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  1. A

    Attractive women don't get approached, WHAT?

    This is so true and I must say when playing the game online, it is even more apparent. Women are ultra picky on myspace, craigslist...etc.
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    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Oh I see.... when do you turn 21, much easier to get ass once you can go to bars ;)
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    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Do you mean the banging part of keeping them from being a gf?
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    Should you shake a woman's hand when you meet her?

    Good stuff Damage...never thought of the hugging thing that way. I almost always do the hand shake but sometimes a girl comes at you with a hug and you almost have no choice but to hug back! I'm gonna put your method into action and see how it works..
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    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Just date them and bang them, no need for any type of relationship. Especially when you're still in school and trying to figure out the career.
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    5 reasons why coffee dates kick a$$

    I agree with this under those circumstances. However I think Metaphysical was referring more to 1st dates and in that way, it's probably not the most effective if you are trying to get laid that same day/night.
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    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Honestly dude, she doesn't seem to be interested in being more than a friend. I would move on to the next one. Also I think you should have called her on picking up the phone while sitting at lunch with you, that's very rude imo.
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    5 reasons why coffee dates kick a$$

    I think the coffee date can be good but if you're looking to get laid(what guy isn't), it's not the best method to take it to the next level. These days I totally bypass dinner for the most part and just tell a girl lets meet for drinks. Once you are sitting there downing shots or...
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    Who cares if she appreciates it? Are you gonna carry her purse to because she thinks its nice..when is to far? No offense but don't you guys who do this feel like a chump walking around the car to open a freakin door that is right in front of her?
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    I think Chivalry is a bunch of crap. I refuse to do it and if a girl has a problem, she can kiss my ass and take a cab home. As far as I'm concerned if I'm driving or picking up the tab, I've done more than enough. Seriously, it's obsolete and extremely superficial. Don't get me wrong, I...