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    Gav's Guide to Motivation (includes help with studying)

    Someone should write a post motivating me to read this monster post. :crackup:
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    Guide: Conversing to Create Rapport

    Another problem I have is opening. I know this comes with practice, but it's hard to start from scratch. Shoot I have a hard enough time keeping a convo going, let alone starting one from nowhere. "Hey, Do you like toast too? I agree its warm and crispy and an excellent place for jelly...
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    What this website has done for me & where I've been (long)

    Well done. I'm in the first part of the journey myself, Though I've only been at it for a few months, I'm already totally different than when I started. (No more cigarettes or weed, working out, normal sleep schedule, doing good in school, etc etc) I'm still lacking confidence when it comes...
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    Guide: Conversing to Create Rapport

    Excellent post, This belongs in the bible, if you ask me. Right now, there are many hurdles for me to jump, and your post deals exactly with the one I'm on right now. The main thing holding me back would relate to the first topic you mentioned. Even if I was really interested in holding a...
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    Social Phobias

    Don't all respond at once! My computer is low on RAM, it might freeze up loading this page. Anyways, I was looking through NHY's Bootcamp, and JC9 posted an observation on eye contact that made a lot of sense, so I'm trying to adopt it as a truth. Here is the observation. So there you...
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    Social Phobias

    I know that If I were to start a bootcamp today, it would come to a screeching halt because I'd have problems in week 1 and 2. I've read the DJB and the week 1 and 2 material, but I still feel weird. I know its just something that I need to get over by myself, but I was wondering if anyone...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Looks are 90% of your game. 70-80% of which you can't change. Sure, you can work out, and take care of yourself, but you pretty much look the way you look. And so, thats why I think dons concentrate on the 10% of the game where they can make most of the difference, personality. If you...
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    Chump to Champ

    A search on Google for DYD turned up Deleware Young Democrats. I figured that wasn't it so I kept looking and came upon doubleyourdating. I've seen this site before, but I've always written it off as yet another internet moneymaking scheme like online viagra and stuff like that. I thought...
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    philosopher of modern-day feminism, dies

    Thats like saying you didn't believe in the civil rights movement because you don't like affermative action. Im just saying, feminisim the way it was back in the day compared to feminisim today are two totally different things. Like, the spice girls wearing tight girl power t shirts and...
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    Chump to Champ

    I guess sarcasim doesn't come through to well on the boards. I'm all about this type of stupid joke: "I'm a cartogropher" "Wow! you do open heart surgery in here!?" But I didn't know what KBJ was until know. In fact I'm in the dark on like more than half of the acronyms on this site.
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    Chump to Champ

    KBJ? You used to be in the russian secret police? wow.
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    most guys are effing idiots.

    You gotta give him credit for trying, right?
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    Chump to Champ

    I was wondering if anyone here has went from AFC to DJ through use of the knowledge available on this site. I realize true DJness comes from within, but there are a lot of aspects of the DJ bible that I've honestly never thought of before, and have gained a lot of perspective on by reading...
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    NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread

    NHY Thanks for putting together this bootcamp. Though I am not participating right now, this is the first one I've been privy to. I look forward to see how things go and see where mistakes are made. What happened to you with that girl in the canteen is just what I'm afraid of. I guess...
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    Need a good response, trying to get the hang of this.

    Before I get into anything, I'd like to preface my comment by saying I'm a recovering AFC, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I say don't respond to this comment. It would be deterimental and chumpish. You already showed an interest in this occupation, and she responded quite...