Omg I'm Now Depressed!!!


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Well its official my life sucks and I'm depressed.Everyone calls me a nerd or dork.If you read my last topic,about these hot popular girl who doesn't want to be seen with me in public,always ignores me,and rolls her eyes.And during a mth club affair these one hot girl rejected me,when I said do you want to go out sometime.She said" umm your a nerd,go talk to the nerdy girls,I mean look at you,who wants to go out with,nobody will ever like you,now get away from me before I call the cops." Everyone was laughing even the math teacher laughed,so I just left class,I was about to cry but I didn't.And then couple football players picked me up,through me into the trash can,then threw a bottle containing cowpoop,and piss.So by the time I was home,I realized my life sucks,and everyone would be happy if I was dead.I mean i'm ****en 17 years old,I have no girlfriend,I never kissed a girl or even had a girlfriend and I'm still a ****en virgin.I never been to a party and never been invited to a party.I feel like these is the only place to share my feelings,I don't guys my life completely sucks,and err I sometimes wish I was dead.I'm depressed,and it looks like I will be depressed for a verylong time,until something good happens in my ****en ****ty ass life(sorry for swearing).But I can't take it anymore highschool sucks and life sucks.


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
WOW!!,GTac04 thats amazing story,so you think theres hope for a guy like me??

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
that sucks man. i like laughin at people too but its all in good fun, people who're that bad to u will get theirs. don't focus on that though. just learn to love yourself. be who you are. i know it seems like thats not getting you anywhere right now, but what i mean is, show some more confidence so your true self will shine thru, ignore the haters, and be constantly trying to improve yourself. dont repair your image, it doesn't really matter right now. work on yourself for the sake of being proud in who you are (and being happy) and everything will fall into place. good luck man.

hey where do u live?


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
i live in kentucky,but you know what I'm thinking of? of not alive has been on my thoughts.I'm not saying I plan on doing it,but I'm soo depressed guys seriously without these forum.I don't where I will be,I don't know my life sucks,highschool sucks,I hate getting picked on.And I doubt anygirl will ever like me.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
what do you do in your spare time?


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
well in my spare time, I usually go hang out at the comic store.I'm pretty good at warcraft,I mean people think thats nerdy but I don't think so,


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
I used to like warcraft , starcraft and Might and Magic VII alot. But then I stop playing them becuase I thought they were for kids. Poeple always say do what interest you but video games to me are a complete waste of time.
When I do play them I never tell anybody.

BTW - I meant to say is there are better things to do.


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
but there is soo much problems in my life.I mean my own dad calls me a little sissy.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
GTac01 said:
Unfortunately, these immature little children dont know any better than to associate nerd with loser and football player with "hottie i wana fck". You are right, but in this case if you want to get the girls you have to play their own game and beat them at it. That is just the way it is, i would still be my original self if it wasnt for the fulfillment that having a girl gives me. So basically, you do have to give something up, but you gain a lot more from them.

my 2c
True too. But to dreamx, i dont wanna dissapoint you but i dont think you should look for a girlfriend right now. If that's what you REALLY want then i could give you some tips to help you out there but I don't think you're unhappy because of not having a me it seems like if your life was generally more fufilling and you felt pride in yourself, you would be better off adn girls would come more naturally. Believe me....everyone has at least one secret admirer at their school. The girl might not be that hot sometimes but everyone has one, girls are just really secretive sometimes, but even nerds have girls that dig that kinda man. My point is, there are girls who do/will like you. Get a good hobbie, learn how to stick up for yourself, be more courageous, and if you keep working I guarantee you're gonna be happy with your life (and you won't end up a 40 year old virgin).

When you hit rock bottom, theres no place to go but up


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
dude,trust me no girls likes me.I mean all the popular girls always call me nerd or loser and I hate that.I want my life to be good,but nothing seems to be changing,seriously highschool sucks.If you guys go to my school,you will see why it sucks.I mean how would you feel if you got picked on everyday,by football players,and girls calling you names if you try to talk to them and even the teachers making fun of me.And thats not it when I get home my dad calls me a little sissy and he says he wishes I wasn't his son for many reasons.Theres soo much problems in my life,but I really got to thank you guys on these forum,you guys are atleasting helping me,unlike the whole world.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Dreamx, that was a very painful story you have there...

But really, you're more in control of your life than you think

For starters, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE whatsoever to not dress well. If you don't treat yourself well, how do you expect others to be nice to you? I'm sorry, but most of us out here base our judgement of others on the way people look. I make no apologies for it, its just the way we humans are. Take advantage of that dude! Starting out, I would recommend you "copy" some of the others guys fashion or start looking at people in the media. It'll help tonnes.

Warcraft!!! Lol. One of the coolest person i ever knew played warcraft. It's not a problem. The problem is if the ONLY thing in your life is Warcraft. THEN its pretty nerdy. Find some other hobbies that give you a more rounded life. Take up sports or start playing instruments. Even take up art or something! It doesn't really matter- as long as you're making your life more rounded and fun, people will notice.

And ultimately, start making more friends. Don't be try-hard, but be friendly to people. It'll make a huge difference.

Best of luck man!

p.s. In some ways, you are ahead of 70% of the people on this forum. Why? Because you had the Cahones to actualli ask a girl out. You were man enough to get rejected. Respect man...respect.


Don Juan
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
If this helps if it doesn't ignore i don't no you better than you do

dremx i feel for you

but man one thing that im picking up from you is this whole "popular girls" thing i mean come on now take a look around you there are other girls than these "popular girls" its not like these girls are goddess or anything half the time they turn out to be bytchs i mean come on now im all for shooting for the moon(HB10) and if you miss at least you are among the stars(HB7-9) thing but i mean come on take a look around you look at those girls that are comfortable being around you and even more importantly you are comfortable being around. hey you might not even have noticed some diamonds in the rough I mean come on now not everyone can get the hottest girl in school as much as we want it;)

If im sounding like an @ss i don't mean to but we all have to face the facts the level of the girl has a direct link to the level of your DJing skills and more importantly the level of your confidence if they are low you can't expect all the girls to be druling all over you and everying calling you a pimp relize fact from fiction.

You got the confidence it sounds like going up to this "popular hot girl" and asking her out
dreamx said:
And during a mth club affair these one hot girl rejected me,when I said do you want to go out sometime.
but don't ask man your the catch not her as much as you might not believe it its true! as soon as you relize your the catch and she will be the lucky one not you you will be set!!! I really want to emphasize the don't ask her out thing you are forming a question with an unknown answer instead of asking like that countinue on w/ your convo (i assume your not going straight up to her and asking her w/out even talking to her if not start a convo) and be like crap i have to go this has been awesome lets continue this later would you perfer lunch or dinner/ friday or sat night? than wait for her response look her in the eye and wait its like the quiet game who ever speaks first loses;) see how you than only give her an option between your ideas there is no NO:up: which is exactly why its worded like this it works wonders belive me but if you want more info here's the link this is in the DJ Bible and Bootcamp to so if you get the chance read it(this techinque also works for getting her # to)

And you talked about warcraft h3ll there is nothing wrong w/ that i play it alot but like Fender said:
Fender said:
Warcraft!!! Lol. One of the coolest person i ever knew played warcraft. It's not a problem. The problem is if the ONLY thing in your life is Warcraft. THEN its pretty nerdy.
it can't be the only thing you do and i must defend my football player bro's i no eveyone is diff but half of are team gets together and has Warcraft tournys and stuff like that 2 a month

And lastly im sorry the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is hearing kids parents that say that kinda crap to there own children what the f@&k is up w/ that???? im sorry but i say tell him to go F himself i mean eventulally you will have to stand up to these people that make your life a living h3ll your dad the "jocks" and the so called "popular girls"

Man i want to make this really clear don't even think about the whole not being alive thing thats a pile of BS and i hope this helps you and doesn't look like me bagging on you two because thats not what i want at all im not trying to be an @ss even though i might come off as one but hey what can you do right?:cool:

GOOD LUCK, dreamx even though you won't need it;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Boo fvkcing hoo. She gave you a reality check that you obviously needed due to the fact that youre unaware to the social hierarchy of high school. Stop being 'depressed' and do something about it. Change your clothes, work out, get some hobbies and a chill personality. Leave dungeons and dragons alone and get off the computer. You have the tools...use them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
The judge of a man's character is not how often he falls down, but how quickly he gets back up.
Words to live by, mi amico.

dreamx said:
Well its official my life sucks and I'm depressed. *trim for space* But I can't take it anymore highschool sucks and life sucks.
You know, I'll bet every single internet or technology millionaire has a story just like that. I know Bill Gates does, I've read it. :D

I had to go through this feeling in high school. That's not because I was popular or a jock or super hot or anything, it's because I tried to define myself the same way you seem to be doing. It seems as though you want to be part of the popular crowd, but you know what, it might suck, but somtimes it's just not going to happen. Life's not fair. If your mom doesn't drive a Benzo, sometimes you're just automatically excluded from the cool kids group. It blows, but you can't (or rarely can) change it.

But that's not what you need to work on. Half of your post related what you don't have, you don't have a girl, you don't have a first kiss experience, you don't have a sex experience. Cut it out, man! Look at what you do have. I don't know what you do have, but there's got to be something that you're good at, somthing that you can do better than others, something that's yours. Build on that. Judge yourself by who you are, not by how others see you. Just remember, everyone, from guys like you to the pimpest DJs that have ever lived have had to deal with self-doubt and insecurity at some point. Anyone who denies that simple fact is still dealing with it. I was probably worse than most. I came from a seriously poor family and our house happened to be right on the edge of the school district that included the poshest homes in town. So while I'm getting a ride to school in my mom's Subaru Justy (glorified golf cart), other kids are getting dropped off at school by chauffers in Rollers or limos. Not the best for self-image, I have to say. I always felt like I was less than them. I always got harrassed about my clothes or the fact that I brought a bag lunch while others were having meals brought to them by their parent's employees. I wasn't seen at the popular hangouts because I couldn't afford to get there, much less do anything once I was there. But, on the weekends. I was racing. I started with karts when I was eight, and by the time I was 16, I had a fake ID and a guy who recognized my talent who let me fill in for his regular drivers when they couldn't make it. When I was out there, everything was different. I think the primary draw to racing for me was always just to prove to myself what my abilities were. It was never really about competition for me. I was just as happy by myself on a test run as I was with 40 other cars running. Sometimes, it was just about being alone, hidden behind a tinted visor, separate from the world. One with the car, as cheesy as that sounds. I didn't have to care if I finished my homework, or whether some girl liked me, or whether the entire east end of Brooklyn wanted to kill me. The car and the track were all that mattered. I was so comfortable in the car, like it's what I was born to do. And one day, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Why am I different here? I know exactly who I am in here. There is no doubt. There is no worry. There is only me, and in here, I like me. When I crawl out of the car, I can get laid by any number of girls who are just turned on by what I do in here. When I get out of this car, I have men three, four times my age calling me "sir" because they saw what I could do in here and they respected it. So I thought, "why the hell do I care what some high school football player thinks of me?" I was good at something outside of school, and that's all it really took to make me realize that the people judging me so badly in school, just didn't know jack about me (ok, it was partially that and partially the girl that I met at that time that I'm still obsessed with, but that's a different story for a different thread).

Hgh school football players. Fvck em. Seriously, what do they have? In ten years, all of the accomplishments that they are so proud of now will be nothing but pictures on their assistant manager desk at Discount Tire. They have their lives turned so ass backwards, it's not even funny. I see that crap so often with the so-called "in crowd" in school. Like I said, I wasn't popular by any stretch of the imagination, and for a while I tried to fit in with the cool kids and always failed miserably at it. Years later, maybe two years after graduation, I was roadracing sports-cars semi-pro, heading a team for the guy who had given me the first chance way back in the day, and doing fairly well at it, plus I had a spot as a backup driver for a Group N Alfa Romeo team in Europe. I had a 2000 Lincoln LS as my everyday car, not bad for a 20 year old kid. I had found my true self after all of those horrible years in high school. One day, I rolled into a little sh!tball deli in a little sh!tball town outside of where I used to live. In there was the prom queen of my graduating class, one of the hottest girls I had ever seen at the time, and one of the more snotty, stuck-up, vain people I had ever met as well, working the counter, making sandwiches for soccer moms and sleazy lawyers. There I was living the life that I wanted, making good money, driving a brand new Lincoln that I paid cash for, jet setting around the world and the country racing, and getting girls left and right for it (the phrase racing driver drops panties in a rather deafening fashion), and she was making sandwiches. It might make me a bad person, but when she came around the counter and hugged me, saying "Hey Will! It's Nicole! You look great, how have you been?" I tell you, I got so much joy out of saying, "woah, hang on, do we know each other?" To see her face drop like a lead rake was priceless, and it's one of the images I'll take to the grave with me. There she was, teling me that she was not in college, not in a relationship, making $15k a year with bonuses, working a double shift for a girl who decided to take a quick vacation to Mexico. Even though I remembered perfectly who she was and everything that I thought she meant to me, I still made like I didn't have a clue. Here she thought she was so damned important to everybody, getting dissed by one of the uncool kids just seemed to break her in half. Sometimes when I think back, I feel bad about it, but I had to do it. It was like it was the final link between the teenage me that I didn't like and the adult me that I really like.

I'm not telling you all of this to try to brag, I'm telling you so that maybe it will help you see that bad times in high school are almost universal, but if you try hard enough, you can move up out of it. High school sucks, but it's over soon and then you get the real task of living, the one that matters. Define yourself, don't let others do it, excel at what you do, constantly strive to improve yourself, never let the small sh!t break you down too much, and concentrate on the truly important things in life and you'll do fine.

dreamx said:
I'm not saying I plan on doing it
You'd damned well better not be. If I find out you killed yourself over insignificant high school drama, I will personally come to your funeral and beat some damned sense into you, got it? :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Pretty good attempt at trolling. A shame no one picked up on it. I'll give it a 6/10 because the bottle of cow was over the top.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
S1NN3R said:
Words to live by, mi amico.

You know, I'll bet every single internet or technology millionaire has a story just like that. I know Bill Gates does, I've read it. :D

I had to go through this feeling in high school. That's not because I was popular or a jock or super hot or anything, it's because I tried to define myself the same way you seem to be doing. It seems as though you want to be part of the popular crowd, but you know what, it might suck, but somtimes it's just not going to happen. Life's not fair. If your mom doesn't drive a Benzo, sometimes you're just automatically excluded from the cool kids group. It blows, but you can't (or rarely can) change it.

But that's not what you need to work on. Half of your post related what you don't have, you don't have a girl, you don't have a first kiss experience, you don't have a sex experience. Cut it out, man! Look at what you do have. I don't know what you do have, but there's got to be something that you're good at, somthing that you can do better than others, something that's yours. Build on that. Judge yourself by who you are, not by how others see you. Just remember, everyone, from guys like you to the pimpest DJs that have ever lived have had to deal with self-doubt and insecurity at some point. Anyone who denies that simple fact is still dealing with it. I was probably worse than most. I came from a seriously poor family and our house happened to be right on the edge of the school district that included the poshest homes in town. So while I'm getting a ride to school in my mom's Subaru Justy (glorified golf cart), other kids are getting dropped off at school by chauffers in Rollers or limos. Not the best for self-image, I have to say. I always felt like I was less than them. I always got harrassed about my clothes or the fact that I brought a bag lunch while others were having meals brought to them by their parent's employees. I wasn't seen at the popular hangouts because I couldn't afford to get there, much less do anything once I was there. But, on the weekends. I was racing. I started with karts when I was eight, and by the time I was 16, I had a fake ID and a guy who recognized my talent who let me fill in for his regular drivers when they couldn't make it. When I was out there, everything was different. I think the primary draw to racing for me was always just to prove to myself what my abilities were. It was never really about competition for me. I was just as happy by myself on a test run as I was with 40 other cars running. Sometimes, it was just about being alone, hidden behind a tinted visor, separate from the world. One with the car, as cheesy as that sounds. I didn't have to care if I finished my homework, or whether some girl liked me, or whether the entire east end of Brooklyn wanted to kill me. The car and the track were all that mattered. I was so comfortable in the car, like it's what I was born to do. And one day, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Why am I different here? I know exactly who I am in here. There is no doubt. There is no worry. There is only me, and in here, I like me. When I crawl out of the car, I can get laid by any number of girls who are just turned on by what I do in here. When I get out of this car, I have men three, four times my age calling me "sir" because they saw what I could do in here and they respected it. So I thought, "why the hell do I care what some high school football player thinks of me?" I was good at something outside of school, and that's all it really took to make me realize that the people judging me so badly in school, just didn't know jack about me (ok, it was partially that and partially the girl that I met at that time that I'm still obsessed with, but that's a different story for a different thread).

Hgh school football players. Fvck em. Seriously, what do they have? In ten years, all of the accomplishments that they are so proud of now will be nothing but pictures on their assistant manager desk at Discount Tire. They have their lives turned so ass backwards, it's not even funny. I see that crap so often with the so-called "in crowd" in school. Like I said, I wasn't popular by any stretch of the imagination, and for a while I tried to fit in with the cool kids and always failed miserably at it. Years later, maybe two years after graduation, I was roadracing sports-cars semi-pro, heading a team for the guy who had given me the first chance way back in the day, and doing fairly well at it, plus I had a spot as a backup driver for a Group N Alfa Romeo team in Europe. I had a 2000 Lincoln LS as my everyday car, not bad for a 20 year old kid. I had found my true self after all of those horrible years in high school. One day, I rolled into a little sh!tball deli in a little sh!tball town outside of where I used to live. In there was the prom queen of my graduating class, one of the hottest girls I had ever seen at the time, and one of the more snotty, stuck-up, vain people I had ever met as well, working the counter, making sandwiches for soccer moms and sleazy lawyers. There I was living the life that I wanted, making good money, driving a brand new Lincoln that I paid cash for, jet setting around the world and the country racing, and getting girls left and right for it (the phrase racing driver drops panties in a rather deafening fashion), and she was making sandwiches. It might make me a bad person, but when she came around the counter and hugged me, saying "Hey Will! It's Nicole! You look great, how have you been?" I tell you, I got so much joy out of saying, "woah, hang on, do we know each other?" To see her face drop like a lead rake was priceless, and it's one of the images I'll take to the grave with me. There she was, teling me that she was not in college, not in a relationship, making $15k a year with bonuses, working a double shift for a girl who decided to take a quick vacation to Mexico. Even though I remembered perfectly who she was and everything that I thought she meant to me, I still made like I didn't have a clue. Here she thought she was so damned important to everybody, getting dissed by one of the uncool kids just seemed to break her in half. Sometimes when I think back, I feel bad about it, but I had to do it. It was like it was the final link between the teenage me that I didn't like and the adult me that I really like.

I'm not telling you all of this to try to brag, I'm telling you so that maybe it will help you see that bad times in high school are almost universal, but if you try hard enough, you can move up out of it. High school sucks, but it's over soon and then you get the real task of living, the one that matters. Define yourself, don't let others do it, excel at what you do, constantly strive to improve yourself, never let the small sh!t break you down too much, and concentrate on the truly important things in life and you'll do fine.

You'd damned well better not be. If I find out you killed yourself over insignificant high school drama, I will personally come to your funeral and beat some damned sense into you, got it? :D

That is a very good post! props to you.

James Bondage

Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
LikRetsam said:
Pretty good attempt at trolling. A shame no one picked up on it. I'll give it a 6/10 because the bottle of cow was over the top.
Dude, shut the f*** up.

Dreamx... what I was going to say, a couple of people on here seem to have said already.. but it IS so true.

Lots of people seem to have a hard time in high school. Personally my time there was very unhappy and I couldn't wait to get out. I was never one of the 'cool crowd' either and to be frank, I hated it.

I know your life sucks at the moment and you feel like there is no hope, but trust me when I say things will improve (and I'm honestly not just saying this to make you feel better).

The thing you need is... PATIENCE. I'll give you the harsh truth, things aren't gonna change overnight... but in time they WILL. I guarantee it.

Put it this way... I can remember being back at school, a 'nerd' type like you say you are, and having so little confidence I couldn't even look at people. I spent most of the time looking at the floor I was so shy.. and I used to get laughed at a lot as a result. I had few friends and zero girlfriends. I felt like I just wanted it all to end.

Fast forward a few years and I had learned to stand up for myself a bit more and not care what other people thought. I had managed to get to a point whereby even if the whole school was laughing at me (and this actually happened once when I was set up into a fight and lost).. I was determined not to give a f***. So long as I was comfortable with who I was, no-one else's opinion mattered.

Though it IS tough when no-one seems to be on your side and it DOES hurt your feelings and self-esteem.. you gotta endure because you will eventually come out of it a much better and stronger person.

Over time my confidence slowly increased, I spent more effort on my appearance and learned to love myself much more. These days I have a lot more friends, prospects and my life is much happier. And thanks to these improvements (and this website) my success with the ladies has come on in leaps and bounds (almost astronomically).

Why am I telling you all this? Because it can happen to you as well. Trust me.

And I have noticed in many situations, life does have a funny way of things turning out. Those jocks/football players who are popular now? I practically guarantee that come a few years, they will be NOBODIES.. with either a crappy dead-end job, no friends/respect, stuck bringing up a kid they didn't want, broke or in prison.

They will also be stuck in the past, desperately clinging on to those memories of when they were so popular and everything was so good for them. It might seem unbelievable at the moment but you'd be surprised how often this happens.

Things WILL get better man, I promise. What you gotta do is focus on a brighter future and hang in there for now.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Have you seen the flim "The new guy"! This is where you stand and now you have to change it! First of all if you are not overweight you can change a lot faster. Alright 1. Get new clothes buy them at American Eagel Abercrombie or somthing let the shop keeper help you! 2. One of the most important things: GET A NEW HAIRCUT! And don t go to the friendly old man near your house! Go to a trendy haircutter where you will probably pay40 Bucks! 3. Try to find a hobby except computer outside of school! For example some sports or a gym a little bit outside school! You will meet there new guys (in a Gym probably bid strong guys that could help you wiht bullys). After you found friend who aren t nerdy at all (and you can find them) try to make them to wait in front of you school to get you for some activitys! People will see that you are not so nerdy and that people like you! It even works better if they are a little bit older like 20 or 21!
After that let s take revenge on this stubid *****! If you see her in school and you already have some friends just laugh at her and then look aways and pretend that you are laughing at her! She will get really really mad cause such girsl are always insecure with themselfs! Maybe try to tell some rumors about her little one but mean ones! But be careful cause it can be dangerouse!
Alirght now stop whimping about world hating you get moving and get cool!
And always remeber: If you don t like your situation : Move!! You are not a TREE! :box:


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Tantrice said:
Have you seen the flim "The new guy"! This is where you stand and now you have to change it! First of all if you are not overweight you can change a lot faster. Alright 1. Get new clothes buy them at American Eagel Abercrombie or somthing let the shop keeper help you! 2. One of the most important things: GET A NEW HAIRCUT! And don t go to the friendly old man near your house! Go to a trendy haircutter where you will probably pay40 Bucks! 3. Try to find a hobby except computer outside of school! For example some sports or a gym a little bit outside school! You will meet there new guys (in a Gym probably bid strong guys that could help you wiht bullys). After you found friend who aren t nerdy at all (and you can find them) try to make them to wait in front of you school to get you for some activitys! People will see that you are not so nerdy and that people like you! It even works better if they are a little bit older like 20 or 21!
After that let s take revenge on this stubid *****! If you see her in school and you already have some friends just laugh at her and then look aways and pretend that you are laughing at her! She will get really really mad cause such girsl are always insecure with themselfs! Maybe try to tell some rumors about her little one but mean ones! But be careful cause it can be dangerouse!
Alirght now stop whimping about world hating you get moving and get cool!
And always remeber: If you don t like your situation : Move!! You are not a TREE! :box:

I was until i was 16 pretty nerdy no girl would go out with me i was also often target of people to make fun of! my big change was dancing school (lol don t laugh in Austria is something like a tradition to with 16 to dancing school) I had a really bad haircut and wear skaterclothes! So I met my first girl friend which changed my life! First i had 2 girsl to choose and after I picked her I started to change! I got my first kiss after a time i realized how nerdy i looked so i got a new haircut bought some expensive nice cothes and acted in school like a snob! I got my first time laid and this times with ym first girlfriends was great! she saw in to me instead how i dressed or somthing! I got my first realy friends in my dancing school which are my best friends now got into cool clubs with rich and beautiful people! Well also my schoo life changed I was pretty ****y to most of them cause i felt better and i got friends outside of school! It made me feel good! Not everybody liked me but they kinda respected me! Well I m not together with my first girlfriend we broke up after 4 months but what came out of it was the player! With 17 i got every Saturday night i girl to make out or more! Cause i though that cause of my change i m the cooles dude! lol It surely wasn t so but i was so selfsecure that it went over to every girl! If you really think that you are the coolest dude people will think that too! The only problem is to make yourself think about yourself like that! Its something that you can t learn it must come from your heart and works best if you change! Everything will be alirght trust me! Life changes very fast and so do you!
No I m 20 studying law in Universty! I m selfsecure and happy with my self i dress trendy have the braveness to wear even pink :D ! 3 to 6 days a week i work out! people know me as a person who is respected funny intelligent men whith whom you can have fun!
See time is working for you! And now I showed you what a single girl or a single event can do!

Ps: Sorry about my grammar my mothertonge is German so there will be some mistakes!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
when i was in highschool, everybody thought i was gay, because i never had a girlfriend and i figure skated(hey, hot women in tight spandexs,yeah!) . did that bother me? nope that was their opinion and why would i care what people thought. being accepted wasn't the cool "in-thing". doing things i loved made me truly happy. highschool is just a meaningless phase that we all go through! but guess what...a few years down the road, you my friend are gonna be laughing!

i now have a hot woman, my job is half decent, i've lived everywhere in canada and soon heading to the u.s.a to pursue my dream, most people in my highschool are still parking at the same hangout doing nothing. and half the so-called popular girls all have kids and i wouldn't even give them a second look now.

so dreamx, highschool is just a filler in life...sure great marks will get you places, but somewhere down the line when your successful, you'll look back and laugh!