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    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Online Personality Quiz

    HA! ENFP. We had to take the actual MBTI for my MBA communications class and pay $10 for it. This quiz again confirmed my type. Very cool,,,
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    civil youth organization

    How can Obama be compared to Hitler or Stalin when he is black? He may inspire nationalism in many Americans, but he is himself the son of an immigrant and is living in a multi-racial society. He has such a diverse background, I see no ulterior motive in his actions. He has outstanding moral...
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    waking up

    I am fuggin terrible at waking up on time... I used to always miss class and other important's what I did: I bought three alarm clocks... I set them to go off at five minute intervals 1 hour before I have to leave the house... and I just hit snooze 1-2 times before I realize I...
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    Whats the best online stock purchase website?

    Stocks are too risky. Look into Vanguard...low expense-ratio mutual funds.
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    am i the only one who doesn't like licking a girl out?

    I LOVE going down on a girl. Seeing her squirming in pleasure... and knowing that it's guaranteed sex after I make her come. GOD! I used to not like it...but the past two girls Ive been with dont smell at ALL down there, and it's been a fun adventure. I love exploring their bodies.
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    Economy Tanking?

    No, you have to keep paying your loan. It would be the court if the bank disappears, or another bank if the original bank was sold.
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    Your worst traveling experience

    Ive done extensive traveling over Asia, Europe, and Africa. Morocco, however, stands out. I will never EVER go back to Morocco.
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    Who knows about student loans?

    You're Irish, so you didn't have to pay for your bachelor's degree, right? I have Irish citizenship and looked into free tuition, but I wasn't eligible because I didn't have my leaving cert or something.
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    Who knows about student loans?

    /stafford loan subsidized but, are you sure begging your parents won't work?
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    Dating an ABC

    She is the first Asian girl Ive been with, and I've been with ~10 other white American/European girls previously. Backpacking around Asia had such a profound experience on my life...especially China, and I would like to continue the culture I learned over there and adapt to be good boyfriend...
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    Dating an ABC

    1) At dim sum (chinese tea-lunch) with her parents the other day, I took a little sticky-rice wrap (there were four...). Apparently I was supposed to share that with everyone else instead of taking my own. She said later in the car that that's the type of thing might make her parents think "Oh...
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    Dating an ABC

    ABC = American Born Chinese
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    Dating an ABC

    Im a white guy and Ive been with a ABC girl for 7 months now. I was just wondering if there are other guys out there in my situation or a support group or something to talk about all the retarded little things she does.
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    Help, I'm in China...

    Greetings, Ive been living in China for the past 3 months. It has been quite an emotional rollercoaster for me these past couple months. I cancelled my plane ticket home, my parents and friends don't know where I am, I don't have a job, and I don't have a visa to live in China. But somehow...