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  1. D

    Where to go with this girl?

    Well guys, I sent her the email that I pasted earlier cuz I just wanted to elicit some type of response from her.. She replied with this: "john, i am not going to lie, that is probably the most random email i have ever recieved in my entire life... " Haha, not exactly what I was looking...
  2. D

    Where to go with this girl?

    triple_ultima, you're last sentence really struck a cord in me. Here's the email im going to send her, tell me what you guys think:
  3. D

    Where to go with this girl?

    Hey Vincent, maybe I made it unclear, but she didn't go to the club with me. We've had 3 shots to hang out, and none of them have happened.
  4. D

    Where to go with this girl?

    Hey everyone, I have a girl in one of my classes, who I've known for a while but never really started talking to her until recently. After reading a bunch of articles on this site and gaining confidence I decided that I wanted to hook up with her, and that it was realistic. I started talking...
  5. D

    I need some guys opinions!

    Don't do it. It's not the end of the world, but this guy isn't attracted to you. Respect his decision to be friends.
  6. D

    We need to get a new C+F thread started

    Girl says: "I've seen you before.." or, "I recognize you from somewhere..." Reply: "Yeah, you might have seen my billboard."
  7. D

    OMFG!!!.....its another boot camp Journal and MORE

    I like the journal idea - keep it up man, I'll be rootin' for ya.
  8. D

    Strangest Effin' Thing....

    Haha, nice DeGeneres reference. Let me know how it turns out with this girl.
  9. D

    My friend stabbed me in the back

    Ditch 'em, man. You say you have more friends, then go eat lunch with them instead of these guys. Seriously. I've broken off all contact with people I had been very good friends with for years because of a few situations. No different then a breakup with a girlfriend... if she fvck's up, you...
  10. D

    Strangest Effin' Thing....

    Number one, I think you gave up too easily. Why drop the persona because some other guy will "probably ask her out?" That's weak, bro.. you can do better than that :) Number two, go for it. You have nothing to lose. I agree with the no relationship thing... I'm actually hanging out with a...
  11. D

    how can i attract her back? help

    I have a different solution. Assassin, I think you're on the right track, and Jester, the way you lashed out at him for merely trying to help this guy out was totally uncalled for. To the orginal poster, first things first: it's over. Before you can do anything else, you have to accept that...
  12. D

    School HELP!

    It's right in front of your eyes, man... 6 minute presentation on how to be a Don Juan. Girls in your class will be infatuated with you after this.
  13. D

    Before you go too far, stop and think.

    Actually, I believe that many of the things learned here are just as much as important in serious relationships, even marriage. as they are when meeting new women. For any of you who are familiar with Doc Love from, he often emphasizes that the game is never over. And by game, I...
  14. D

    Not every girl...

    I disagree with part of your post. I believe it's important, as the man, to make the first move and take the lead 100% of the time. I can see when what you're saying might help someone be less stressed out about going on a date, but keep in mind, you have to be the aggressor regardless.
  15. D

    Not every girl...

    This was a mispost guys, wouldn't let me delete it.
  16. D

    The chick is feeling me , but wants me to admit how much I love her! wat to do?

    Don't tell her anything. These guys have a good idea with the "It's a secret" line. If you want to make it exclusive with her, then next time she asks you how you feel about her, tell her that "Actually, it's a secret.. maybe I'll fill you in later (or saturday, whenever, next time you are...
  17. D

    Kicked it with her over the weekend - now what?

    Likretsam, what would you consider 'serious'? Making out a few times, or more? Where do you draw the line?
  18. D

    Kicked it with her over the weekend - now what?

    Update: Sat down with her at lunch today, talked to her and one of her friends, kept it brief, set up this weekend to hang out again. Couldn't have worked out better, good calls everyone :)
  19. D

    I'm a girl!

    Is this girl serious? If I wanted advice like this I'd be hanging out on the Cosmo forums..