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  1. G

    "Stay in touch"

    Depends how and when they say it. Sometimes it's a good thing.
  2. G

    Anyone Ever Tried This?

    It's a girl move. Or maybe a bunch of girls really liked me in the past (wtf happened to me now, I swear I'm better looking)
  3. G

    Pile in THIS ONE guys.

    Wait. Wait. Call her. Keep it short, leave on the high point. Force her to keep you in her thoughts and impatiently wait for your next call. Just don't be tense.
  4. G


    There is no negative (appearance-wise) effect of tanning until your sixties. By then it won't be your looks that get you laid anyways.
  5. G

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Nervous or you do it right as they pass you and they barely have time to smile.
  6. G

    I Need to Help a Friend...

    So I have this friend I'm trying to get him out of his shell. He's pretty short (5'8 o 5'9) but he's pretty built and somewhat tan and he's only had three girlfriends. He's been on the slouch for the better part of a year (We're in highschool) and I need to be a GREAT wingman because while he...
  7. G

    What do you consider the perfect body?

    My first serious girlfriend kind of set the standard for me. I like them tan, dark eyes, dark hair, around 5'3, perfect teeth, sweet, shy, good boobs but not to big (would look wierd on shorter girls), great but (Oh yeah, I'm a but guy), and an overall althletic, lithe body. My perfect woman...
  8. G


    Creatine stimulates, in short, water-weight. Your arms look bigger, you look buffer, but once you're off it for a month you'll notice serious loss. For this reason I'd suggest that you stick with the protein shakes and develop somewhat naturally.
  9. G

    what i eat never seems to affect me

    STAY OFF CREATINE You don't know how it works. It's superficial and temporary. Save your money for protein beverages.
  10. G

    Hot personal trainer at the gym

    Hesitation is bad. You see an opening, you go for it. Who cares if she says no? Even if she's one in a million (which I doubt) there are three hundred people just like her.
  11. G


    They'll take no interest if you don't impress them. I think you misunderstood. Impress them with personality, humor, or whatever eccentricities you might have. The focus absolutely should be on the girl and not on ourselves why'll talking.
  12. G


    Wrong. It's your job (duty) to impress her. Keep them short, superficial, and don't go on about yourself. Leave them wanting more and wanting it bad.
  13. G

    Define cute.

    Body Language and Appearance. Two keys to escape 'Cuteness.' Is DC a chick? But yeah PV, no offense to you, but your ,for lack of better words, 'pudginess' is making you cute and not hot. :kick: Lose the babyfat. I had the same problem (not exactly, but I had a babyface) in seventh grade...
  14. G

    Girl interested?

    She enjoys controlling you. You are her play-thing. Knock it off. Think about when you had a girlfriend. You still had female friends that you'd mess around (by that I mean flirt with) without having any actual intent.
  15. G


    JTrain, I used to be just like you. I would control the conversation with humor and hand gestures, but I realized that I was closer to an entertainment source than an actual conversation. Girls can talk, most of the tme you don't even need to get them started, just pipe down with a questioning...
  16. G

    Pile in THIS ONE guys.

    Its been said before. Be aloof, polite but not friendly. DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HER. LET HER KNOW THAT YOU COULD GIVE A **** IF SHE TOUCHES YOUR ASS. I once went out with a girl like that. If you do get her number and manage to see each other exclusively it only gets harder. Or (and this may...
  17. G

    Dont make the same Mistake i made fellas

    I'm no Pook, but in my (limited) experience with attractive girls, the beginning kicks off much better if you relentlessly tease them. Break them down with a smile. They know you're kidding, but be sure to throw in the smallest seed of truth. This causes her to feel a sense of inferiority...
  18. G

    Classroom Glances

    Awesome. Thanks for the advice, that really helps. After class is difficult. She's not very bright in the subject we're trying to get ahead in and often stays around for tutoring, but I'll definetely try that line, it's pure gold. Ok, I'm satisfied with my situation, thanks for all the help...
  19. G

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Improvement, even a little bit, is still improvement. Good job Elmnick. My day went well, I poked fun at a girl, and I didn't know where to go from I kept teasing her. Is there a next step? It was fun and I did an excellent job at complementing her (when teasing touched her...
  20. G

    Classroom Glances

    and there's a body between us, so even in the down time I can't work through the rows and start up a conversation while standing at her desk (even if the teacher let it slide.)