civil youth organization

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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theunflushables said:
Actually that final quote isn't from me. But seriously though, political threads are generally not allowed here. Don't know how this has not been locked yet.
Sosuave has a no politics rule! OOPSY! Seriously, I make my own rules.

As for lumping socialism and fascism together under totalitarianism. Yes, that's true, kind of. Undeniably fascism is totalitarian. However true socialism is not. True socialism has never existed. USSR, Cuba, China for example are totalitarian government's with some socialism sprinkled in.

The closest thing we have to true socialism in the world are countries like Germany, France, Sweden and to some extent Canada. The people have the choice in those countries.

Ketostix, Nazis were not socialists. Yes the full name for Nazi is National Socialist Party. But they were by no means socialist. Like everything else they did, they borrowed it. Remember what the swastika originally was? Look it up. And the Aryan race, that was originally designated for the peoples of central asia who would go on to populate Europe. Not the fair haired blonds of Hitler's wet dreams.

Here is a bit from the wikipedia article on Nazism: The term “National Socialism” derives from this citizen-nation relationship, whereby the term socialism is invoked and is meant to be realized through the common duty of the individuals to the German people; all actions are to be in service of the Reich. The Nazis stated that their goal was to bring forth a nation-state as the locus and embodiment of the people’s collective will, bound by the Volksgemeinschaft, as both an ideal and an operating instrument. In comparison, traditional socialist ideologies oppose the idea of nations
Again, you're just mincing words. Since you want to get technical about it, I'll correct you. Socialism HAS existed. Socialism = the governments transition period to true Communism. Now true COMMUNISM (which I think is what you were getting at) has never been achieved. The former USSR's brand of Socialism (the transition to true Communism) was corrupted by Stalin and then became Stalinism.

At the end of the day, Facism, Socialism, it's all Collectivism and tramples on individual freedom - the very promise this country was founded on.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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In Motion said:
Yeah, thats logical. OMG guys, people were cheering for Obama. And people cheered for Hitler. FURTHER EVIDENCE!11!!1!! OENEONE
Cr1msonKing said:
lol What argument. It sounded more like a ridiculous rant to me.
Love those Democrats, such free thinking people open to discussion and true change!

Let me ask you this: would Obama want you guys to be free thinking and open to discussion? Or would he want you to follow his word blindly and scoff at other opinions?

I think it's obvious by how you, his followers, are acting is what he truly wants from America. Close mindedness. Us versus them.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
Case Sensitive said:
Love those Democrats, such free thinking people open to discussion and true change!

Let me ask you this: would Obama want you guys to be free thinking and open to discussion? Or would he want you to follow his word blindly and scoff at other opinions?

I think it's obvious by how you, his followers, are acting is what he truly wants from America. Close mindedness. Us versus them.
Oh yeah, you didnt know? All people who like Obama or voted for him are nazis and against free speech. Infact they are communists as well! What you are saying is just so plain ridiculous that Im not even going to bother coming up with some decent arguments, Ill just mock you, sort of like you mock Obama and every one of his supporters.

Guys, honestly I think we have a troll here.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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Reposted from another forum:

Rahm Emanuel Wants “Compulsory Service” for Your Kids

J.D. Tuccille
Albuquerque Examiner
November 7, 2008

Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, President-Elect Barack Obama’s choice for chief of staff in his incoming administration, is co-author of a book, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, that calls for, among other things, compulsory service for all Americans ages 18 to 25. The following excerpt is from pages 61-62 of the 2006 book:

It’s time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service. …

Here’s how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They’ll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we’re hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities’ most pressing needs.

Emanuel and co-author Bruce Reed insist "this is not a draft," but go on to write of young men and women, "the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service." They also warn, "ome Republicans will squeal about individual freedom," ruling out any likelihood that they would let people opt out of universal citizen service.

As chief of staff, Emanuel will not be in a position to directly introduce public policy, but his enthusiasm for compulsory service, combined with Barack Obama’s own plan to require high school students to perform 50 hours of government-approved service, suggest an unfortunate direction for the new administration.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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^ So this is the OBAMA everyone wanted?

Compulsory service, right off the bat?

By a show of hands, how many on THIS forum would actually agree to such service?


I'm beyond their expected age, however, were I a parent during this time, I'd have serious reservations about the GOGOGO attitude being pandered around America. During a time when our reputation is as long as it's ever been, they are asking of the population the utmost in devotion with nothing proven in return.

Where's the point of living a free life, of choice, come into life at all?

Think me nuts, at this point I don't care. There's no point in being considered "adjusted" to this sick society. If anything, non-adjustment is the only sort of true health and freedom, one that calls for challenging the status quo.

I certainly don't believe ANY other candidate would have considered the institution of such a paradigm. Mind you, MOST if not ALL policies that are inforce NOW, were sold to the American people as just "temporary" or "effecting only the elite." False.

The truth is, the income tax was sold as effecting ONLY the wealthy, but now it's imposed on everything.

The Patriot Act was to protect against a raping of our freedoms from terrorism (false enemy), yet it's been abused time and time again and is a sin against our Constitution.

Anyone can cite situations where the public were told something was temporary or small and grew. And grew. And grew. The mere fact a party would introduce this disgusts me. It disgusts me for my young cousins. And even soon to be born-children.


Because the mark of the original patriots and founders of our nation CARED and DIED for the future they wanted to create. They cared about the future they had available, not just today. Not just tomorrow. They didn't run, they died. They fought. I suppose you could take the christian angle and turn the other cheek. But when is enough, ENOUGH?

See...what same may miss will be the subtle CREEPING of other effects, laws, regulations, or reality from one point to another. In a direction, by which society is guided for the supposed betterment of all. Do we believe this? 4,000 troops+ and some estimated amounts from 100,000 to 1,000,000 IRAQIS have died in the war. Estimates have it near at least 500,000. Are we as people satisfied? With the sophisticated technology and highly trained troops, are we to believe it takes this much blood shed, money, bodies, and troops to feret out...oil? Saddam? Bin Laden? Or, establish a government WE WANT?

Yes, I'm angry.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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More info being to light that Obama isn't who he say's he is...

Barack Hussein Obama's REAL name is Barry Soetoro PROOF POSITIVE Illegitimate Regime of the Impostor Barry Soetoro a Marxist infiltrator Demand to see his birth certificate, passport, and college tuition records before he is sworn in as President! This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam.(AP Photo/ Tatan Syuflana) If his real name is Barry Soetoro, where is the court document showing that his name was legally changed to Barack Obama? Let's see the birth certificate! MSNBC: Indonesian school cheers the US election of the boy they knew as "Barry" The headmaster took a call from the Indonesian president, congratulating him, while old classmates, who'd set up a fan club for the boy they all knew as "Barry," could hardly believe the news. KHNL: Hawaiian classmates quietly campaign for their friend Barry They avoided the limelight because they say they didn't want to do anything to detract from their friend, Barry. Now, Obama's Sweeties, a small group of graduates from Oahu's PunahouSchool, breaks its silence. Cowra: Indonesian classmate recalls the chubby boy called Barry "It's amazing," said former schoolmate and Indonesian parliamentarian, Dewi Asmara. "The chubby boy at school, who we called Barry, is now the President of the United States." Khon2: Member of Class of '79: "He says oh just call me Barry" Kusunoki remembers the class of '79 graduate as a bright student and even as a teenager, was already quite articulate. "He was always very thoughtful, he gave things a lot of thought before he spoke, and pictures you see of him in thought, that's him, that's Barry. But he always had that big smile when he walked in the door. He had a lot of charisma."He was known as barry then because students and teachers kept mispronouncing his first name, saying bah-rack instead of Barack."He says oh just call me Barry. It's been Barry ever since. To all of us here we don't mean any disrespect, but endearingly we still call him Barry." Video: Teacher said Obama told him "Call me Barry" PakTribune: Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama is no stranger in Pakistan The Afghan war was at its peak at that time and the US State Department had already issued a warning for Americans travelling to Pakistan.An August 14, 2008 report by the Associated Press even alleged that Obama had actually travelled to Pakistan under his Muslim name-Barry Soetero-while using an Indonesian passport. IllinoisLottery: The Day After....Illinois Pick-3 Lottery number was 666 on day after Obama victory Mega Millions Fri, Nov 7 2008 is $42,000,000; Sat, Nov 8 2008 is $15,000,000; Fri, Nov 7 2008 is $100,000 Honolulu Advertiser: Hawaiian Democrats rejoice over election of the man known as Barry by his high school classmates Ever since the Illinois senator - known as "Barry" by his Punahou classmates - announced his run for the presidency in February 2007, thousands of Hawai'i residents have galvanized to back their native son. Honolulu Star Bulletin: High school classmates saw the guy they knew as Barry win the White House When he was a basketball player at Punahou School, President-elect Barack Obama was overshadowed by better players and seldom scored....But last night, his former Punahou classmates, friends and instructors saw the guy they knew as "Barry" win the most important contest of his life...."I'm just going to bask in the glory," said John "Squeeze" Kamana III, Obama's basketball teammate at Punahou. "This is like the time that we won the state championship in '79, Barry's senior year." WND: Barry Soetoro present while communist Frank Davis sold drugs on Honolulu streets "Obama was a young kid, about 14 or 15 years old," the source told WND. "I was told his name was Barry, and there was no doubt Barry knew Davis was selling marijuana and cocaine as well as hot dogs from the stand...Barry was also there with an older white gentleman I'm told was Stanley," the source said. "I thought Stanley was Barry's father."
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Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Only three of those links work. Two of the links just reference that he used by the name Barry. That's not uncommon at all. I don't go by full name.

The third link is a conservative web site; that has been known in the past to start controversies. Here's the wikipedia article.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
The links are now fixed.

And you know what? +1 rep point for you for at least checking out the links - and I almost never rep people on political threads.

My whole point of all of this was to get people to keep an open mind and not blindly accept anything from a political leader as Gospel.

I find it somewhat scary the way some (not necessarily you theunflushables) embrace Obama's word unquestioningly.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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Cr1msonKing said:
That doesn't make any sense, should have, but not entitled to it. Why not? Thats sooooo bad that your money is going to help those in need. I'd like to see you pay for everything from the private sector, and avoid all government support.
Why not?

Because believe it or not, some things in a capitalist society cost money! Someone has to pay for it. Yes people SHOULD have healthcare. But they are not entitled to having other people pay for it for them.

It used to be that if people were underprivileged, people might out of the goodness of their heart give charity.

These days the underprivileged DEMAND that others give them the hand out and the government says "DO IT, OR ELSE"


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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How can Obama be compared to Hitler or Stalin when he is black? He may inspire nationalism in many Americans, but he is himself the son of an immigrant and is living in a multi-racial society. He has such a diverse background, I see no ulterior motive in his actions. He has outstanding moral character, and he makes me very proud to be living in the US.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Because we have no idea what he's going to do. What we do know is, he's a Marxist (said so himself), he wants to "spread around the wealth," and he's already talking about a New World Order with forced cooperation from citizens.

And he doesn't even salute the US flag.

But mainly from speeches like this:

His ulterior motive would be American socialism at the least.

And as far as his moral character, think about how he voted in favor of continuing partial birth abortions, and sat in "church" for years listening to Reverend Wright's hate speech.

I don't know. I hope nothing goes wrong, but I am very scared of Obama. Years ago, he would never have been elected because the media wouldn't have taken him seriously.

Maybe if he grows a moustache people will pay more attention to his actual agenda, lol

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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TheMoonMonst3r said:
How can Obama be compared to Hitler or Stalin when he is black?
Race has nothing to do with anything. Judge a man by his actions, not the color of his skin. I mean if Hitler had been black, would that have made his actions acceptable?

You mentioned Hitler and Stalin - These guys have a lot in common. Both promoted nationalism and collectivism over individual liberty. Both of them had a CULT OF PERSONALITY - meaning they were charismatic figures who inspired euphoric excitement in their followers.

^^^^Obama is doing this and it's quite scary

I mean do you guys think he can do no wrong?

-He wants youth organizations - everyone says "OK"

-He wants to ban guns - eventually everyone says "OK"

When do people stop, think for themselves and say "this isn't right"?

This country was founded on FREEDOM. Freedom for the individual.

A country of strong and free individuals sure beats a country of government controlled sheep.

Freedom is such an amazing thing and we're all taking it for granted and letting it be taken from us in the name of Patriotism, terrorism, socialism, national healthcare, ect.

This is America. We have the freedom to be poor. Or the freedom to work hard and prosper. It's our choice. Instead, it's becoming a country where if you're poor you expect a government handout and if you're prosperous, the government will take it away to keep everyone equal.

This is becoming an Orwellian society.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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Cr1msonKing said:
This is stupid. Arguing over the internet is not going to do much.
Yet you continue arguing with me.

Why are you posting on here? This isn't a political website neither is it a forum where you can reach a broad number of people.
Funny how you try to turn into a moderator on me when you know you can't win the argument.

For me its just a good laugh, and I highly doubt you'll be able to convert someone to your train of thought on Obama.
This is STILL America. You're free to think your own way, even if you choose to mindlessly follow a political leader.

Are you out there actually doing something in real life? I voted Yes on Prop 8 and for Obama/Biden 08. I didn't take it to the internet for mindless fail threads, but volunteered at school for the Democratic Party club, I'm Independent btw. I also signed up with the local church across the street to pass out fliers/bumper stickers for Prop 8.
Well good for you. But guess what? What I say I do in real life and what you say you do in real life is irrelevant because we could be lying about it. My message to anyone who reads this thread is simply this "don't blindly follow any political leader just because he's a sweet talker".


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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Don’t even bother with the obama supporters...these types of people don’t want to learn

Every nation in the history of the world has gone through these cycles of growth and decay...

the thing that separates the rich from the poor is that they don't bother to argue with idiots...they just keep studying and securing nominal income

Not everyone is going to be equal so just do like obama and exploit the ignorant

You are right in comparing obama to hitler as the campaign bares a startling the german miracle...its the best modern example of libertarian reforms to a post fascist nation

I say fascist but in actuality most governments have a mix of the different ideology like some others pointed out