getting by without social worth?


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah quick and simple,

All throughout highschool blahblah I had no balls, complete AFC, and let my social anxiety disorder ruin my f-ucking life.

Now that I've decided to change this and have been out hitting on girls getting dates, I just really see how small the world really is and how interconnected social circles really are. Here i am, somebody that never had a whole lot of friends and i know it's important to be perceived to be hot s-hit in this area by women .... but right now thats just not who i am.

My question is this, When I'm out with a girl do i embelish and make it seem like I've been the ****ing life of the party forever and basicly lie or do i avoid the subject basicly and not reveal a damn thing unless it gets semi-serious..... or I guess the third option would be that if it comes up and a chick actually asks why it doesn't seem like i have a very active social life I just come clean with her and tell her i used to be a really shy person.

I know i probably shouldn't give two s-hits about this, but its bothering me and affecting my inner game.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Now that I've decided to change this and have been out hitting on girls getting dates, I just really see how small the world really is and how interconnected social circles really are. Here i am, somebody that never had a whole lot of friends and i know it's important to be perceived to be hot s-hit in this area by women .... but right now thats just not who i am.
You become what you see yourself as. If you see yourself as being super mack daddy pimp - then YOU ARE super mack daddy pimp - and everyone around you will think so too. The trick is to learn to actually believe it. Once you hit a few high spots in the game, for example - if you ever laid a totally gorgeous girl - I can garuntee the next day afterwards you felt like a ****ing PIMP. This is also the best time to sarge because your aura is just spewing out genuine confidence that attracts people around you like a magnet. Use it to your advantage.

My question is this, When I'm out with a girl do i embelish and make it seem like I've been the ****ing life of the party forever and basicly lie or do i avoid the subject basicly and not reveal a damn thing unless it gets semi-serious..... or I guess the third option would be that if it comes up and a chick actually asks why it doesn't seem like i have a very active social life I just come clean with her and tell her i used to be a really shy person.
You just gotta be yourself and be who you want to be. You don't have to tell her who you are - the way you act and communicate with her tells her EVERYTHING. All that **** in your past she doesn't know about. If a girl meets you and you're all energetic and happy - then thats how she'll describe you. Doesn't necessarily mean thats how you are - but first impressions are powerful. Maybe start hanging out with some other guys that are the way you want to be, and it'll just rub off on you. Just remember - you are the prize and if anyone is doing the qualifying - it should be her qualifying herself to you. Just have a good time and don't worry about being anything but yourself and the way you truely see yourself as being ( THE DON JUAN )

I know i probably shouldn't give two s-hits about this, but its bothering me and affecting my inner game.
" IT " is not affecting you're inner game. YOU are affecting your inner game. Quit making excuses. Be a man. Take charge. Become the DJ you know you really are