4 Common Mistakes That Guys Tend To Make...Don't Be Caught AFC'N Ever Again!

Mack 86

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
I wrote this article out on my "Myspace" page and I'd thought I'd bring it here for your benefit. Hope you guys enjoy Unedited Version: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog

So today's lesson is about "Sympin'." All of us (men) have made a symp move at least once in our life and most of us have learned from it but some guys just don't know any better but hopefully that'll change after this lesson. All my educated females that know what you want this isn't about you, it's about your triflin' ass friends that need to grow the hell up.

Chapter I - The Telephone Scam

"I'm that perfect guy she talks about she wants but she keeps saying that we're just friends. I fit the description that she gave me on the phone perfectly what is this girl's problem, I don't get it?" Does this sound like you? Well to kick things off I'm going to explain what the infamous "phone scam" is, how you got scammed, and how to avoid it everytime. Now you may-be thinking "What the hell is this guy talking about?" Well let me break it down for you. The Phone Scam is when you are "friends" with a female and she calls you maybe 3-4 times a week and bombards you with her issues. She'll flirt with you just enough to keep you tied in but you're never going to **** and she knows that because you're just a "friend." How did we get ourselves in that position guys? You fall in the friends trap by not expressing your intentions early on. See with females you can't be respectful and polite because that isn't what they like, they want a thug! So when you actually try to help her with issues and talk sweet you're diggin' yourself a grave. You have to be apathetic about the situation and act like you don't give a flying **** about her in order to get your foot in the door. That's why when I hear the term "chauvinism is dead and women killed it" I laugh because it is so true it's almost getting to the point where you have to walk in front of a female all night in order to get some *****. As long as you let it be know what you're after in the beginning you should be alright unless the ***** is a tease and in that case you don't need her. "I tell *****es to suck my ****, get the **** out my face cuz I don't need 'em!/ Cuz they're never around, whenever I'm down, broke and I'm needin'!" Thanks 50 ^^that's the truth.

Chapter II - Fairytale Ass Love Letters

Paper. Paper. Paper. Writting love letters is EVIDENCE! DON'T. WRITE. THESE. FEMALES. LETTERS! She will show them to everyone and you will look straight symp man seriously. I cannot stress this enough it is bad! You only play yourself when you do it. I did this myself in 9th grade and it was so dumb of me. That was my one symp move during high school and oh do I regret that ****! I was having my boy relay the letters and **** I was really outta pocket and when I looked back at it when I matured I was like damn I was ****ing up! I didn't get made fun of, I don't know why maybe it was because fools thought I would lay hands on them. Regardless though I realized how dumb that was and I soiled my rep with her and her friends so I couldn't spit at any of them. When you steal something you don't record it for obvious reasons so it should be the same with mackin'. If you can't spit face to face don't waste your time, just whip out the porno and the lotion until you can build up enough confidence to holla at shorty.

Chapter III - Put It On My Credit Card, Matter of Fact Take Against My 401k Plan!

If a Female isn't your girlfriend don't buy her **** that's over $30 bucks. Now cheap niggaz stay hooked up with hoodrats and that's not what we want. Remember, you have to invest in a situation in order to reap it's benefits. Get this guys, I actually listened to what this female liked! I know I stopped looking at her breasts for a minute, I was shocked too! She said she liked Dogs and Chocolates so I kept that in the back of my mind. I wasn't really too focused on it but it came in handy when I needed it the most, Valentines Day. $10 dog (Toys R Us), $7 card (Hallmark), and $5 chocolate (Rite Aid), had a brotha in the game cuz it was what she liked. I spent about $25 bucks and I was the top dude on the roster for the minute. Yeah I ****ed it up being the nigga that I am I was too non-chalant and not stressing the situation and then the hype fell off. I really liked that girl too and I still think about her to this day. If I ever see her again we're doing something you better believe that! Bottomline is, only symps spend $100 plus dollars on gifts. Just listen to what she likes and use that to your advantage. If she happens to mention that she likes diamonds and ferraris you say, "Can I get your sister's number?" Haha......(it won't work but it's worth a try.)

Chapter IV - "Here's My Number Girl Call Me Sometime!"

Dawg don't be a ***** GET HER NUMBER! I hate seeing guys playing themselves like this. The only time this is acceptable is if the girl is busy at work and you slide her your business card like "Hey, call me sometime I would like to hang out with you." Or use whatever line works best for you it doesn't really matter. Just don't give any female that isn't at work your number and expect to get a call back, it just won't happen. Ask for her number, call her up, talk, go out on a date (not to the movies the last n*gga took her there), go to the beach, then the rest is up to you.

Parting Thoughts

The change from AFC (Average Frustrated Chump aka white guy's version of symp) to a succesful guy is very easy once you admit that you have a problem. Girls are easy to get but hard to maintain because we run on different operating systems. Keep your head up and your eyes open and step your game up......you won't be dissapointed. .


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Now I see what I've done wrong all these years!!! Thank you soooo much for this post man. It makes so much sense, I can totally relate. And I used to think spending 6 hours on the phone with her was actually her telling me she cared! Thank you sooo much!

Try not to capitalize every word in your title please. Thanks.

Mack 86

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LikRetsam
Now I see what I've done wrong all these years!!! Thank you soooo much for this post man. It makes so much sense, I can totally relate. And I used to think spending 6 hours on the phone with her was actually her telling me she cared! Thank you sooo much!

Try not to capitalize every word in your title please. Thanks.
Nice sarcasm I guess your new armpit hair gave you a new boost of confidence, huh? lol


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
I used to be an AFC to this girl (letters n phone calls) and i wernt geting nething!! i pretty much figured it out though after a few months and stopped it and now the girls all over me.. I got a feeling it kinda helpd get her intrest up when i stoped doin it all but I still wishd i hadnt gone ther. wasted alot of my time.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
fo sho