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  1. J

    4 Common Mistakes That Guys Tend To Make...Don't Be Caught AFC'N Ever Again!

    yo yo yo brother keep on wit yo bad self foo!
  2. J

    perv girl

    the stick
  3. J

    every body check this out cause you may be in same spot

    well that's your problem right there. You say she's out of your league, well that attitude is 100% guaranteed to fail. You gotta be confident about it, as stated above she is no different than you are. Putting on a girl on a pedestal, and putting yourself below her is definitely NOT going to...
  4. J

    Is sophomore year supposed to suck?

    hmmm...sophomore is grade 10...
  5. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    count me in for the masturbation challenge. i'll start over on Day 1, so let's get the ball rolling!
  6. J

    Small High School

    Just tell her you're not doing anything right now, and are looking for something fun to do. Ask her if she wants to hang out or something. If she says no, its no big deal, just say ok i'll talk to ya later or something like that.
  7. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    you'll get there AFK. Just gotta watch the games. As for me, I completed my 8th day in a row of complete days, and man am I feeling it. Today was Tae Bo and DDR, mixed with some weights and the almighty roller. My abs are killing me. Lucky for me, my school is closed the next 2 days for...
  8. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    Ahh musical insturments, a double-edged sword. Great fun and teaches awesome ability, and they're also a chick magnet. Can't go worng there.:D
  9. J

    Friends Respecting Relationships

    heh heh, you sound like one of my friends. I think the best thing to do would be to just play it cool, if he says anything to you, just explain that you are just friends. But whatever you do, don't get angry or lose your head. That way if he ends up making a fool of himself, his girl will be...
  10. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    Keep it up AFK, you can do it. Have you ever tried Tae Bo and elliptical workout in the same day? I find that's a pretty killer workout, and it's not too time consuming. That's what I do a lot. But don't forget to mix things up. If you keep various different activities for each day, your chances...
  11. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    Hello again, it's been a few days, but I'm still doing good. Today I walked 2 miles, lifted weights, and did Tae Bo with Billy Blanks! AFK, the porn thing I've seemed to notice becomes noticeable easier after three days. Ever seen Super Size Me? Morgan says it best there: "After you cross the 3...
  12. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    I have come to find that DDR is your friend. Yesterday I burned 667 calories playing in workout mode, and today I burned 726. I'm losing some noticeable weight now, and I feel better already. I look better, so improved points there. I encourage all of you if you have the money to get DDR and a...
  13. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    well my own day went ok today. I've ate pretty healthy today, and today was my exercise off day. I still did a little weights, and my usual set of situps and stuff, but overall today was relaxed. I'm sore all over...but I feel great, and I can already see the improvement coming! So, how did day...
  14. J

    AFK's Month Long Test of Will

    good luck AFK, just hang in there. I'm on day 3 of my own test. So far so good. I really exercised today. Did 2 miles of jogging, 45 minutes of elliptical, some weight training, and a set of 50 situps and 40 pushups. Is that a good start? No games, no masturbation. And I feel great!:)
  15. J

    Need to break the "player" status

    Argh but I need a good way to show her, like for instance, when I call her, what should I say....should I say something about how I'm not trying to play her?
  16. J

    Need to break the "player" status

    HI guys, I'm new here, and I'm slightly confused on what to do. Here's my situation. I met a girl at a church trip (actually, I had been friends with her for a while, never romantically), and we were on a trip to an amusement park. well, I had previously been dating her best friend, but I...