I need some guys opinions!


Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Alright there's this guy at my school and I've liked him for like 3-4 months now and he knows that. Anyways he gave me all of these signs so I thought he liked me so I asked him out and he said no he just wants to be good friends and all. His exact words when I asked him out were "As a friend I like you a lot." Anyways I'm glad we're still good friends because I can definitely be myself around him but I'm still a little upset that he doesn't wanna try to be more. I understand he needs space and everything but I like him a lot. So school ends June 4th and I wanna give him a good lasting good bye impression, seeing as how unless we have a class together next year, our relationship as friends may just kinda disappear. So in your guys point of view would you mind if your good friend thats a girl gave you a kiss goodbye on the lips on the last day of the school year or would you push her away, say no, or anything like that? Please be honest! Thanks guys!!!
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Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
You were right about using your face, but wrong about using it on his.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
If he said no, than I would expect he would be disgusted that you disrespected his decision.

Smooth, translated in common tongue, means that you should not kiss him. That you should try to seduce him, not forcefully kiss him.

Da Joa

Don Juan
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Don't do it. It's not the end of the world, but this guy isn't attracted to you. Respect his decision to be friends.


Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I asked this other guy and he said that this girl did it to him last year and it left him thinking about her all year. He said it was "mysterious."


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2002
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A theater near you
Hate to say it, but we're experts on seducing girls on this board. We can't tell you much more than you could tell us if we asked you about girls.

That being said though, there are a couple things we use on girls that would probably work just as well on us guys:

Have you looked up this board long enough to know what "kino" is? It's basically body contact, especially flirtatious body contact. I'd try a little light kino on the guy and see how he reacts. If he's neutral or seems to like it, keep doing it and increase the... "risk" involved (heavier kino). If he pulls away, give him space. I'd wait until you have success with this before you do any kissing.

Two things I've noticed that make me more interested in a girl. First, if she shows obvious interest in me. You've done that by asking him out, I assume you're keeping it up.

If that doesn't work, make it really obvious that you like him, then cut it off all of the sudden. This goes into what we call around here being a "challange". It's a little like playing hard to get. If I know a girl that used to be interested in me is no longer interested, I start feeling regret and wondering what I missed.

Finally, a tip, we guys are often embarrased by the idea of being asked out rather than asking. I know it's dumb, but it's true. If you can sort of... ask him without really asking him, (Like saying, "we should do something together sometime." or "I'm doing XYZ on suchandsuch a day, you should come with me!"), your chances go up, because it almost feels to him like he did the asking.

Keep us posted, I want to see how our tricks work on us!

Good luck!

Salacious D

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Strawberry Fields
Hi Gina,

It sounds like you're into this guy. If you're interested in him, on top of touching him, general flirting with him, etcetera, there's at least one thing I can think of to bring to the table.

Your most powerful weapon is jealousy. Flirt with his friends, or with other guys, but don't overdo it--don't let him figure out that you're playing with him. Most humans act just like dogs: they don't want a bone until another dog picks it up. Let me tell you from experience, there was a girl I wasn't really interested in who definitely had a crush on me, and I can recall times when she flirted with other guys in front of me, probably not on purpose (she's pretty numb, one of the factors in my not liking her), but in any case, it increased my attraction for her. You have to be something that others desire.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
i thought i saw a thread of yours saying to guy to ask questions to you that youll always have advice, i guess the tables are turned.

with that in mind yea i think our mates here in this forum have given you a lot of good advice.

let him know you like him then ignore him and mess with other friends a little. always be a challenge, bc he will most likely go for the girl that is a challenge to get.

by the way are you good looking?


Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Ok some questions on your replies:
About this "kino". . . what should I do to start this flirtacious touching? Like give me some ideas.

Whats an AFB?

And to answer you question undesputable I consider myself alright looking, not a "miss america" yet not a beast. I am 5'6 brown hair brown eyes athletic etc. . .


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Massage his nads on the last day of school. That'll get him to take notice.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Well me and at least my fellow men are pretty shallow so the number 1 thing you could do is make yourself look good. I cant exactly give great tips for what a girl can do to look good but the things i mostly look at are well fitted clothes, hair (sloppy or frizzy hair is kind off a turn off either straight down or pulled back im not partial to curls and definately not braided), keep eyebrows plucked or whatever is needed, make sure you wear pants that compliment your ass i have seen some semi decent looking girls wearing pants that make me want to throw up when i see them around the waist area, and of course wear makeup and keep yourself looking feminine. Oh yea and if you need to, loose weight and get implants =)

If you looked good enough and dont have any MAJOR personality flaw, he would have gone out with you. You didnt give information on what this guy is like but ill just assume he is popular and similar to me. So here is what i can come up with that would turn me on or off.

1. Avoid talking about too much personal **** like about your friends and your home life its boaring and helps put you in the friend zone.

2. If he has a huge ego then talking about other guys around him might make him jealous and wonder why you dont like him (note not necesarily that would mean he wants you to like him but the fact that why the hell wouldnt you think he is best.)

3. Tease and fight him. I get in a lot of playful fights with girls at school and its definately a + it always seems to end with me getting my ass grabbed tho =O, teasing is way better than complements, in fact dont compliment his looks at all.

4. Dont always hang around him, people i hang out with all the time are in my friends zone and they really have no chance with me even though i know a lot of them like me. If i dont feel like making myself availible to a good looking girl at the moment, i aviod almost all contact with her and save her for later so neither of us enter a friends zone.

Hmm i cant really think of anything else, unless you know your good looking you can try getting sexual with him =) +++++++


Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bombshell
Well me and at least my fellow men are pretty shallow so the number 1 thing you could do is make yourself look good. I cant exactly give great tips for what a girl can do to look good but the things i mostly look at are well fitted clothes, hair (sloppy or frizzy hair is kind off a turn off either straight down or pulled back im not partial to curls and definately not braided), keep eyebrows plucked or whatever is needed, make sure you wear pants that compliment your ass i have seen some semi decent looking girls wearing pants that make me want to throw up when i see them around the waist area, and of course wear makeup and keep yourself looking feminine. Oh yea and if you need to, loose weight and get implants =)
You can't be serious about the implants and all that other stuff. . .

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Yes, I do have an opinion. But first, a few questions.

1) What did you exactly say to him to cause him to respond with "as a friend I like you a lot."

2) Why do you want him? Is he hot? Smart? What?

Why the second question? Because if I was hot,:( I'd want another hot person. If I was smart, I wouldn't want anyone significantly less smart than me. You feel me on this?

It's like...you're upper class. Unless there's some real romantic connection (God knows where from) you will not go out with a bum. That's what I'm trying to say. Also, about his response. If a girl asked me, "do you like me?" Here's how it'd go:

her: do you like me?
me: (oh ****....think fast) sure.
her: really?
me: yea, I like you almost as much as you like me.
me: yea, really. I like ice cream too.

But that's the smooth DJ way:D. Your buddy may be AFC. Therefore, his answer could have been AFC. He may really like you. When I was an AFC, I'd say that all the time. Just throw myself into the LJBF zone right away lol. But hey, please answer my questions and I and others will probably come up with better responses. One thing is for sure though. Do not pull any jealousy tricks. He will notice you more, but it does not mean that he will like you more. Touch him, flirt with him. Smile a lot, talk to him. Just show him you're interested. Guys are dense/pussies like that. We always wanna be 110% sure the girl likes us before making a move. Well, AFCs at least. Don't forget my questions sand good luck.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
actually what the hell just give him a big ol french kiss on the last day of school...why not? a guy is a guy and hell always want to get some ass and if you say youre not bad looking then hell deffintly want to tap that ass. right?

well since is going to be the last day of school and you plant a big wet french kiss, hes going to want more, but is last day of school and he aint gonna get it....

then hes going to probably call you somehow or something and yall get together and thats when you play hard to get (after being a dirty filthy ***** but is ok) youll get him......

you horny freak, thank me later


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShizamDaMan
Massage his nads on the last day of school. That'll get him to take notice.

I like undesputable's idea. Although it may lack respect for his decision, it would be hilarious.