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  1. G

    Classroom Glances

    and I do that how...? Note, a conversation can't be initiated because a lectures going on and the teacher's a total *****.
  2. G

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Course Outline: Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4...
  3. G

    Classroom Glances

    Lord, no, they know it through instinct. Maybe I just read more than you but (as I understand) women understand body language and frequently test people on a subconscience level, and subconsciencely dismiss or accept you. That bothers me. What if, you know, staring at me is a test? Why are...
  4. G

    Approach Journal

    I don't want to cramp you're style but this is either a miracle worker or a death sentence: Me: "Hey, you have something right here" (rub my cheek) Random Girl: (blushes and rubs cheek) Me: I like my *****es clean. They'll either burst out laughing and crush on you just for that bold...
  5. G

    Need help landing a girl....any girl

    Flirt to your heart's content. Even if she was seeing him for two years she would still be flattered and likely engage in the friendly conversation (but the boyfriend will be PISSED.) Damn you Don Juans, you took my Jessica!
  6. G

    Jesus Christ!!! Someone help me.

    Grin, can you give me a link for that body language lesson lol
  7. G

    Classroom Glances

    I see body language, I understan it, but I am male! Girls are ten times better at reading it than I am naturally! That means for every detail and calculation I make they are NINE steps ahead of me. I don't want to be ahead of them (seduce them). I want to keep pace (not look like a ****en...
  8. G

    Classroom Glances

    We all give them. We all receive them. No one completely understands them. No one knows how to respond to them. A very sweet and intelligent girl (who I don't know) and is my AP English class walked past me in the hall and shot me a smile, I automatically thought of everything I had read (I'm...
  9. G

    Jesus Christ!!! Someone help me.

    Actually, this might be a solid start for you as well as working on eradicating your insecurities: Just like in certain martial art disciplines, where practitioners dig their hands through heated sand in order to build calluses and to kill off pain receptors on their hands, so too must we...
  10. G

    DJ Boot Camp - Anyone else want to try it with me

    Found it. Sorry for the spam lol.
  11. G

    DJ Boot Camp - Anyone else want to try it with me

    I posted in the results thread without even glancing at the camp schedule...where can I find it lol?
  12. G

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    I'm in. I already have a pretty rigid schedule but I'm always open for more advice. Afterall, help is like sex. Take it whenever and wherever you can get it.
  13. G

    Jesus Christ!!! Someone help me.

    Don't lower your standards. From what you posted it appears that you feel unworthy to approach groups (of hot girls). I could share some tactics to get around this anxiety, but pure and simple: The problem is you. What do you do with a problem? You solve it. Fix yourself first. If...