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    I need help!

    killbill i think that you haven t been in other countries otherwise you would know that girsl in other countrys are very different then in your homecountry! For example in england girls aer much more agressive in flriting then anywhere else.....! And believe me i talked to a lot of women!
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    I need help!

    Hi guys! Ok i have a problem but first about myself so you see my situation! I m a 20 year old Student from Austria! Once with 16 until 18 i was a real player! I got every girl i wanted and didn t even look really good! Now i m 20 starting to look pretty athletic! I love dancing and write even...
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    Green Tea, and Cheese

    I m waht you could call a tea freak! I tried like 50 different green teas and even gave them numbers fomr 5 to 1! Best teas who are also cheap are first of all free leaves ! never buy it in this bags they are awful! 2. Quality and prive are good Sencha a japanese tea, Pai Mu Tan a white tea...
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    Omg I'm Now Depressed!!!

    I was until i was 16 pretty nerdy no girl would go out with me i was also often target of people to make fun of! my big change was dancing school (lol don t laugh in Austria is something like a tradition to with 16 to dancing school) I had a really bad haircut and wear skaterclothes! So I met my...
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    Omg I'm Now Depressed!!!

    Have you seen the flim "The new guy"! This is where you stand and now you have to change it! First of all if you are not overweight you can change a lot faster. Alright 1. Get new clothes buy them at American Eagel Abercrombie or somthing let the shop keeper help you! 2. One of the most...
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    @Nonickname Trust me I kissed a LOT girls and this is surely not a sign! I think it s just a moment where you just look at each other and don t say a word a moment were you stop to thing and act feels like time stopped! If you fail Then i can give you a tip say: I just had to try it because...
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    Oh for workout tips go to:! And suscribe at a Gym!
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    Ok Well I was bullied also! Well not like this but you know! So what I did is to go to selfdefense training! I did one year Win Tsun a asian Kung Fu for old Shaolin Monks! No i didn t live there and I still have hairs! So go to this course for sometime train! If you are interressted i give you...
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    For you HS Seniors: What college are you going to?

    University of Vienna Austira lol :rockon: I m form Europa! And no we don t have kangoroos in Austria sorry!
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    buying condoms

    Alright! First post and i try to help! Well first of all Durex is said of are the best Kondoms! The size depends on you :up: ! I would NEVER buy any kondoms at publick automats cause you don t know if the still protect and are let s not best quality! Best thing is to go in a store totally...