She didn't know my name when I called.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I met a girl in my class. She always tried to sit next to me and we made a lot of eye contacts. We didn't talk a lot for the whole semester. I asked her name and she told me, but didn't bother to ask for my name. On the last day of class, I got her number and called her up few days later. She asked me who was calling, so I told her my name, but she said she didn't know that name and asked me where we met. I told her I was from her class and she said "ooooooh." I wasn't really sure if she really got it and was able to recall my face with my name. Then she said what was the reason of calling her or a similar line. I said that it was really nice meeting and knowing her this semester, and if she had time we can go out and get to know each others more. Then she said she's busy with school. But we just finished the final and we have a week off. I said good bye after that.

What do you make of this? Interest level is below 50%? I'm not really sure if she could attach my name to my face, because when we're in school, she seemed really interested. We sat together, made eye contacts, and some physical contacts that she initiated. Over the phone it was like I was a stranger. Was it because she didn't know my name and wasn't able to tell that I was the guy that she always sat next to?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Dude you can't wait more than a day or two to call a girl after you get her #. Just send her a short and funny text so she saves your number and refreshes her memory, then maybe chat her up a bit in another 4 days or something.

And it's so cheesy to call a girl and be all like "I'd like to get to know you better..." just call her up and start having fun man. Joke around make her laugh...

With women it's much easier to just focus on trying to make them show interest first. Call her up and have fun until she suggests you hang out together.

You have to understand that when you call her you are entering an arena of judgment. She is constantly trying to qualify you from the get go. You just fell into the default "dork trying to get some play" category.

Not only that but i'm sure she sees you didn't have the balls (or interest) to chat her up earlier... next.

Try harder bro...

And be creative!!!


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I did try to call her earlier, but I had really bad luck. The same day that she gave me her number, her phone was out of service for whatever reason and continued to be out of service for like 4 days.

Also, I read it in a lot of different places that phone is used to set up a date and minimize the conversation as much as possible. Was my phone conversation approach wrong? Or should I had gotten to know her more over the phone or text before asking her out?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
What I do...

It's critical to get things right in the initial contact. At first I won't cold call a girl ever. I'll text her and ask when she can chat a bit on the phone. Then i'll call her when I know for sure she is going to pick up.

That call will be fun and light and i'll make sure to end it on a high note.

When I start seeing interest and know a little more about her schedule then i'll just start cold calling her to ask her out.

You don't want a girl to get used to not taking your calls, and you don't want to keep calling someone that's not picking up, it just makes you look needy.

Sure, short, and sweet.. at first.