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  1. D

    Kicked it with her over the weekend - now what?

    Good points, guys. Tomorrow, when she walks by and tries to act cool, I'll playfully throw something at her :-P Calling on Thursday sounds good.
  2. D

    I'm a girl!

    Where's option #4: tap her phone and then blackmail her into going on a date with you? Trust me guys, its field tested..
  3. D

    Kicked it with her over the weekend - now what?

    What's up guys, I'm not new to the dating game or anything, but wanted your advice on a high school type situation. I'm currently a senior, and hung out with a girl who is a grade or two below me over the weekend. We have no prior history, except knowing each other through mutual friends, and...
  4. D

    Picture gallery of past conquests...

    What's up man, Great pics. My vote definitely goes for Jen.. thin, tan, awesome body. Keep up the good work.