Acheron's Boot Camp


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score

I started BC a while ago but haven’t got around to posting a journal until recently. To make up for lost time, let me recap the past thirteen days:

First eight days - Had lots of homework, was feeling out of it. 12 greetings, 5 conversations, 2 cold approaches, 1 phone number
Friday 24/9 - Slept in. 2 greetings
Saturday 25/9 - Went walking for an hour and a half. 29 greetings, 1 conversation
Sunday 26/9 - Had lots of homework, stayed at home. 0 greetings
Monday 27/9 - Was feeling out of it. 2 greetings
Tuesday 28/9 - Was feeling okay but got harsh weather. 6 greetings, 2 conversations, 1 phone number

Overall Tuesday wasn't bad. The first conversation was with a ugly Muslim girl registering people to vote at my school. As she was finishing talking to some guy, I walked up and asked her if she had met with much success. We talked for a while and then she asked me if I wanted to register. I’d already registered so I passed and we talked a bit more.

Immediately after finishing with her I ran into a cute girl handing out flyers. She asked me if I wanted one and I said, “Sure, if you write your phone number on the back.” She obliged, giggling, and we talked for a minute.

I then went to the library. An blonde 8 there made some pretty furious eye contact with me. I returned it but hesitated to approach, and she departed before I could work up the resolve to do anything. I left the library for a stroll about fifteen minutes after her exit. While walking I saw another hot blonde, perhaps an 8.5 or a 9, studying alone near the grass. I wanted to walk up to her and make a comment about the weather, perhaps teasing her for being outside during the cold. I couldn’t think of anything more to say, though, so I walked off to try to think of some conversational filler.

By the time I got back she was leaving. The mental block had me feeling pretty crappy, but I noticed she had a handbag and that led me to think of a nice conversation piece:

I like your shoes/sandals/boots/necklace/handbag/scarf a lot.
Where did you get them/it?
(Name of store)
Oh, really? My cousin’s birthday is in a week and I’ve been trying to find a cool gift for her, so I’ll definitely have to check it out. I’m Acheron, by the way. And you are?
(Name of girl)
It’s nice to meet you, _____. I should be going, but let me have your phone number first in case I need any more fashion advice.

This would ideally follow a fluffy opener about the weather, what she’s studying, or something similar.

In each of my last three classes there was an HB making eye contact with me. I had to rush between classes today but over the next week I’ll make a point of collecting phone numbers. I finished the day by going for a brisk walk in the neighborhood and greeting four people.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Since boot camp journals exist in part to aid and inspire, let me quickly share the parts of Sosuave I’ve found helpful.

The Bible, Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Don Juan Boot Camp, and the forum’s archive are all great. So are the sections of the main site marked “Quick Tips,” “Romantic Tips,” “Hall of Fame,” and “Articles.” These different sources overlap a lot, but that’s okay because most of the advice they give is worth rereading. Keep in mind, though, that no one will be able to use every tip mentioned. In fact, some of the strategies are mutually exclusive. You’ll just have to pick what fits.

The main boot camp thread is essential reading. So are Walden’s journal, which covers one of the earliest and best boot camps, and the Duke Progress Journal. Also noteworthy are the threads a number of posters, including Apodyopsis, Dapper Swindler, Duke007, Krassus, Mr. Code, and Seraph, recently established for their respective boot camps.

People often post field reports in the main forum. These are generally worth reading. So are the many of the tips and questions added to the main forum and the advice forum. Here are a few examples:

The Girl Behind the Counter

Sniffer on the Prowl

Melbourne DJs Meet Up

Most people will get best results, I think, by reading and practicing in tandem. That's what works for me, anyway.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
New Zealand
Nice work! I'll keep this thread in favourites to check back on your progress! Gl with everything.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Good job with that one chick, sounds like you use lots of confidence when you're conversing. I guess those greetings really helped, when I was in the boot camp every single one of those helped cause I used to hate cold approaches.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for the comments, guys.

Today was a slow day; I only had one class. I greeted sixteen people and held conversations with five. One of the five was a classmate, one was a stranger, and three were old acquaintances. I hadn't seen any of three in the past six months, so my fortuitous meetings with them were a pleasant surprise.

Tomorrow I'll start approaching HBs specifically. I may also hit the bookstores to chat up some salespeople.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Man this is why I love this site. All of us guys working together on the boot camp, posting progress, and inpiring and challenging each other to do the best we can.

It sounds like you are doing great Acheron, in fact, you are helping me get motivated to do better in my (rather boring up to this point) boot camp experience.

Hopefully I'll have some inspiring stories for you guys in the upcoming weeks :D


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Great to hear fron you, Mr. Code. I hope you can immerse yourself in your BC now that the hurricanes have passed.

Today I greeted five people, had extended conversations with two, and performed one successful cold approach. The victim this time around was an HB 9 working outside on French homework. The approach, though not great, was a definite improvement over the ones I did in the first week. I'll call the HB Sunday or Monday afternoon.

Tomorrow I'll try for three approaches. I want to complete a total of twelve during this leg of the race.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Haven't done much lately. Been really tired and busy.

Only got in one approach this week. Saw two ugly girls walking down the street, one of whom was wearing a shirt that read, "I (heart) nerds." Said, "Hey, your t-shirt is awesome! Do you really love nerds?" Got a positive reply and proceded to say, "Great, then give me your phone number!" Handed her a receipt, got the digits, and left.

Didn't call the HB mentioned in my last post until today. Called late, got an answering machine. Honestly don't like waiting a whole week to call but been feeling too overworked and out of it to do anything.

Had a few interesting conversations, some greetings. Been getting really strong signals from an HB in my economics class. Will strike up something with her tomorrow.

Going to be really busy this weekend. Rejection colleciton starting next Monday.