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  1. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Thank you for the supporting words, but my mind cannot get over it and it keeps playing and rethinking everything that happened over and over. Deep down maybe I wish it would have turned out differently, and where it went wrong and what were my mistakes
  2. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Forgot to mention that on my 3rd text to her, I also told her that I chose not to waste anymore time with her. I said that because my feeling told me that her interest level was low, it was possible that she was seeing another guy. What is the chance that everything I saw and heard on the...
  3. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    NEW QUESTION: So to continue from where she texted me and asked how I was. I answered "Just chilling with a friend." No reply from her, but the second day she texted me again and asked what time I would be in school. I ignored her and didn't go to class that day. Two days later...
  4. R

    Anyone have a pdf of the Don Juan bible?

    What's Don Juan Bible? I would like to know and have one.
  5. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Oh, I forgot to mention that judgement day when we were in class she had the gut to tell me happy Valentine Day. What do you supposed it meant other than to pissed me off?
  6. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Yeah, but how do I refuse helping her homework in a professional way?
  7. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    Oh yeah, and then she just texted me RIGHT now asking "hey 'insert my name' how are you?" She has never texted me and asked how I am before. At least not that I remember. Should I answer or ignore?
  8. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    In future, if she comes and ask me a math problem: 1. I can teach her but that will be like giving her more free stuff. 2. I can tell her I don't know how to solve it, but she will know I'm lying and I will appear unprofessional.
  9. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    That is what I was thinking. Ever since I helped her with math, her grade jumped from C to A-.
  10. R

    What was this woman thinking and doing?

    I have known this woman for 2 months. Long story short: I knew she was attracted to me to some level. I asked her if she has a boyfriend, she answered uncomfortably that she broke up with her ex 3 months ago. Now fast forward to the week of Valentine's Day, also her birthday. I asked if...
  11. R

    A girl is suddenly avoiding me for no reason.

    Good advices, thanks mate.
  12. R

    A girl is suddenly avoiding me for no reason.

    Nope, she mentioned my name in her text, but whatever, I next'd her.
  13. R

    A girl is suddenly avoiding me for no reason.

    My phone was on silent and I didn't check it until late that night and found out she text me 9 hours ago.
  14. R

    A girl is suddenly avoiding me for no reason.

    And I don't know why. I met her in school and we talked a bit on the way home and exchanged phone numbers. Three days later I text her and asked how she was doing, and we exchanged some friendly conversations about Thanksgiving. Then two days after our text conversation, she text me and...
  15. R

    Does this girl like me?

    Yeah, I think you're right. I should text her to know her more.
  16. R

    Does this girl like me?

    She's not my in classes. We don't get to see each other. It's not like I can talk to her every day. That's why calling her and asking her out to know her more is more effective. A date is to get to know each other, not saying a date is straight into relationship.
  17. R

    Does this girl like me?

    Rejected. I called her. She didn't pick up, but returned my call in like 5 minutes. I went straight to the point and asked her if she want to go out tomorrow. She said she couldn't because of she had to study for a test in the following week, which was true. Right now is midterm season and I...
  18. R

    Does this girl like me?

    I was never overreacting. I haven't shown any interest in front of her, except the part where I asked for her number. I was just gauging her interest level and determining if I should ask her out. Maybe she's interested or just being overly friendly.
  19. R

    Does this girl like me?

    I went to a field trip, and there was a girl who initiated and asked for my name. I asked for her name in return, but I forgot it later during the whole trip. She gave out a lot of signs that she liked me. She would complimented my shoes, told me to sit next to her when we were playing a card...