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  1. B

    How to get a FB

    "we'll end up liking each other more and it will cause drama." I'd see that as a **** test. I mean come on, what kind of bull**** is that? My 2 cents You either gave her really bad sex, or shes testing to see if you're strong enough to handle that sort of thing with her, without turning...
  2. B

    why being an accomplished (something) isn't enough

    if you want to introduce stuff like that - try to introduce it in a context for example Oh, thats so awesome! That reminds me of this crazy **** that happened when I was spinning at _____ a few weeks ago - [insert some crazy story here] You get to tell a story, and ur just saying ur a...
  3. B

    A good opener to a smoking girl

    since you smoke, if ur smokin a cig already - "You shouldn't smoke... it's bad for your health *take puff* - i'd personally add on one of those half-smiles that almost looks ****y - yet stil warm i've done this out on the street and its gotten laugh responses and BUT YOU'RE SMOKING...
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    The International Don Juan Experiment

    how can i say no to a chicago meet?
  5. B

    I give up...

    Some people pick things up in minutes. Some people pick up the same things in years. You just admitted that there have been improvements. Weather or not you realize it - you are on the right track. Keep your head up and know that everything will fall into place once you stop stressing it. Do...
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    I give up...

    Go ahead and read your post again. Did you read it? I bet you didn't. I'm serious.. Go read it again... 3 times... Does this sound like something the alpha male would say? I bet you spew out all sorts of desperateness and beta qualities. You are probably trying WAY TOO HARD to get...
  7. B

    getting by without social worth?

    You become what you see yourself as. If you see yourself as being super mack daddy pimp - then YOU ARE super mack daddy pimp - and everyone around you will think so too. The trick is to learn to actually believe it. Once you hit a few high spots in the game, for example - if you ever laid a...
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    How to make a LDR work? AND How to eliminate insecurities?

    Depends just how LD the LDR is. If its a 30/60 minute drive... It can work... Assuming one of you has a car... Other than that.. Like different states - why would you even put yourself through that? There are a ton of girls out there craving to be with you. Have you seen the ****ing gas...
  9. B

    Anyone here ever manage a hat trick?

    hat trick isn't that hard. all you have to do is have 3 girls that are into you... If you can get one girl to come over whenever you want her to - why not just 2 more? If anything pay attention to the times that they like to come over most, and then get an early start on your day. You can even...
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    Chicago Weekend

    oh and is NEU Northeastern University? if so - I live like 2 miles from there lol
  11. B

    Chicago Weekend

    nah **** that - i'd step up and make this **** happen if my schedule were predictable - alot of these guys are down but noone is stepping up to the plate and making it happen. Once somene decides to be the leader and make it happen it'll happen. But as long as I don't know whats goin on in my...
  12. B

    Chicago Weekend

    I'm down to get together - but it doesn't seem like anything is going to happen! Lets make it happen... there seems to be a good number of people from the chicago area that are down to do this - it's all about turning the thought into action. Lets get something CONCRETE. Even if it means...