Want the hell do you want!

Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
I cant stress the power of clarity enough. Do you want to gain control over the inner issues. Want to boost your success with women and life in general, then answer these questions.

What is your ultimate goal?

To find a girlfriend?

To get laid every day?

To get laid every weekend?

To get laid whenever you want?

To fall in love with a girl?

To find true love?

To be able to get laid whenever you leave your house?

To be able to approach random women comfortably?

To lay 500 women?

Think about it, be honest and write it down here.

You have to know and define your goals.

If you don't know where you're going, you'll never get there. Or something like that.

What do you want?

My answer: freedom, choice and quality. I already have 'em.

What do you have to do in order to achieve your goal?

What is the missing part of the puzzle?

Are you taking enough ACTION? :rockon:

Young Rocketship

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Good thread. My goal would be to be able to comfortably approach women and be more comfortable socially in general. Getting laid seems to be a shallow goal if you ask me. Finding true love would be nice too but that's not something you really go looking for.

In order to achieve those goals the best thing to do would probably be to do research on pick up and, more importantly, do lots and lots of approaches.

Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
@Young Roocketship: Hows your rocket launcher? :p
Getting laid is not shallow. Fcuking is pleasurable and enjoyable if we are not needy.
Some people want to get laid. fine.
Some want a gf. Fine.
Having said that kudos for having goals. Now make them as detailed as possible.


Sit down, prepare to learn.

This is my(your) life.

1. Since I was born I have had a desire to better myself and become a better person. If you are not here for that then I really don't know what you are doing.

2. Every hour of study that I have put into donjuan/pickup stuff has been offset by multiple hours (hundreds) in the field. (Because life is the field, and you should treat it as such).

Three things I had to learn -

3. Nobody is perfectly confident - many who seem to be are fundamentally even more insecure than others. It's alright.

4. Don't care what others think. I make my decisions. Then I act on them. Some friends will try to make you feel bad about the girls you go out with. Some girls will try to make you feel bad about yourself. I know how ****ed up I am, I can't tell how ****ed up anyone else really is. It only shows in their reactions. So go first.

5. Know what you want. I am pretty specific about what I'm looking for in girls. This doesn't mean these are the only girls I'll talk to or pursue, but it allows me to judge them realistically and see them as real people. I want someone who's funny and interesting, can tell a good story and has her life in order. I'm going to have to hang out with her, so she can't survive on looks alone for long. I want one with a nice flat, because I like being in nice places. I like to be treated well, I don't like sexual hangups, and I don't like drama. Three strikes and you're out.

There is a high probability that the "other issues" are unreal. Mind sabotage. Should they really exist, they will probably handle themselves when you're out there. If you want to wait until you're "ready" you will never leave home. You'll never feel "ready" enough.

Start thinking like Bruce Willis and repeat to yourself: "I was born ready". Every Man Was :) Then go out and approach.

Try to stay out of your mind while you're out there.

Go back home, analyze your approaches, post a field report for feedback, congratulate yourself for your efforts and think how you could improve your game / what could you have done better.

You are all you need.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Super Hero said:
I cant stress the power of clarity enough.
Bravo. So many people blowing in the wind because quite frankly, they have no focus and no SPECIFIC goal.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Bag o' douche, UK
I just want to get LAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
I'd like to have a girlfriend, but I feel that it's more necessary to lose my virginity first. No girl's gonna wanna be exclusive with a guy that's no good in bed.