Attractive women don't get approached, WHAT?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
Every now and then you'll hear a real whopper, this is one of those times. A couple of friends, both male and female have actually told me this. They say it's because the woman is so attractive that she intimidates guys and they become scared to approach. I can actually see this happening but I think it's mostly b.s. I think the reason guys don't approach is because they know the woman has lots of choices and is picky. She is used to getting attention from lots of hot shots so she's not going to settle for less. I also think women's defintion of "barely" differs from a mans; attractive women probably don't get approached enough by the guys they WANT and confuse the two.

Attractive women on myspace/facebook for example always have 3593580393friends so I find it hard to believe their not being approached/hit on. Sounds like a sad attempt at trying to get symphaty. Fact is a girl, especially a good looking one has it made unlike the guy, who has to work hard in his life to attract women. All women have to do is put on a nice shirt and jeans and step outside her house and she gets hit on. Would like your opinion on this. Thx for reading and take care.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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San Fran
Yes its true that they may not be approached because they are so hot. However, its also true that when they are approached most guys are afcs and will not know how to handle the situation. They will freeze up, stumble, be put in the friend zone, or be afraid to escalate with her.

I do agree with you though. They probably get approached a lot depending on the crowd they hang with. An average chick might get the impression that they are hit on more because guys arent as scared.

But why does it matter? Go and hit on a hot girl.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Yes, so in other words they are approached, just not by the guys they WANT. I have heard al lot of women complain about it before and I'd scratch my head because I had witnessed the same woman turn guys down all the time. As a result, I didn't really feel bad for her.

It doesn't really matter per say, I just wanted to point out I think their claims are absurd.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
I would agree that there are more women out there then guys who "get it" and women are looking for these guys, but they are still being approached by other men. That's it. They ARE getting approached, just not by the guys they want and as a result they try to convey that they are lonely and guys hardly pay attention to them. It's not true.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
IKO69 said:
Yes, so in other words they are approached, just not by the guys they WANT.
Yes that is true, that is a typical women b.s about not being approached(unless she is butt ugly or average then yeah I could see that happening).

When she is actually being approached by the guy she wants, he is often a player and cheats on her or dumps her for another. Hot Women have a very bad judgment when it comes to men and are hostage to their basica animalistic primal urges.

The reality is that hot women are approached all the time but just don't see it as an approach. Very attractive Women have to realise that every time a man is being nice to them its usually because he wants to fvck them. Therefore all that "male friends" bvllsh1t that women keep saying they have are guys who have failed with their initial approach and are now bidding their time and waiting for the right moment that saddly may never come. Is it any wonder why the hot women have lots of guy friends?? failed approaches.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
DJDamage said:
Yes that is true, that is a typical women b.s about not being approached(unless she is butt ugly or average then yeah I could see that happening).

When she is actually being approached by the guy she wants, he is often a player and cheats on her or dumps her for another. Hot Women have a very bad judgment when it comes to men and are hostage to their basica animalistic primal urges.

The reality is that hot women are approached all the time but just don't see it as an approach. Very attractive Women have to realise that every time a man is being nice to them its usually because he wants to fvck them. Therefore all that "male friends" bvllsh1t that women keep saying they have are guys who have failed with their initial approach and are now bidding their time and waiting for the right moment that saddly may never come. Is it any wonder why the hot women have lots of guy friends?? failed approaches.
Yes I agree myself. If you look up a good looking woman on facebook or myspace she always has 500+ friends, with more then 75% being guys. Just because she may not want most of them doesn't mean she hasn't been "approached", it's a lies, but then again lies are synonomous with women. Well i'm out of here guys, I'll check back later.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
IKO69 said:
Every now and then you'll hear a real whopper, this is one of those times. A couple of friends, both male and female have actually told me this. They say it's because the woman is so attractive that she intimidates guys and they become scared to approach. I can actually see this happening but I think it's mostly b.s. I think the reason guys don't approach is because they know the woman has lots of choices and is picky. She is used to getting attention from lots of hot shots so she's not going to settle for less. I also think women's defintion of "barely" differs from a mans; attractive women probably don't get approached enough by the guys they WANT and confuse the two.

Attractive women on myspace/facebook for example always have 3593580393friends so I find it hard to believe their not being approached/hit on. Sounds like a sad attempt at trying to get symphaty. Fact is a girl, especially a good looking one has it made unlike the guy, who has to work hard in his life to attract women. All women have to do is put on a nice shirt and jeans and step outside her house and she gets hit on. Would like your opinion on this. Thx for reading and take care.
Exactly you hit the nail on the head completely... I have been saying the same thing for years but most men are in terminal denial...

Many women ignore 80% of the guys they see then complain that their arent enough men around... 90% of women want the same top 10% of men and are willing to reject all others and wait and be alone until they get a chance to mate with a male from that group. BUT most men will settle for what they can get out of frustration.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
This is so true and I must say when playing the game online, it is even more apparent.

Women are ultra picky on myspace, craigslist...etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
assobsessed said:
This is so true and I must say when playing the game online, it is even more apparent.

Women are ultra picky on myspace, craigslist...etc.

Yup, Even mediocor women like fat 4s and 5s are getting picky now since there are so many desperate men willing to chase them like they are 8s and 9s


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
IKO69 said:
attractive women probably don't get approached enough by the guys they WANT and confuse the two.

All women have to do is put on a nice shirt and jeans and step outside her house and she gets hit on. Would like your opinion on this. Thx for reading and take care.
No opinion. You said it all.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score

indeed gorgeous women might not be getting approached by guys like you/us/him because of intimidation


use your brain people, there ARE more gorgeous guys out there who don't think twice about it because they get girls more easily. Plus all the brave and/or stupid other millions of guys out there makes a whole lot of guys hitting on them in reality.

MOST PROBABLY these chicks are referring to not getting hit on by the guy they actually want (the all powerful and amazing super-man that dosn't exist)

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not sure what your trying to get out of this but you did make it sound like MEN are below women.

So what if she is attractive and guys want her, that doesn't mean ish...

Women - Attractive... (You don't know anything about her, she could be needy, psycho, nail eater, etc)

You - Whatever qualities that may be

The funny thing is when you fully find your authenticity you will know your's an insane realization...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
No such thing in my book. I see an attractive women in the same realm as any women and approach regardless. Attractive or non-attractive, girls poop too at the end of the day. Does it take away from their beauty? No, it's just something that makes them human like the rest of us and therefore is the reason that NO WOMEN, no matter how hot, should be put on a pedastal. Think of the hottest chick you've ever seen and I can gaurantee she takes sh*ts like the rest of us. If she doesn't, she's inhuman.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
No such thing in my book. I see an attractive women in the same realm as any women and approach regardless. Attractive or non-attractive, girls poop too at the end of the day. Does it take away from their beauty? No, it's just something that makes them human like the rest of us and therefore is the reason that NO WOMEN, no matter how hot, should be put on a pedastal. Think of the hottest chick you've ever seen and I can gaurantee she takes sh*ts like the rest of us. If she doesn't, she's inhuman.
Which explains why you havent kissed a girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
Which explains why you havent kissed a girl.
And yet I probably approach 1000 times more than you so I have a better say on the subject. I don't put any women on a pedastal. But yeah, girls poop too. Simple fact of life that shows that they're human just like us.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
And yet I probably approach 1000 times more than you so I have a better say on the subject. I don't put any women on a pedastal. But yeah, girls poop too. Simple fact of life that shows that they're human just like us.
Ok, so youve approached more than When you start getting approached by girls asking if you have a girlfriend and wanting to suck your sh*t let me know. How many girls have you had sex with? 0...guess that makes me better at approaching than you...cause i can FINISH. Youre batting a .000 while im at a .400. Just cause you think you can box doesnt mean you step in the ring with ali, young padawon.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
IKO69 said:
I also think women's defintion of "barely" differs from a mans; attractive women probably don't get approached enough by the guys they WANT and confuse the two.
Yup. Same kind of accounting that allows them to only count boyfriends (in a relationship) as guys they've slept with and not the dozens of "inbetween" guys. Same thing that makes them whine in unison about a Man Drought. There are plenty of men around, even decent ones, just not the fantasy ones they dream about or see on TV.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
ElStud said:
No such thing in my book. I see an attractive women in the same realm as any women and approach regardless. Attractive or non-attractive, girls poop too at the end of the day. Does it take away from their beauty? No, it's just something that makes them human like the rest of us and therefore is the reason that NO WOMEN, no matter how hot, should be put on a pedastal. Think of the hottest chick you've ever seen and I can gaurantee she takes sh*ts like the rest of us. If she doesn't, she's inhuman.
Yes, women may take dumps just like us, but doesn't make them any less picky. When they are used to dating hot shots, they aren't going to give guys who don't meet their standards a chance with some decideding upon first look the guy isnt' suitable enough and completely ignoring him no less.

One more thing I thought of earlier, if hot women aren't getting approached and are so starved of male company, why is it that a lot of them go to places like clubs with the intention of turning guys down? I've heard women talking about doing this amongst themselves so many times. These women get hit on/approached so many times they don't even value men. Women know they are doing this and are all going after those few "rare" guys and ignore/don't consider it an approach unless it's by one of them, I think one of the posters called them the 10%.
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