Do you think this woman is really 134 years old?

Is she truthful?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Click here for the CNN video

I watched the news video twice and I strongly think the woman is lying. The woman certainly is old but I would estimate no older than her late 80's. The main thrust of why I believe the woman is lying:

1. The world record for the longest documented lifespan was Jeanne Calment of France of 122 years age and typically the old person alive at any moment is usually around their mid-110's. (Wikipedia). Yet, we are to believe this woman living out in the middle of nowhere Africa, just happened to be really really really really luck. I don't know the numbers crunching math, but I would think the probability statistics of a woman living to 134 years of age, with the bell curve of expected lifetimes, is once in many thousands of years and I bet we're not so lucky.

2. Her appearance and behavior is discrepant and inconsistent with known longest agers. She's blind, she misses many teeth, but she seems too chatty and mentally intact. She has the mental capacity of your grandmother. She also didn't seem to match the frailness comparative to known longest agers. While it may be true some centurions live for 110+ years and still maintain a surprising degree of mental and physical agility, that seems more the exception than the rule and, I would think, is reliant upon living in a modern society with access to modern medicine, proper diet, lifestyle, and physical exercise regiments. Yet, this poor woman lives poor Africa.

3. Her official birth certificate states she is 134 years old, but births were not recorded when she was born and the birth date was admittedly accepted by her statement. She supposedly has 14 adult children, at least one daughter of 90 years age, but I question the veracity of their real ages and their real relationships to her.

I believe this is a case of not an individual but a whole community, from her neighbors to her local government, complicit in swindling a lie for publicity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
I love how they say she thinks she is 134 years old :p

Yet they said her daughter was 90 years old, which would make her 44 when she had her.....
But that is pretty old to have kids ----> Especially for African Tribal Cultures...

So yes, I do think she's probably lying :eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
Deep Dish said:
Yet, we are to believe this woman living out in the middle of nowhere Africa, just happened to be really really really really luck. I don't know the numbers crunching math, but I would think the probability statistics of a woman living to 134 years of age, with the bell curve of expected lifetimes, is once in many thousands of years and I bet we're not so lucky.
Totally agree with you on that one, it makes perfect sense! :up:

Deep Dish said:
I believe this is a case of not an individual but a whole community, from her neighbors to her local government, complicit in swindling a lie for publicity.
Yeah bro, I actually wouldn't be surprised if that happened to be the true objective truth


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
She THINKS shes that old cause her brain is turning into mush. How do you have an educated guess of ones birthdate? Sketch.