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    From Bill Gates

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    How to start a Social circle from nothing!

    i kinda wish i read this one sooner, I just went to my orientation the past two days and I did talk to a few new cats, but mainly just stayed hanging with a couple of dudes from my school and dormed with them for the night and I'll admit it kinda sucked becuz I didnt really meet that much new...
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    Spanish girls

    I loooooove latinas, they're my favorite chicks!!!! I'm trying to get with a latina, right now, but I guess it helps that I'm latino myself. The chick invited me to her bday party where everybody was latino like me. And I got to admit that I did enjoy being around in a setting like that where...
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    yet another question about my chick lol
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    That's it, I'm tired of being a loser.

    It seems to me you take everything too seriously. I just think you should relax, just joke around and laugh more. Just do the things you enjoy.
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    Not really about girls - social issue

    Just yesterday, I went to some girl's birthday party and her clique of friends was there who I didn't really know, but I did have some acquintances with some of them which made it kind of easier. So I guess I made her enough interested in me to invite me to chill with her and her friends for her...
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    I must have been doing something right, she likes me or she likes me as a friend...

    UPDATE: It turns out the girl's bday party is a dancing party, I never been to one of these things and I don't want to look like a fool. She said they're going to play alot of that reggaeton/spanish music stuff, stuff like that. I never tried out dancing in front of people. I think I can...
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    I must have been doing something right, she likes me or she likes me as a friend...

    Thanks for the comments/advice, man. OH YEAH, you think I should bring any of my friends, either? I know it would make the party much more enjoyable for me becuase I still don't don't know or talk to any of her friends like the girls/dudes thats going to be going. She doesn't know my friends...
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    I must have been doing something right, she likes me or she likes me as a friend...

    Yeah, so this girl she was like trying to invite me to her birthday party. We have been talking throughout the period as usual and near the end of the period, she was like "guess what?" and I'm like "what?" She says "My birthday is on sunday", I'm like cool and everything. Asking how old she is...
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    lol does this count as getting a number

    Re: lol lol But I am hispanic/latino! anyways, thanks for the advice, guys, I think I know what to do. Edit: Oh yeah, the project was only a single project meaning we were supposed to do it by ourselves. So the day before it was do I asked her if she wanted to do it together where...
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    lol does this count as getting a number

    Okay, so me and this chick were doing some project. We were helping each other out since it was due the next day and niether of us started. So we were emailing each other, and it was getting hard to talk about the project because she wasn't able to use AIM. So I just emailed her to call my cell...
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    Asking phone number through e-mail

    lol yeah, thats just my personality when I talk online. Man, I want to talk to her, but she never comes online, though. I guess I'll just wait until monday. Dammit, I need to do something quick cuz this week will be the last week before winter break which is like 10 days.
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    Asking phone number through e-mail

    Okay, I got this girl's e-mail like 2 weeks ago, because we were doing something in class where we have to do like 10 problems, but the assignment seemed long as sh!t, so I asked here you just want to do it together, you do half and I do half. So we exchanged e-mails to be able to send our...
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    crap, what to do?!?1

    Okay, there is this girl and one dude I know told her friends that I like her right in front of me, but the girl wasn't there. Then some of my friends joined in and said I liked her , too and then her friends were like "awwwwwwwe." I'm thinking "WTF?!?!" Anyways, now, the girl definitely thinks...
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    girl has a long distance boyfriend

    Hey, I'm new here and been lurking on these forums for like 2 months. Anyways, theres this senior I'm kind of feeling (I'm a junior) who I sit next to in one of my classes. Also, at lunch, the table she sits at is right next to mine and I see her mainly hanging out with juniors and sometimes...