Spanish girls


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
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It always seems to me that they'll give someone of their race more of a chance of getting with them than people of other races. They give others a hard time and usually blow others off.

I haven't asked any out lately, nor have I had the pleasure of being around any beautiful girls lately, but I remember last year when I was in high school, none of the spanish girls gave me any play that i tried to go out with.

But I also thought that it could be because my social standing in my highschool wasn't like top of the top, everyone knew who I was but it was because I was a great artist. I don't go to parties and I know that that is one thing hispanic girls like to do, party.

Main point is, I'm asking have any of you guys felt this way as well? Do you have to change up your whole game plan when it comes to spanish chicks?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
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I got to the point where I was cool with a few spanish girls, no real close friendships though. Mostly hi and by friends. One of which I ignored, knew she liked me and I wasn't interested in her but I slowly started to like her, but I screwed up back then and got partially AFC on her. She repelled me.

And another things, I notice a lot of spanish girls, though this may be true for all women, like to flirt just to flirt more than others.

Oh well... Unfortunately for me I'm in a college that's filled with mostly koreans,etc... can't find no sexy girls here. darn it all.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
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jacksonville, FL
I actually have better luck with spanish girls, but maybe that's cuz Iam latin myself.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
I actually have better luck with spanish girls, but maybe that's cuz Iam latin myself.
I'm sure that's a reason why. Hispanic people seem to take on to other hispanic people more than other races.

I wish that I was in a more diverse college so I can test my game on some but no... i had to be majoring in animation.

Damn, and I'm not a party person either. I can dance just fine, but it's not something I care to do in my free time. If it was, I could meet em at the clubs.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
I think that spanish girls in general are harder to get then white girls, but i love spanish girls, and the last 3 girls ive been with were all spanish.

and im white guy, so i think if u want spanish girls just up your game a little bit.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Hunterchilla
I think that spanish girls in general are harder to get then white girls, but i love spanish girls, and the last 3 girls ive been with were all spanish.

and im white guy, so i think if u want spanish girls just up your game a little bit.
Thats the thing, my game was no where near as good as it is now when I was in high school. I mean, I got me my first peice of ass a few months a go. And I've pretty much got the jist of what to do when I want a girl, how to talk to her, kino her, etc...

I'll probably try talkin to a few over myspace or somethin that's in my area. see if I'll have any luck.

And I'm definately not a bad looking guy, so hopefully there will be positive results.



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I always seem to get a positive response from Spanish girls. But I'm dark and tanned, and could possibly pass for being Spanish myself so maybe your theory is right.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Im not spanish or italian if You mean that. In my long life i meet lots of foreign woman and spanish were really easy. But italian... Those 15 years old sluts were eating *** like real *****es. Cwzy stuff.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
kid, its not about the race, you analize stuff too much, its you... if you got game and are able to cause an impact no matter what the race is youre gonna get the girl.

Ps. youre generalizing too much, theres easy spanish girls, hard to get spanish girls, easy white chicks and hard to get white chicks... its not about the race its about how they thought to be. ALso get out of those myspace things they dont help on your game, thats one of the main reasons youre not getting any spanish @ss.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by J.R.G.G
kid, its not about the race, you analize stuff too much, its you... if you got game and are able to cause an impact no matter what the race is youre gonna get the girl.

Ps. youre generalizing too much, theres easy spanish girls, hard to get spanish girls, easy white chicks and hard to get white chicks... its not about the race its about how they thought to be. ALso get out of those myspace things they dont help on your game, thats one of the main reasons youre not getting any spanish @ss.
Not true. There are many a great amount of spanish girls won't let you utter a word to them if you're not their race. How do I know, went to school in the south bronx, all spanish up in that school.

And I meant to say alot, not all.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
I loooooove latinas, they're my favorite chicks!!!! I'm trying to get with a latina, right now, but I guess it helps that I'm latino myself. The chick invited me to her bday party where everybody was latino like me. And I got to admit that I did enjoy being around in a setting like that where everybody was like me and we could talk about where we're from. Something they sure don't like is latinos that can't speak fluent Spanish like me. haha But its cool cuz the chick I'm trying to get with didn't mind at all when I told her! So I guess thats one of the reasons them chicks like being around there own people. Talking in their language and culture. Dancing to Spanish music, maybe. I mean thats the ONLY thing they did at that party. But that doesn't mean everybody is like that, though. Really, you just have to get that mindset out of your head.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Im of sicilian, cuban and peruvian ancestry and I look kinda mediteranean I have brown eyes, olive skin, and dark brown hair but when im really tanned i look alot more latino and feel girls check me out more, not just the latinas, but caucasion girls too :cool: so I got the best of both worlds. I prefer caucasions though Blond hair blue eyes *Drool*, latinas would come in second except for adriana lima she'd be first :D

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Originally posted by BxPrince24
It always seems to me that they'll give someone of their race more of a chance of getting with them than people of other races. They give others a hard time and usually blow others off.

I haven't asked any out lately, nor have I had the pleasure of being around any beautiful girls lately, but I remember last year when I was in high school, none of the spanish girls gave me any play that i tried to go out with.

But I also thought that it could be because my social standing in my highschool wasn't like top of the top, everyone knew who I was but it was because I was a great artist. I don't go to parties and I know that that is one thing hispanic girls like to do, party.

Main point is, I'm asking have any of you guys felt this way as well? Do you have to change up your whole game plan when it comes to spanish chicks?
Latinas and Spanish women are my favorites too, so I'll answer your sentences in succession.

1. If she isn't into you, she will either ignore you completely, or be disrespectful and b!tchy. (Not to be confused with "testing" as I see that word mentioned on this site, she's "testing" you if she's into you, it's "disrespect" if she's not. That should be more clear cut for the DJ's on this site.)

2. This is a case of circumstance, next time try harder or just look for someone else.

3. This is true, some of them can drink a lot of the guys under the table in alcoholic consumption.

4. Two words: Strict dominance. Stay on-point and don't let her get any power over you (or their attraction nose dives for you by the second). With these women (not all of them) it will be a power struggle, I've known some business minded latinas that were razorsharp in wit and action, so if you are going to "holla" at one of these women, have a good game plan and whatever it is that she does, no matter how bizarre it may be, just shrug it off and stay mellow.

I have seen what you are talking about in regards to other races and such, I've seen it where a latina is with a white or black guy and some buff, light-brown skinned latino will walk by. She will double take that dude as he walks by, it's just the way it is. I've said that before in another thread and it's been seen by more than one person so it holds up.

By the way, nice medallion and clear text on your pic. Real tight.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Spanish girls

Originally posted by Silquee Smoove
Latinas and Spanish women are my favorites too, so I'll answer your sentences in succession.

1. If she isn't into you, she will either ignore you completely, or be disrespectful and b!tchy. (Not to be confused with "testing" as I see that word mentioned on this site, she's "testing" you if she's into you, it's "disrespect" if she's not. That should be more clear cut for the DJ's on this site.)

2. This is a case of circumstance, next time try harder or just look for someone else.

3. This is true, some of them can drink a lot of the guys under the table in alcoholic consumption.

4. Two words: Strict dominance. Stay on-point and don't let her get any power over you (or their attraction nose dives for you by the second). With these women (not all of them) it will be a power struggle, I've known some business minded latinas that were razorsharp in wit and action, so if you are going to "holla" at one of these women, have a good game plan and whatever it is that she does, no matter how bizarre it may be, just shrug it off and stay mellow.

I have seen what you are talking about in regards to other races and such, I've seen it where a latina is with a white or black guy and some buff, light-brown skinned latino will walk by. She will double take that dude as he walks by, it's just the way it is. I've said that before in another thread and it's been seen by more than one person so it holds up.

By the way, nice medallion and clear text on your pic. Real tight.
thanks for the pic comments.

And the thing is that I'm partially hispanic but it's not in my immediate family. I believe my great grandfather was hispanic and then he moved to jamaica and that's where the rest of my family is from, there or here in ny.

The only things that I've got that are hispanic is a little bit of the hairyness and the back part of my hair is soft unlike the rest of my hair.

My father speaks spanish extremely well, but I didn't grow with him so I didn't learn how to speak it.

And lastly, my last name Hillmedo. I've heard it's from the DR, but I never asked my dad about it so I dunno.

I'm more attracted to latin girls than any other race, I don't know how my game as is now will work against them. I would go to a club and try to hit on some but I'm not into getting into any beefs with guys that might be with them or whatever.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by J.R.G.G
kid, its not about the race, you analize stuff too much, its you... if you got game and are able to cause an impact no matter what the race is youre gonna get the girl.

Ps. youre generalizing too much, theres easy spanish girls, hard to get spanish girls, easy white chicks and hard to get white chicks... its not about the race its about how they thought to be. ALso get out of those myspace things they dont help on your game, thats one of the main reasons youre not getting any spanish @ss.
Of course. But there are some generalisations. Thats how world works. Wihtout generalisation eahc of Your sentances would last 100 extra sentences explaining about what exacly are You speaking.
And italian woman used to have sex with almost no game.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
sure you can have some stereotypes, but in the end it all it is individiuality that counts, every girl is different.

I have alot of female friends, mostly latinas, and from experience i can tell that theres no exact preference for latino men. some like black dudes, some dont. the same for goes for caucasion.

bxprince, its not about your race, its about you. i dont know, maybe the way you look or something, some will like it some wont. In my opinion i dont like your style, but if you like it then good for you, i preffer a classier more elegant look, and i have come to understand that the way you dress is what other people digg.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'm spanish myself, and hispanic girls tend to give hipanic people and easier time then any other race. I was in a party this weekend and i saw that there were mostly hispanic people there, but few people from other race and those were the only people not dancing. I think that they have their ***** shields higher for those who are not part of their race.