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  1. L

    Asking for sex... too AFCish??

    I'd stay away from saying anything that resembles "Duh.... I really like you alot... Would you like to have sex with me please?" *cringes*
  2. L

    Any other guys here look really young for your age?

    I'm 22 and for some strange reason, some people thought that I was 18 just going on my looks.
  3. L

    it is so hard to hold my tongue when a b|tch acts like one...

    Most of the women i've encountered were polite enough to ask me if they could smoke within my vicinity or they would blow smoke in the totally opposite direction. If I were in the situation as you, i'd say something like... "mmmmm.. don't you just love the intoxicating aroma of second hand...
  4. L

    Letting a girl know she's giving you the runaround... good idea?

    I've been thinking about this recently.... When a girl is absolutely giving you the signs of giving you the runaround, is it a good idea to let her know she's doing so before you NEXT her?
  5. L

    Found an excellent way to meet chicks in college if you are shy or bored

    Ah, the movie you must be referring to is 100 Girls. I dunno, I found that movie entertaining, but by no means really good. It would be easy to make friends there, but you're gonna have to try even harder then if you were DJing at some other place since you're gonna be on female territory...
  6. L

    What SHould I do!!! She says she doesnt want a Relationship.Or F/buddy

    Totally agree with the previous post. She's giving you the runaround, and you shouldn't have to stand for it. She probably knows that she can have her way with you anytime she pleases. Break free! We know you can. :D NEXT.
  7. L

    Insincere flirting?

    Your instincts speak the truth on this matter. NEXT.
  8. L

    if GF asks why do you love/like-what's a good response

    I feel like a girl is testing you when she asks you this question. You give her 1 definitive answer, and she's gonna eventually try to purposely take away that reason to see if you'll stick by her side. If it were me, i'd say "I just do." It really doesn't give a specific response, and a...
  9. L

    What Would You Have Done?

    I probably would have done the same thing. So you didn't walk with her to class 1 day. If she's gonna throw a hissy fit about it, it ain't worth it to keep her around.
  10. L

    i'm becoming an AFC loser over an ex

    Well you have a problem there. You shouldn't be comparing other women to her.
  11. L


    Heh. Of course you'll always have your minority of exceptions. :p
  12. L

    A spark detected..what should I do now..Girl needs guy help

    LOL! Dr. Phil is hilarious. If you like the guy, let him know you are interested in him. Simple as that.
  13. L

    Dating without a car.

    Well, as long as you pay for some (or most) of the expenses, or ensure that she gets shown a good time instead of making her feel like a cheauffer (sp), you shouldn't have to feel too guilty about being a mooch.
  14. L


    You know, the first time I heard actually say "F-bomb" I laughed my ass off. "Showing the world that they've never seen before...." That's quite a bold statement to make there, buddy. But the real question is, can you follow up on your word?
  15. L

    Strippers... DJable or lost cause?

    So what do you think I should do? Just lay off and rethink the whole situation? I made a promise to someone, and even if things may turn sour, I have every intention on fullfilling my end of the bargain. I recall reading somehwere that if you wait too long to get into contact with a girl...
  16. L

    Strippers... DJable or lost cause?

    I'm fully aware that girls at strip clubs are in it for the money, and I do have the utmost control in not being led on (not too much to do serious damage to my life, anyway). I wanted to call her and hope that she actually did have an interest in me. If she showed ANY sign of a goldigger or...
  17. L

    Strippers... DJable or lost cause?

    I know girls at strip clubs are pretty much being paid to flirt with guys. Well... more like we're paying them to flirt with us. But is it even possible to be a DJ to a stripper? At first, I thought it would be practically impossible. I am fully aware that the girs who danced perhaps get...