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  1. R

    What to do under this circumstance?

    If a guy asked a girl out and the girl agreed on the day, but she doesn't know the time yet and she says she will let the guy know on that day what time she will be available. What should the guy do in this situation?
  2. R

    She didn't know my name when I called.

    I did try to call her earlier, but I had really bad luck. The same day that she gave me her number, her phone was out of service for whatever reason and continued to be out of service for like 4 days. Also, I read it in a lot of different places that phone is used to set up a date and minimize...
  3. R

    She didn't know my name when I called.

    I met a girl in my class. She always tried to sit next to me and we made a lot of eye contacts. We didn't talk a lot for the whole semester. I asked her name and she told me, but didn't bother to ask for my name. On the last day of class, I got her number and called her up few days later. She...
  4. R

    Girl was not responsive?

    How did you approach her after class? Doesn't hurt for me to try as long I know a way to do it.
  5. R

    Girl was not responsive?

    That's pretty funny. lol I was sitting in a back row and had my back against a wall, and she was sitting in front of me. Many times she would turn around and look in my direction and we made eyes contacts. The only person sitting next to me is a girl. I don't suppose she was looking at her? lol...
  6. R

    Girl was not responsive?

    She doesn't act like the same way she did to me when she's with other classmates, so I concluded the same way that you just did: A) She doesn't like me, but still likes to look at me (weird). B) extremely shy when a boy she likes talks to her (hitting my head against a wall). Today I had...
  7. R

    Girl was not responsive?

    But why is she keep looking at me?
  8. R

    Girl was not responsive?

    There was a girl in my class and I noticed her looking at me a lot. So, I tried to talk to her on 3 occasions, but she was not responsive at all. She would give one or two words answers that lead to a dead end. The last time I tried to talk to her and I didn't know what to say, so the question...
  9. R

    What is the deal with this girl?

    That's what baffle me. Why was she showing interests if she's not interested. This has happened to me many times. Girls showing interests, but when I move forward, I get rejected.
  10. R

    What is the deal with this girl?

    Yeah, I know. I will not make the same mistake in the future.
  11. R

    What is the deal with this girl?

    She has also disappeared from my facebook chat sidebar, but is still friend with me. Edit: reappeared, maybe fb is just weird.
  12. R

    What is the deal with this girl?

    I met a girl on a trip. During the night of our hotel stay, we had a party. We played games together in a group. I injured two of my fingers during the party. Next day when we were having breakfast in the restaurant, she waved at me and I waved back. Later, when she was walking past me, she...
  13. R

    What is my next move?

    My instinct was right. She's not interested. I asked her to hang out. She used two different excuses: she had to meet with her mother and had a lot of study to do, and she said "maybe next time." I said "ok, next time," and she said "sure." I asked her on the same day, so it was understandable...
  14. R

    What is my next move?

    Call her up and ask if she wants to hang out, but I don't know if I should ask her to hang out in the library or out for a coffee. And I think her interest level isn't that high, maybe about 60%. I have met her twice before, but she didn't remember my name. And when I said I got my jacket from...
  15. R

    B*tch calling me out

    No ones like to repeat themselves. When you ask the same questions, people will think you're not paying attention to them. IMO, she was nice by pointing it out for you, so you can fix your problem. What happen if you go on dates with different girls? Will you keep asking the same questions...
  16. R

    What is my next move?

    I met a girl in the school library. We sat on the same table and chat and study for a while. I left first, and we exchange numbers. Now when I call her next time, how do I get her to hang out?
  17. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Are you saying that there's no reason behind her actions, and I shouldn't try to decode it? Also, I believe I have improved by acting indifferently this time and tried to control my emotion as best as I could.
  18. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Um...thank? I read, acquired and practiced all of it overnight. Now I'm a 100% better man.
  19. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Today in class someone sent her a video to her phone, she watched it and smile. Then later when the class was over, she asked me if I want to see something. I said sure, and then she said her "friend" sent her this and showed me a video of a cartoonized character holding a heart with "I Love...
  20. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    I didn't know there was another man until the very last moment and until I put all the pieces together. I did catch some signs from her that she has a guy, but the signs were subtle and I didn't think too much about it.