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  1. K

    I am so confused....

    I don't understand that you said "I would go something like: "how would I feel if you don't go home alone? Well, it'll defenitely change my view of you. I mean if this is a habit, you have some issues sweetheart" That will make her feel embarrast and won't really show any clinging or signs of...
  2. K

    leaving a girl wanting more at a party

    I used to do this and u know what I fu(ked up big that night. Her attraction towards me faded away and then some guys come in. There is also a chance that you might not find her bcuz if her friend wanna leave, she might leave with her like the sheep walk out the door.
  3. K

    I am so confused....

    Well I just don't get it with this chick since every chick I have banged become attached to me after I have banged her. Yesterday, she called me and said that why did i just disappear and she said she miss me and she invited me to go clubbing with her best friend and her. She wanted...
  4. K

    I am so confused....

    so u are saying that i shouldn't talk about anything LTR at all. Let her bring up the topic about LTR first if she wants to be serious abt that, right? And what do u mean by she will eventually turn around?
  5. K

    I am so confused....

    I met this girl one night at the club. We ended up having sex. She seemed to be enjoy my company with her. (Lots of kino, eye contact) I also like her, not just wanna bang her and leave. However, she rarely call me first instead it is me who call to offer a date. The thing is if...
  6. K

    leaving a girl wanting more at a party

    I got a different perspective from yours bro. I think u gotta hit the iron while it is still hot. If you go somewhereelse to talk to other people, her attention towards you can fade away and other guys might kick in. So, if you are quite certain that she is interested in you then...
  7. K

    waiting for date?

    I just wanna date her and bang her once a week. If she wants to get in LTR, then Im ok with that. But if she just wants me to bang her and there is no string attached, im still ok with that since I already spin my plates with other 2-3 girls. Why do u think she decided not to in...
  8. K

    waiting for date?

    The date was ok. We ended up at her place but we didn't have sex since she had her menstruation. The thing is even though i have banged this girl already, but she isn't so attached to me like other girl. She said she is selective about her partner. She said she can like me, but she can't love...
  9. K

    If you have a “One-Itis” read this!

    Great post Thx littletroll
  10. K

    Number closing and flake?

    I don't understand that you said "there's no point to even ask for the phone # unless you know how to attract her" For me, there are two major scenarios that im gonna ask for the number. First, we had an eye contact a lil longer than normal ppl, I smiled, she smiled back then I approach...
  11. K

    waiting for date?

    ok guys thx for every comment I didn't text her but called her instead and said like the following. Me: Hey! just called to change the place to Esplanade instead of Paragon. (Actually, I had a date with her at Esplanade but I pretended that I wrongly remembered it) She: Heyyyy we had our...
  12. K

    Number closing and flake?

    If you were to be me and faced this shlt, how would you react? Now I just deleted the number of that wh0re out of my phone.
  13. K

    waiting for date?

    Yesterday = Tue Today = Wed Our date = Thu Yesterday was Tuesday and I called the girl to ask her out with me on the Thursday. We had some chitchat and then I told her abt the time and place and she said yes. Should I msg her today(Wednesday) to confirm the place and time? Or just sit...
  14. K

    Number closing and flake?

    While I was walking in the dept store, I caught my eye on this chick and smiled to her and she smiled back. So, I decided to follow her after she walked pass my position and finally asked her number and she kind of hesitated but finally gave it to me. Few days later, I called her she...
  15. K

    When a woman plays hard to get...or is it low interest?

    1. Why did u say I should avoid sth like cuddling in bed for hrs talking? I think becuz of that I can get to know better. Also, I actually like to cuddle with girls on bed after we had sex. 2.I am trying to position her as my f-buddy so that I don't lose my coolness. So how do i know if she...
  16. K

    When a woman plays hard to get...or is it low interest?

    I got exactly the same situation like you Jariel. Now im thinking abt asking her out the coming Wed. (We got laid on Sunday and NC since then) What are your suggestions for me? What should I do in the next date? I also thought that im coming too strong on the first night and she might...
  17. K

    Date offering?

    Many thx to ur comment bro. Can you tell me some of your experience of girl flaking? I am not sure what it is and whether I have ever faced it or not.
  18. K

    Is sex mean she is into you?

    Why did u think it is awkward to her when she call me? I never give anyone a booty call, but I used to ask girl to go out and date with me and finally end up on her bed. Is that a booty call? She said to me that she was not that kind of one-night-stand girl. Can I believe her?
  19. K

    Is sex mean she is into you?

    You have a very good imagination man! But I wonder if this method does work in the real world. Have you ever used with any girls?
  20. K

    Date offering?

    I don't get what you mean. Could you be more specific abt that?