I must have been doing something right, she likes me or she likes me as a friend...


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, so this girl she was like trying to invite me to her birthday party. We have been talking throughout the period as usual and near the end of the period, she was like "guess what?" and I'm like "what?" She says "My birthday is on sunday", I'm like cool and everything. Asking how old she is going to be and that she is like 6 months older than me, garbage like that. Then something told me to ask her what she was going to do for her bday becuz she didn't bring it up or anything and she said she's probably going to have a little party and stuff at her house or her friends going to throw it for her on saturday. Then she asks me if I was going to work that day, and I'm like "maybe(short pause), oh you want me to come?" and she said "yes" which I noticed she said very quick. Then she went on telling me her plans and said I could bring friends. I think she said I could bring friends becuz I aint friends with any of her peoples. Now, I'm kind of confused. This would be the first time we would hang out out of school and I never called her or anything like that, but I know shes going to be inviting some other dudes, especially one alpha dude that I've seen macking on her before and I can tell hes good, too. He was doing that kino sh!t and everything, even got a hug from her. I didn't get to the hugging part, yet! But I think they just might be in the friends stage, though. Anyways, so you guys think she might have a high interest in me or something? I don't think we're that much of friends tho becuz if we were, I think she'd invite me straight up, but she was like implying she wanted me to come to her bday party by what she was saying like when she asked me if I was going to work that day, plus I could tell she was kind of acting nervous during the period, too.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
You're reading her intentions negatively. From an objective point of view, she was nervous and shy about inviting you. No foul intentions behind it. If anything, it may be a good sign. She might be nervous around you because she likes you.

Another thing: Hugs don't mean much in our world unless they're followed by kisses. Don't worry about this alpha.

Advice: Have a few conversations with her so you can create attraction and interest. Gauge her interest levels. If she has high IL, then go in for a kiss before her party. If you're going, maybe even get her a SMALL gift, absolutely no more than 10-15 dollars.



Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the comments/advice, man. OH YEAH, you think I should bring any of my friends, either? I know it would make the party much more enjoyable for me becuase I still don't don't know or talk to any of her friends like the girls/dudes thats going to be going. She doesn't know my friends, either, but one of my friends that I'm going to bring if I go probably knows one or two of her friends. If I bring them I think they might help bring my confidence level up becuase I'd be more relaxed and also we'd be making jokes. I already have 2 friends in mind and with our powers combined, I think it could be a blast.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Yes, bring a few people, since she offered. It helps not only in breaking up the tension, but it gives you a home base, instead of being stuck in a corner afraid to interact.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score

It turns out the girl's bday party is a dancing party, I never been to one of these things and I don't want to look like a fool. She said they're going to play alot of that reggaeton/spanish music stuff, stuff like that. I never tried out dancing in front of people. I think I can dance alright, but I'm not confident enough. She said I can bring some friends and I plan to bring 2, but thing is I know one of them is shy to dance to. What should I do?! Just not care what people think or something. I'm afraid I might look foolish. Btw, theres probably going to be like 20 people there. any advice?

Oh yeah, today, her and I went to do some sh!t outside of school becuz the class we're in requires us to do a outdoor project. So we just decided to do it together. She drove lol cuz I don't got my license. Anwayz, I made her laugh like sh!t and she was joking around, too, but we also had a period where we just talk bout stuff. But I barely got in any kino. Man, I held back again like an idiot. But now, though, I think she really wants me to come to her thing.