if GF asks why do you love/like-what's a good response


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
My ex-gf (recent dumpee), asked me a few times why do you love me. I really didn't have a solid response. I didn't want to say because you look good, puzzy, eats, cable, etc. I did love her though.

What would you guys say. What if you were really in love, what would you say. Is there an answer to that question.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'd say," Do you really think I love you? Why? What do you think? Me... I'll ask that to myself when I have the time. Why you wanna know anyway, is it that important?"

Maybe, you don't love her, but you're now preffer her over another that you may not have meet yet.

I think romantic love is not love for the person, but EXAGGERATION of FEELINGS, EXAGGERATION of NEEDS, from yourself to another when we're in relationship with them. We're basically are romantically in love with ourself, with our own unrealistic association to her, and when we stop to exaggerate our feelings, our needs, when we dissassociate it, then we are not in love anymore.

Is that simple in theory, but lifetime learned habit is hard to break. Takes time and mind control discipline to unlearn it.

I'm still figuring this out myself, when a girl dump you, it's really your ego that hurts that's connected to your heart and command it to feel hurt, desperate, sad... our NEEDS and DESIRE to be loved, to be needed. The higher your exagerations (hopes, wishes n desires) the faster it's gonna fall. It is all in our conditioning from childhood I guess. We all AFC need a brainwash, repogram our mind away from this sick depressing habits of doing this.

How do you repogram your mind? I think (I have no conviction yet) as Pook said, it's all in your habits. From what I read from somewhere else,"successfull people makes a habits of DOING what unsuccessful people does not like doing."

On a side note: Buddish monks in ancient time goes to meditate day and night for the rest of their lifes to find enlightment in remote caves in himalayans, alone, living on water, fruits and plant. Main purpose of their enlightment is to be desireless, no need for money, no need for love (since TRUE love is abundant, look around you), no need for any desire. Enlightment for them is to have NO DESIRE. Many of them failed anyway, but they get to invent a whole lot of magic tricks and martial art moves LOL. Hey, this is ancient times. Not sure if they're still exist now.

Anyway, back to what I'm saying, when she doesn't love you anymore, you naturaly questions your self-worth (I did). That's why AFC tendencies is to try real hard to win it back since AFC is not happy with them self alone.

I think, that's why when you're out with HB, and she likes you, then you immediately feels better and drasticaly think less of her. But again, when that HB is gone, you'll fall again. I think that's why DJ's ALWAYS advice to date others immediately when you have oneitis.

It changes your focus. When you focus on something, you cannot help but DELETE other things in your mind. Let's say, look around you now, and count how many colors of anything that is blue... you'll find it and you focus so on counting the blue that you forgot to notice how many red, yellow or other colors for a time. Hey, I think I solve my own oneitis. LMAO.

The best way, I hope I'm right, is to be desireless (don't ask me how, I haven't meditate in the caves of himalayans yet) and realize that I do not NEED anything, however, I do SLIGHTLY preffer it, but still, I CAN go WITHOUT IT.

Like Lenny Kravitz sang,"Are you gonna go my way?"

Does this makes sense to you? Damn, I have a lot of theories I've gone off the topic.

Hope this help anyway.
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b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
my gf will from time to time ask me this question, and I have found that she is usally just fishing for compliments. I usually tell her that I thouroghly enjoy her company, and then something about her looks just cuz I know thats what she is looking for. But yeah, usually its just fishing for compliments.

Lost Savior

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I feel like a girl is testing you when she asks you this question. You give her 1 definitive answer, and she's gonna eventually try to purposely take away that reason to see if you'll stick by her side.

If it were me, i'd say "I just do." It really doesn't give a specific response, and a girl who's really into you would happily accept that answer.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Red flag here

Any chick that asks "Why do you love me?" obviously does not love herself... simple as that.

I don't know about you, but I find insecurity very unnatractive. I mean, a little bit is fine, but if this girl doubts that you can possibly love her...

I would probably say, I'm still deciding if I like you.

That's just my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
Grande Prairie
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kwah

Now THAT'S A ****Y answer! I might have said that just to make her laugh. But it has to be a funny term for them. If you say : breasts, it just has a kind of seriousness to it. But if you say "BIIIIIIIG TA - TA's" and laugh, she'll think that you're joking, and you're just being a smart ass.

Or she could wallop you and never speak to you again. That's the gamble.

He knows his girl, so he's the best one to figure that out for himself.

I would say: "You first." That way, I get the compliments and can figure out how to give the right ones back.