. :( Sweet?? Ahh that's almost degrading, but I am aiming for rejections after all!

Approach 2
Coming down the escalators I was alongside an Asian HB7. I asked how she was going. She said good, then really quickly, "I have to catch the train, bye." And ran off.
I didn't get a chance to number close, but I feel those rejections where the girl RUNS AWAY are more painful than number rejections. So I'm counting it.

Approach 3
On the bus to my house, I walked up to the 4-seat where an HB6.5 with a Stussy cap was sitting. We got EC and a smile straight away so I opened her without waiting three seconds. I paid attention to her appearance and belongings and brought them into the conversation (cap, flip-flops, huge beaded bracelet). This helped the convo to flow really well and she was talking to me as if she'd known me a lot longer. We had very strong EC....probably the most I've given during a cold approach.

Everything was going well until I mentioned a certain street and she says, "Ooohh, my boyfriend lives there!" Just thrown in like they always do! I tried to number close 5 minutes later anyway....she lives so close it would be stupid not to. She says her boyfriend wouldn't be happy with that. I should have said, "Doesn't your bf let you make new friends?" Instead I said, "What makes you think I'm looking to steal you?" :p

She then told me she works behind the bar on Thursdays at a small local bar I've been to once before. She said come by with mates sometime. Might be good for social proof....haven't decided yet.

So there, I already have 3 rejections in Week 4. Unfortunately I was hoping it wouldn't be this easy to get them :D Whatever happened to my old 66% number close success record? I'm still believing the theory that everyone worth going for is hooked up in Melbourne. We don't have a "dating" culture.

Anyway no negative thoughts....onward!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
yeah man, good stuff...keep it rolling along a little bit each day :)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
duke007, I've been reading your BC thread very closely and I'm amazed at how well you're smoothly progressing! :cool:

You have inspired me to maybe start the BC, infact today I started saying hi to regular strangers... I had a laugh at some of the responses I received (one girl packed sh1t)! :D

Your confidence and ability to make conversation with chicks you have just met shows that you have developed a solid foundation since the start of your DJing. :)

I found your hotornot pic and I reckon you look like Jamiroquai! :cool: Anyway, despite you being shorter than most guys, you are living proof that height doesn't matter - all you have to do is build up those basic conversational skills and your confidence will make you shine like a knight in armour! For all the guys worried about height, just take a look at what young duke007 here has achieved!

The future is bright my friend, keep up the good work mate - I look forward to your daily updates! :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 2

Thanks Eggchen, your kind words are inspiring me to do even better. As long as guys like yourself and Pulsar keep reading, I'll never quit bootcamp until it's done!

Today was a fairly quiet day. I went to the library to return some books and there wasn't an HB in sight.

After this I went to a discount mall and the place was almost deserted! It's a bit disappointing that I can't just happen across HBs in everyday places. It seems if I want to do cold approaches I need to travel all the way into the city.

I went into the Calvin Klein store and an HB8.5 in a pink top was looking around the men's area. We caught EC and she gave me a huge smile! So I jumped at the chance, and said, "You're in the men's section you know." As soon as I said this my brain predicted what she would say

HB: "Hahah, I'm looking for my boyfriend"

Not again I thought....so I just said, "Oh that's nice"

I was still browsing through the same area 1 minute later when I heard, "Excuse me, can you give me some advice?" I look up and HB8.5 is standing right there smiling. She wanted to know if her boyfriend would like a polo shirt. I could have used a range of C+F lines here, but unfortunately I didn't. I said it was generous of her to buy him clothing and she said, "We just had a fight."

Later on my primitive brain realised that meant she was still fair game. But I allowed it to fizzle, and wasn't feeling quick witted enough to lay on the C+F.

Later that night was interesting...I had to pick up my sister and her friends from a late lecture. They're in senior year high school, but the friends are pretty hot! They're those dieting obsessed type of girls who talk about food all the time (but never eat it).

I found my C+F was working again, which is a breakthrough for me in front of my little sister. The small car was extra sluggish going up hills so I said, "It's so hard to accelerate carrying all this extra weight!"

They laughed thank god (they're not fat...just tall and skinny). Another memorable one was when the tall blonde was talking about learning to drive. On the entrance to her street, the Keep Left sign was flattened to the ground. I said, "Did you do that?"

I gave a really good impression but it's kind of hard to know what to do in a situation like this. They're my sister's friends and I wouldn't want to do anything regrettable.

So no more rejections today but at least I made convo with the ONLY HB I saw in public.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Keep up the good work!

It sounds like even the failed approaches are really improving your game.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 3

This morning I had a facial! It's not something I'd normally do, but my face is still struggling to get over the last of its acne and the facial was FREE! It was nice and relaxing, and my face felt smooth as silk afterwards but nobody really noticed. I wouldn't pay regularly for this type of thing.

Went to the gym again, and sat down to stretch next to a cute Russian brunette HB8. I just asked how her workout was going and this sparked a convo. I felt very relaxed (well it was my 23rd CA) and was able to talk to her as if I knew her well. She was smiling and seemed to like my company, and then we found out that she was the little sister of an aquaintance's friend. Well surely this is great social proof and rapport?

I told her I had to get back to my workout but she should give me her number so we can catch up later. But she said she didn't usually give out her number. The she started looking for her phone so I said, "No I never give out my number to girls." She laughed and said, "So you expect me to give out my number but you won't give yours?"

I just smiled and said, "Yeah". But it didn't work, which sucked.

Outside the gym, a girl I recognised was sitting by herself on the bricks looking bored so I approached saying, "you look like you need some company" She was from California and seemed cool with the approach, but then her friend came before I'd generated enough rapport. Less than 2 minutes. Damn, this has happened three times to me now!

Later that night my friends I and were going to watch Alien Vs Predator. Two pussed out with weak excuses and the other guy's car kept breaking down on the way. So I waited by myself for 1 hour and we missed the film :mad: I was pretty pissed off actually.

The cinema security guard kicked me out of the foyer and locked the doors because the last film had shown. Later an HB walks up and starts trying to force open the doors. I approach and tell her the situation and she quickly says, "Thanks" then walks away! I never even got a chance to continue the convo.

My friend finally makes it so we go into a small club. The place is fairly dead for some reason and there are guys everywhere. We dance for a bit but get barely any eye contact. All the girls on the dancefloor are just blocking guys out of their circles without even giving them a chance. It was such an antisocial environment....which sucks when I hear about you American guys talk about the prevalance of grinding.

The start a break-dancing competition and everyone crowds around. An HB9 brunette who is probably one of the hottest girls in the club sits down by herself looking bored. Guys are just walking past her looking but no-one is approaching so I do.

Well, she was just your average stuck-up club ho. She was just complaining that she hates these breakdancing comps and they're just showing off whinge whinge. I suggest she go in and show her stuff but she just gripes about her high heels. Body language was very closed and just about no EC either. I really needed a good neghit but I have trouble thinking of one in such a situation. I just stood up and ignored her, watching a cool wheelchair guy doing spins in the circle. Later on the dancefloor she barely acknowledged me and blocked out a couple of other guys. Why even go clubbing if you hate life, b1tch?

Any hints for neghits? All I can think of is something straight out like, "well you seem like a bit of a brat". Or maybe, "what's with the too cool for school attitude?" But boring women are a waste of time.

Later a couple of AFCs spent half an hour making origami flowers out of cigarette packets. They gave them to two chicks, who accepted them happily, but then completely ignored them. They didn't meet anybody else either...just self-indulgent attention hoes on a girls night out.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Re: Week 4, Day 3

Originally posted by duke007
The she started looking for her phone so I said, "No I never give out my number to girls." She laughed and said, "So you expect me to give out my number but you won't give yours?"

I just smiled and said, "Yeah". But it didn't work, which sucked.
Your C&F there worked against you! If a girl wants your number instead, that's generally a good sign and doesn't waste any of your time - if she takes the initiative to actually call you then that clearly shows she is interested, if she doesn't call then so be it! No time and effort wasted by you. :)

Any hints for neghits? All I can think of is something straight out like, "well you seem like a bit of a brat". Or maybe, "what's with the too cool for school attitude?" But boring women are a waste of time.
Tell me about it... I really can't stand attention seeking, "club hoes" like her - stuff thinking about neghits for her, she doesn't deserve your time for conversation, you are the prince and she is certainly not worthy of you!

Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Days 4 & 5

Saturday was election day in Australia. Everyone has to vote, including HBs, so it was encouraging to know that they would be out in their millions at some stage during the day. But when I voted, the queue was filled with old people and guys. I live in such a crap area.

A mate and I went to a bar that night, and I regrettably drove to avoid paying for a taxi. The place was looking good but then some f*cking tool put a dampener on my night.

I was at the head of the busy queue for drinks and he tapped me on the shoulder and kindly asked if I could get him two beers. He gave me 4 bucks and said they were $2 each. I thought at the time it sounded a little cheap but then again some places have $2 pots at certain hours. Well stupid me handed him the beers before I paid, he nicked off into the crowd, and then I found out that he'd ripped me off by $2. How low is that? The place is too big to find the guy, and he just looked like any other average pub loser. He will get his comeuppance someday.

So that f*cked up my mood, the girls weren't giving me EC, and my friend just wanted to talk and wasn't interested in approaches.

On Sunday, I did some more manual labour work with the other friend. It was a damn hard day's work.....you don't know what hard work is until you've spent the whole day scraping off linoleum.

I was too buggered and dirty to approach chicks, although the two of us said hi to a few during our lunch break with mixed results. On the drive back we were trying to get the attention of an HB in the other lane, but she was incredibly cold. She wouldn't even smile when I stuck the puppy's little head out the window....so I turned the dog around and lifted up his tail in her direction! :)

Not a good weekend in terms of bootcamp. I must say it's getting tough.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
week 4, Day 6 including Date Report

Whew! What a long, hectic, crazy day with even more highs and lows! Where to begin?

Looking out the window while at the gym, single HBs were passing by regularly. So after my workout I stood out there by a tree pretending to text message until one walked past :p Damn that makes me sound like a loser! Just my luck...they dry up and soon as I get out there.

Approach 1
Finally one is approaching so I time my walk to be even with her and say, "Hey how are you going today?" She COMPLETELY ignored me and looked straight ahead. I said, "So that's good or not so good?" And she STILL ignores me...I was speechless. Not from being rejected but at her lack of social adaptability. I felt like saying, "It's really fun talking to yourself, you should try it!" But like I said I was speechless. That was the king of all rejections.

Approach 2
I buy lunch and sit down to eat, and a failry average looking blonde gives slight EC and sits down near me. The wind is blowing like crazy and her hair is blowing all over the place. After a bug gust I say, "Whoa, it's a windy one today." She says yeah in an uninterested way and looks straight ahead. I follow up with, "Your hair is blowing all over the place." (not in a mean way of course). She just ignores. I didn't care...I was there first so I stayed until I finished eating. It was annoying when her friend came up and mentioned her own hair frizzing up...which got a laugh from the b1tch.

Approach 3
I leave as a cute short Asian girl is walking by and try the exact same approach. She laughs geniunely and says, "I'm just trying not to get blown over!" I said she looked like Cousin It which went down OK. Problem is there are people walking everywhere and when I veered slightly off to throw rubbish in a bin she thought I'd stopped talking to her. She was the one that regrettably got away.....this wouldn't have happened at a more favourable hour

Tip: This proves that it's all about the target with a cold approach. Don't lose confidence because something acceptable that you said is taken coldly. For every b1tch there's a good catch.

Approach 4
I exit the mini-supermarket with a drink when I spot an HB6 standing nearby with a sandwich bag. I walk the two paces toward her and she's obviously taken aback that I'm talking to her. I mentioned that her hair had frizzed up a bit in the wind (haha good neghit but choose your target well) and tried to get her to converse with me. But she was boring, talking too quietly, and showing low-moderate IL. I smiled as I asked her number, knowing I'd rack up my eagerly desired 6th rejection.

She said she likes to get to know people first. Feeling a bit daring I said while smiling, "Yeah, that's kinda the point, you can get to know me over the phone, otherwise you'll never see me again" This rejection was a big breakthrough for me, because I held out my ego for punishment when I had 0% interest anyway. Make sure you do these during your own bootcamp.

Approach 5
Saw an HB7 Asian on a seat outdoors so I approached with the "look in the bag" technique. She seemed pleasant enough, but after barely long at all she pulls out her phone, talks (or pretends to), and motions that her friend has arrived and she has to go. I sit for a few minutes longer and then continue on my way. I see her sitting by herself on another seat 50 metres away. OUCH. Dman I wasn't that repulsive! That is some social phobia! This made me feel awkward so I'm counting that as a rejection.

Date Report with HB8Kazakh (Deena)
I arrive at 5 minutes past the hour and she isn't there. At 12 past I get a message saying she's really sorry but she'll be there in 10 minutes. I'm not happy, but at least she let me know. Finally she arrives and I shake my head comically and point at my watch. I said lucky for her that she txted me because I was about to leave. Then I said, "Well you're going to have to make it up to me somehow." She was SO apologetic and said that we'd walk up to Lygon St. (trendy shopping area) and she'd buy me some gelati. I was liking this! IL seemed to be quite nice.

And I forgot to say....she looked damn hot today in her tight little summer clothes. Needed to put some meat on that slight frame but that arse was tasty indeed! I found I had my mojo back after feeling a little downcast from the negative reactions from 4 chicks already that day. The neghits, teasing and C+F where spot on and well received.

Tip: Don't worry if you find yourself unable to work your C+F on occasion. SOme girls just leave themselves wide open to c+f comments with what they say and do. Once again, it's not you, it's THEM that makes your game seem better or worse.

Everything was going swimmingly when this happened:

Her: "I love this street, I wish I could take around a male model to shop with"
Me (posing): "Would you say I'm model quality?"
Her: "Yeah, you're pretty good!" (or something)
Me: "That's right"
Her: "Yeah, my boyfriend doesn't like shopping......"
Me (thinking): *Awww F*CK not again :D :mad:*

Just like last time I didn't show my annoyance though. I made sure she bought my gelati! I didn't completely shelve the Don Juan behaviour but I started asking more meaningful questions to figure out why she came out with me.

Eye contact was poor initially...it was her way of suggesting to me that I wasn't going to score. This slowly got quite a lot better as she began to understand my personality.

Although I was momentarily led on, the more we talked the more I gained an appreciation for her character. Very, very genuine, intelligent and kind-hearted. There are Players and Playerettes, and then there are DonJuans and DonJuannas. She was a DonJuanna....not in terms of picking up but in her attitude toward life and her fellow human being. No wonder she has a steady BF and male "friends" who want to get in her pants.

She says that it's sad that these days she can't meet a new guy without him thinking he can be with her. She said I came across differently to other guys and that we "clicked" when I approach her, which is why I got the number. Most other guys she meets act desperate and almost beg for the number when she mentions her BF. I related to her about the difficulty making new female friends because all women assume you are trying to hit on them when you open your mouth.

I understood her personality and she understood mine (part of this was through her analysing me....then I her with an NLP game :)). I felt proud that she could see the DJ in me and not the sleazy player nor the niceguy. It's hard to convey in writing the mood of the date but we veered from fun to serious and she skipped an important lecture to stick around. I would say we both parted ways feeling we'd just made a good friend (even though we had discussed whether guys can really have female friends).

If you told me I'd feel that way upon hearing her mention the boyfriend I'd have slapped you. But by the end I respected her....I can't have philosophical and relaxed conversations about the intricacies of interpersonal behaviour with most of my guy friends. And I'd only known Deena for < 2 hours. The social proof I can look forward to will be impressive. Still, I must be the unluckiest DJ ever to randomly come across two impressive ladies with BFs and go on dates with them before knowing!

to be continued...


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 6 continued

The date with Deena ended where it began, outside the travel agent, where I was going to finalise my summer holiday arrangements.

Approach 6
A nice-looking HB7 was in the waiting area, she would have seen me hug Deena goodbye. I asked how long she'd been waiting, it had been 20 minutes. She seemed glad to have somebody empathise with her situation. We had a really good chat about travel related topics (hey, travel agent pickups are a sweet idea! :)). When she was finally called up I bit the bullet and asked for her number. She gave up her spot to some guy because he was just making a payment!!! Still even after 30 minutes waiting that must mean good IL. Everybody in the room saw the pickup...all fears out the window!

Approach 7
A slightly older woman (24-25 maybe) sat next to me on the tram and I wasn't really paying attention until I reached up to open the window. She seemed to look over so I said:

Me: "It gets pretty steamy in these things."
Her: "Yeah, it's really hot"
Me: "You must be uncomfortable in long sleeves"
Her: "Haha yeah but I don't want to take it off"
Me: "And it's black too...it's absorbing the heat!"
Her: ":) But black is slimming"
Me: "Ahhh" *was unsure how to react to this*

I let the convo die and I still don't know why!!! I think she turned her head slightly and this stunted me.

Approach 8
On that State Library lawn again and was about to approach a hottie with a frilly dress but she left. I saw an Asian sitting far to my left so I sat down next to her and asked if she'd like some company. Problem is she wasn't as good-looking close-up and she spoke next to NO English. Couldn't barely understand small talk....all I gathered is that she has been here 5 months. Really should make more of an effort if you're in the country that long.

Approach 9
Walking to the trains I tried to open up an HB6.5 with my regular, "how's it going?" line but she just looked up at me shyly. I said, "not much of a talker?" She reacted the same, nodding slightly and then walked extra fast to get away :D Well I hope for her sake she learns social skills

I go to a public stage performance where some guy is giving the audience vocal training for warming-up your voice box, making interesting sounds, beatboxing, that kind of thing. There weren't really any HBs there but it was fun to participate.

The train home is fairly empty, but then it stops 6 stations from my destination. Everyone is forced to leave because there was n accident further up the line. An HB6.5 blonde was trying to get help to find the tram route while I tried to call home (and got no response).

Approach 10
When she thanked the station guy I asked her what she was told. She opens up straight away and we start talking about what could have happened. Then she wants to know what I do with myself when my phone rings, it was my parents. The whole length of time it took to explain to them what happpened and ask for a lift, HB6.5 was walking right alongside listening in. She mentions gelati and I make her all excited by saying I just had some bought for me today at Lygon Street. Very energetic and talkative....everyone else who was waiting at the tram stop from the train were DEAD silent and listening. Number close successful.

Approach 11
After HB6.5 leaves a new HB6 comes up the ramp and I open her up just as easily as the first. She seems like a bit of a bogan but is pleasant enough. She tells me that someone died in the accident. After 5 minutes she gets a mobile call and leaves suddenly with a goodbye, but I didn't have a chance to number close.

It's a shame that people today are so insular. A train breakdown is PERFECT for approaches, even to other guys but everyone is such a loser. A person died for god sake...discuss it with your fellow commuter! A stupid asian guy was sitting on the bench beside an HB but he said nothing for the whole 15 minutes or so. When my dad came I looked around and counted 3 HBs hotter than the two I approached just waiting (although 2 had their heads in phones). I know this sounds callous as hell but people should have train accidents more often. :eek: Just kidding I'm not that heartless....but these situations are a pickup goldmine!

So that was an adventure of a day! Finally added to my numbers tally with two more, but it will be tough tomorrow to get three rejections I need to complete Week 4.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 7 - ****tail Party

Tonight I went to a ****tail party held by my new employer to welcome graduates. Heading in I saw it as a perfect opportunity to gauge my progress as a DJ. The plan was to mingle with as many people as possible, make people laugh and maybe number close my favourite girl at the end.

There were a LOT of HBs! It was almost overwhelming to decide which to talk to and how to work the room in less than 2 hours.

First guy I bumped into was someone I'd met in the waiting room before the first interview. We chatted for a bit then I moved on. I saw a girl from Uni last year who I unsuccessfully tried to game (but didn't get rejected). She recognised me and we chatted for a bit in a circle of three but it was obvious she wasn't interested in that way.

Then a hot cute HB8.5 approached our circle and she seemed to be giving me the most EC compared to the others. Damn I love girls with her kinda look, big eyes and very pretty without being model quality. I found out later she was half Filipino, half Hungarian! Yum :p :D

Soon she said, "We should find some more people to mingle with" The AFC me would have followed but I decided to give her space. I went around the room for about 30 mins and spoke to a lot of new people - some guys and girls were cool, others just wanted to talk about work issues :rolleyes:

Soon the HR lady tells me to follow her and introduces me to a cute HB7 who'll be working in my department (HB8.5 will not be) and another girl with her. I chat with them for a long time and from what I gather, they like me. I change the topic around a lot and rip on them for hiding in the corner and not mingling enough.

Soon the HR lady brings over another guy from my Department who I recognise from 1st Year Uni, 2001. He remembers me but we can't figure out the circumstances. He's a really nice guy and we chat for a while in our group of 4. He offers me a lift home which is pretty damn generous. A large loud girl c0ckblocks the group and starts talking about work again. Ugh

I leave the four of them to mingle some more, and while near the bar talking to a manager and an Asian guy, HB8.5 returns!!!! SHe wants some more champagne so of course I start on the C+F and teasing which she eats up. It's nice to have some good one-on-one time but then a non-alpha guy c0ckblocks and starts changing the subject. Ahhh how frustrating.

I unfortunately find out that HB8.5 is 24 (looks 18) and she was surprised I was so young. She said I have a babyface and almost look 15. I showed mock shock at her neghit, so she kinoed me on the arm and said, "I mean that in a good way." I added that when we're 50 we'll still be young and hot while everyone else will be depressed. Not sure how to take this incident though.

When the c0ckblocker left a couple more came when I was about ready to number close. I'm getting remarkably brazen, I just turned to her and told her to give me her number because we'll be in different departments. She gave it, but I must say I'm struggling to successfully read IL after the disappointments of the previous two dates. She did give EC and laughed a lot with me, but I'm not sure about the age difference. Not only that, but it would be awkward for a girl to reject any guy at a social event such as this.

I returned to the HB7 and the nice guy in the corner (the other one left) and talked some more. Things were winding up so we were about to leave. I suggested that we all exchange numbers. I'm not sure how to handle this number though...is it fair to use it for dating purposes?

Since these people are in my department I was thinking of organising a night out for drinks for the 4 of us (I can track down the other girl's contact info). I won't start work until April so it will be a pity to go so long without socialising. Any advice?

So overall it was very difficult to become alpha male of the party because there were simply so many people there. I mixed with about half of those in attendance, but there were still some HBs I never got a chance meet. It was an excellent night.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
I finally caught up on your DJ entries mate- I shouldn't have let your BC go away unnoticed by the mass amount of other BC'ers. You're doing an awesome job, and there are too many positive things that I'd comment on, it's just that everyone else has pretty much hit the nail on the head. I must admit, it feels better when I see others around or even ahead of where I am in this BC process. Glad to see you doing well, don't stop for anything now :D

P.S.- Don't worry about not being "the" alpha male at the party. It takes a few bumpy situations where you try before that type of thing works out naturally. I was listening to Queens of the Stone Age today, and one of their songs had something along the lines of " I'd rather lose than hesitate ". This is a definite mantra that I want to impose upon myself. The fact is that you tried to be the center of the party, it doesn't matter too much if you failed. Failure means you're trying, and that's more progress than 90% of the rest of the male population out there.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 4, Day 8 - Pub night

Thanks for your support Seraph, I'll be reading your journal every step of the way.

I'm determined to get these 10 rejections, so I'll continue week 4 for as long as I can. I didn't make any approaches during the day because there were simply no opportunities. It was raining and miserable...so all the HBs disappeared the way ants do.

My semi-DJ friend called me up to go to a pub tonight that doubles as a nightclub. I was excited because whenever we sarge together we end up getting somewhere....unlike my other AFC friends who give off a desperate or asexual vibe sometimes.

The place started to fill up around 10pm but wasn't too congested like other places. I haven't been there for a year, and I loved it! It was casual and laidback like a pub should be, but still a pickup joint.

I was getting disillusioned with nightspots during the last few weeks but I felt a lot better here. The girls were giving repeated eye contact, doing double takes and turning their heads both toward my friend and I. Two 5.5s stood right next to us by the pool table in an obvious approach but we marked them only as a last resort.

We started talking to a guy who got dared by his girlfriends to approach 3 girls. This gave us access to the girls but they were crazy...too interested in giving their friend a hard time (he got rejected spectacularly).

A short girl in white with a friend kept giving me EC so we went into the dancefloor but my approach was lame. I beat around the bush too long dancing near them, and the friend kinoed me on the shoulder and tried to say something which I didn't understand. The short girl stared right at this guys arse so I said, "Hey, I saw that missy!" She just laughs and says, "Is that your friend?" EC stopped happening so I just danced away. I hate dancefloor pickups! Especially when they have a friend.

My friend and I were standing around for ages...I spotted a couple standing by the pool table and finally convinced my friend to do the approach. He chose the one on the left, who was a HB6.5 in my book, and I got the HB7.5. It's great when your wingman has different tastes in women, no chance of DJ clash!

And to cut a long story short, fast forward a couple of hours and we nearly got laid. My friend more than me probably, since he had the sluttier one (she was biting his hand or something!?) but I had a really great vibe going with the HB7.5 (Min). The extended story is written below....

We warmed them up around the pool table and then transitioned to the bar to get more drinks. I suggested we find a table, then later on Min suggested we sit on the couches. Four changes of location was great for boosting IL.

Just like myself, Min was annoyed with the superficial club scene because everyone is fake and looking for attention. She liked heavy metal and beer more than RnB and girly drinks which was very refreshing. She was the first girl I've ever met in a pub/club with some semblance of a genuine personality. We had a lot in common and conversation flowed like melted butter. C+F, teasing and flirty conversation was coming naturally and it was working.

That's the great thing about bootcamp. Because I've had so much practice with conversations recently, the skills just flow without needing to constantly think about what the next move is going to be.

Kino was also going fine, including when we played the Forest Walk game. She said I had really soft hands, not sure if that was a good thing or not. I was doing a lot of leg kino as well, but because I'm still inexperienced with this I was unable to transition to makeout. I never picked up the, "kiss me already!" vibe.

When the pub closed they kept hovering around us, and we had to fend off a drunk guy who didn't realise he was f*cking up our game. They wanted to go somewhere else that was open all night but it was Wednesday. I was trying to hint to my friend to suggest drinks at his house, but his parents were home.

My friend offered them a lift home....the hope was that we'd be invited in. My mate played the drive home excellently! He used push-pull without even knowing what it means. Whenever they said something he didn't like, he'd brake suddenly say, "That does it, we're letting you off here, you can walk home." Or, "I'm going to crash into that pole over there if you don't hold your tongue". HB6.5 then said, "The person most likely to die in an accident is the front-seat passenger" (me). So my friend said, "OK I'll spin the car, and time it so that the rear right-hand side hits the pole" (her seat). His car game was superb and has been permanently added to my "play book". Stuff I said was still good and got reactions but just seem overshadowed by his golden comments.

On the way, HB6.5 was saying stuff like, "Damn I wish our roommate wasn't sleeping at the moment" When we got there, my friend got out of the car straight away and kissed his girl (they hadn't yet) before I even realised what had happened. This made it awkward for me and Min because if I made a move it would look like I just want to copy my friend. Not only that but she was pointing out her car to me and not giving "kiss me" signals.

She was visibly feeling the cold, so I went up and started rubbing her arms up and down and mentioned that she had soft arms. All seemed well so I was about to make my move but then the others stopped kissing and came back toward us....ending the moment.


I have her number but I'm not sure how to take it. Is it true that solid game in a pub/club environment without a kiss close means nothing? She definitely was not your typical club hoe...and her friend had "open-minded" painted all over her. Still I know some people take the view that iif she lets you touch her leg she's not as innocent as you think.

Either way it was a learning experience...annoying that I didn't get to make out with an awesome chick but next time I'll be well prepared.