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    Did I cheat? What to do now?

    Dajinn, thanks for your post. You illuminated my mind to a lot of things I wasn't considering before. Before I respond fully, can you elaborate on what you talked about in the 2nd paragraph? TheException, I definitely appreciate your bluntness. Idk what made me start breaking code for this...
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    Did I cheat? What to do now?

    Greetings y'all, I have a problem accompanied by a somewhat roundabout story. So I've been seeing this girl for a month and a half. Started off as friends, then dated and started having sex. Everything was going well and I just naturally started talking to other girls less and...
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    Don Juan Reading

    Interesting. I'll have to check those out. Thanks y'all!
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    Don Juan Reading

    Hey guys, what are some books that y'all think would make good reading material for a developing DJ? There are many topics a potential DJ would need to know about such as self esteem, success in social interactions, overcoming shyness, becoming more productive in day-to-day life, establishing...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Lots to report this time around! Ok so there's this girl (HB7) in my English class I'm sort of cool with. Worked with her and another person in a group on an assignment so we're on speaking terms. I go into class and the tables are arranged differently so I sit by her and I start up a quick...
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    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Ok these two convos were done while I was already out with a girl so i didn't go for numbers or anything. #1 I'm at one of the cafeterias on campus and am getting a drink when I see HB5. She's carrying a long wide carrying bag (primarily used by art majors) so I open her about her major and...
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    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Any videos or articles you would recommend for this challenge? I'm just asking cuz the ones you posted for the first challenge were a great deal of help to me.
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    In an 8am lab class. This girl (HB7) is doing her work. I tell her to wait outside for me after lab. She gives me this funky look and asks why, to which I respond, "because I want to talk to you." I finish my work and go outside to actually find her waiting for me. I say something like...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Been a minute since my last post cause I've been busy getting re-acclimated to campus life. However, I'm no slouch either. I surpassed my goal of three approaches. Here are the notable ones. I'm at one the cafeterias on campus. Just got my food and looking for somewhere to sit. I see this...
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    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Got a number today. Was out picking up some things in between class when I stop at a crosswalk and notice HB6 next to me. We start walking in the same general direction when so I decide to open. Me: You getting books too? HB6: *Turns around with a smile* Yeah We talk for a little...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Thanks guys. I'm finally going back to college later today. I admit I've had some opportunities to approach while I've been home but have mostly missed out due to approach anxiety. Not gonna let that stop me though. My goal is to make at least 3 approaches and number closes by next Sunday...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Not a whole lot to report lately. But I'm going back to college on Friday so things should pick up quite a bit. I chilled with one of my homegirls the other day. She keeps trying to convince me and my ex to get back together but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Also, she wants to set...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Personal Strengths *I'm really funny *Haven't been with a lot of chicks but I haven't had a bad review in bed lol *Known as being a nice person/ generally good reputation *Many girls have told me I'm cute. IMO the only things keeping me from bridging the gap to "fine" is height (I'm 5ft...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Thanks for commenting. A strengths list seems like a good idea, I'll go ahead and throw that in there. My main goals to start with are to get over my ex, develop my social skills and the whole learn to dance thing (but that's just to make things easier when I hit up clubs lol) As far as...
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    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I went shopping to day and got out some approaches. Even got some mini convos in so I feel good. They were all older adults though... -First approach was old lady working at Ross (clothing store). Asked her about the next shipment of Levis lol -Next was security guard at same store. Just...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Nothing really new to report today. That's probably how it's going to be for these first couple days as I'll spend much of my time doing research on seduction and what not. I'll be leaving to go back to college in a little over a week so that's when the field reports will really pick up. But...
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    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    Is it too late to sign me up?
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    Want the hell do you want!

    Good thread. My goal would be to be able to comfortably approach women and be more comfortable socially in general. Getting laid seems to be a shallow goal if you ask me. Finding true love would be nice too but that's not something you really go looking for. In order to achieve those goals...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    I really don't know where to start with all this I'm just gonna check out the DJ Bible and some archive posts on the forum. Again, any advice is appreciated. Help a newbie out:yes:
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    Just a thought: I'm not normally this negative of a person. I'm actually a funny, likeable person. It's just that recent events have spurred me to reevaluate my life and the way it has been up to this point. The way I feel now, I never want to feel again in my life so this is the first step...