Approaching easy....need help with escalation


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hey DJs

I have been a long time reader and find this site so very useful. I love this site since I am still technically a total noob at this whole DJ thing. At least now I am able to approach girls without freaking out and all like I used to back in high school. However, I now require the help of the masters out there so here goes. (BTW, this is a fairly long post)

A bit of background:
I am a pretty short Asian (5' 6") but I don't let that affect me anymore:rockon:

I used to be like every AFC out there and never approach girls but now, I find that it is really easy. After all, what's the worst that can happen besides they just leave? People are generally nice enough. I never really experienced any LTRs since I was an AFC back in high school. Of course, that stop me from getting two semi-gfs. One didn't work out cause of the distance and our tennis schedules (I am an avid tennis player). The other was more of a....shall we say....whipped relationship. She was hot enough (8) but very high maintenance. Bossed me around and all but unlike what you all may think, she actually stuck with me loyally from junior year to graduation. I broke it up with her because we were going to different colleges. However, the relationship didn't escalate any further than kino (meaning i never kissed her or any I said, AFC).

Now in college, I'm a junior, 20 years old and on the tennis team and my school is famous for not having many girls...we are a very geeky school...Think MIT but of course I don't go there. All the girls are usually taken or not hot.

However, I met this one girl, a freshman who I find pretty attractive (7) in my Japanese intro class which meets four times a week. So I naturally approached her and we quickly a friend-like sense....the one place I don't want to be. But that seems to be my problem. I can approach girls with the full intention of getting into relationships but I seem to always become friends with them.

The thing is, the first three weeks of class, I would tease her and flirt around with her while applying kino. But she sometimes responds and sometimes doesn't. I have already had a semi-lunch date with her where we talked for about an hour but the problem with it was that she kept answering her it was her brother and then her cousin. I know she is pretty popular so I just played it off like I didn't really care either way.

I think that now I am going towards the LJBF zone since today as we walked back to our dorms after Japanese class, I tried to kino her but she pulled away/pushed my hand away. Also, I know that she often parties with the other freshmans since they do want to meet new people and all. Unfortunately, I am starting to struggle trying to get this girl and I can't really think of any ideas since things hardly ever goes as planned. I have asked her out once but she already made plans with her friends to go to the mall. I know that this past weekend, she went to a party and all and I teased her about getting wasted and sleeping around. She did admit that she was passed out on a guy's bed with another girl and one guy until the next day. They slept together as in sleep sleep, not sex.

I'm starting to think that maybe I should just be friends with her and look for others but I don't want to give up just yet. I am terrible at escalation. Like I want to try to initiate a more intimate kino but always fail to do so or they pull away.

Ha, after two years of college I still haven't gotten a girl...lots of friends and all, I am pretty popular and confident but never got a gf. I don't count high school. I rate myself as slightly above AFC...I can at least approach but cannot escalate... Your thoughts would be much appreciated.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Honestly dude, she doesn't seem to be interested in being more than a friend. I would move on to the next one.

Also I think you should have called her on picking up the phone while sitting at lunch with you, that's very rude imo.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I probably should have called her on that...whatever. The reason why I thought I have a chance is that I did in fact initiate some more intimate kino to which she did not pull away from. Fricking mixed signals. Guess you're right, time to move on....something I am pretty used to.

I might as well just be friends. I get over attraction pretty well so it's all good. I really should just focus on tennis and studying right now. Probably don't have time for a serious LTR anyways but I still have fun and go to parties and whatnots.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Just date them and bang them, no need for any type of relationship. Especially when you're still in school and trying to figure out the career.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Keeping shouldn't be too difficult...I think it's the banging part that would be more difficult. Total noob and no experience in that field.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oh I see....

when do you turn 21, much easier to get ass once you can go to bars ;)


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hell, you can get into clubs at 20. But the city I live in is dead...or at least far from campus. Wish it was Boston. So I really should just next this chick then? Knowing that there are a ton of fish in the sea except that I'm at a pond of like 20 fishes with thousands of hungry fishermen....kinda think I want to pursue a little more to see how it goes as an experiment you know?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The World
escalation is one of the easiest and most fun parts of the game bro. i wrote over 50 pages about it in my book because i just llllove it.

what exactly are you afraid of man? you get so much pleasure out of being with a woman and touching her.. if you know how to do it right, you get to witness her body move and quiver anticipating your every touch.. its intense


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Not that I'm afraid. I can do it naturally enough but I think it's more along the lines that I just fail at doing it correctly. I'll give examples with how I treated this last girl.

Walking back to dorms it was raining and I forgot an umbrella and asked to share hers. I held the umbrella since she's tiny compared to me(which is rare). So I naturally put my arms around her to hold it more comfortably to which she didn't pull away from mostly cause it was raining hard.

Next time I got her number an told her on the same day that we should get a late lunch since she had class and I got to go to work. I told her to meet me somewhere and fell asleep on a couch (I was up since 4:50AM....fricking morning practices) Then we talked for a bit to which I kino her a good amount like touching her knee or arm or back and stuff. I was able to put my arm around her on the shoulder as we walked to get lunch but during lunch, I was being a complete idiot by not saying anything about her answering her call and I didn't pay for her share.

Next time we agreed to meet someplace so that we can look at the student employment folder(work study) but she misheard the time and didn't show. I played it off like it didn't matter to me.

Now today was when I tried to grab her shoulder to which she pulled my hand away with her own hand so I didn't try anything else...I think that's what I mean by I don't really know how to escalate...or maybe I do but am not aware that I am doing it. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Oh I just remembered something I did that was absolutely retarded. I drunk called her once and asked her out even though I was clearly not thinking straight...Next day I called her cause I wanted to ask something but completely forgot what it was and sounded like an idiot. She also just woke up and was supposedly talking to a cousin on the other line. This was also after the night she spent the night at a guy's bed with another girl cause she was drunk/really tipsy. Nothing happened between them from what she told me but she did kinda stress that it was crowded on the bed they shared....told me all this today. There be any way to salvage this or should I just move to the next fish in the pond...fight off those thousands of fishermen nabbing the only 20 or so fish at this school.
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