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  1. K

    Social circle crisis?!

    I have been hitting on this girl in the same social circle for like 1 month. Im 20 and she is 25. At first, i want her to be my girlfriend. There are also these two girls which are friends of my target. They are my senior and they have been very generous and kind to me. I love them like my...
  2. K

    Eye contact ??!

    What about look into her eyes, nod as she talk, have a lil smile on the face, and look between her lips and her eye? Is that convey confidence and sexual feeling enough?
  3. K

    Eye contact ??!

    So are u saying that i should have eye contact with her during talking until she break it? Isn't it gonna make her feel uneasy?
  4. K

    Eye contact ??!

    How should I maintain eye contact with my dating partner during having a dinner together? Usually, we will site opposite to each other, face to face. During the conversation, we have an eye contact, but, some people said that don't maintain eye contact too much otherwise your partner will...
  5. K

    Older girl target....

    Some said that I should show her how mature I am, but, I think i will stick to the way I am cuz I know myself that my thinking is mature more than my age. So, for now, i just gonna keep my playful style and mayb tease her s.times like she is acting like a kid. But I think teasing too much...
  6. K

    Older girl target....

    Im 20 yrs old currently studying in my junior year. I play badminton 3-4 times a week with my group at the dorm near my uni. Every people in the group is older than me. They are like 25++ yrs old. (my seniors) Yesterday, there is one more member joined. She is 25 yrs old...
  7. K

    Library approach

    What if you try to initiate the contact with her and she is like having the facial expression "WTF! you are doing"? Would you still sit there and act like nothing happened? Also, would you ask her number right away there?
  8. K

    Library approach

    I was meeting my friend in the library for doing our group projects. Our group is about 4-5 people and all are men. Then, I saw this hot chick sitting alone on the table next to ours playing her computer notebook. None of us was bothering to approach her except me. The question...
  9. K

    Normal pick up phenomenon

    Yeah, same to me, I just make eye contact, smile, approach, and say whatever come up in my mind during that moment. Usually, it is just simple say hi like yours. Well, but other comments say that I shouldn't approach and just have fun. I still don't understand how can i get laid...
  10. K

    Normal pick up phenomenon

    I understand that you want me to vanish so that girls will be wondering where I am. Yes, I used to do that and it worked. However, another time, i vanished to go to the restroom and had a smoke outside, there are possibilities of some guys might come in and hit on her, or I may not...
  11. K

    Normal pick up phenomenon

    I get your point man. But, if you don't approach, how come you can get laid? And, from your point of view, do I sound desperate? What do you mean by "desperate"? In my opinion, it means when is trying to do sth too hard. What would you do when you go clubbing and wanna get laid?
  12. K

    Normal pick up phenomenon

    Last night i went clubbing with three friends of mine. My mindset: I gonna get some tonight! I wanna get laid and bang some chicks. Mindset of one of my friend: Just have fun with my buddies. When we were in the club, I was walking around the club trying to spot my target and then approach...
  13. K

    U guys ever feel this??

    Appreciate every of your comments. Im not sure whether she is interested in me or not. But i would give it to three times to ask her out if she declines all of them then i know i should walk away.....
  14. K

    U guys ever feel this??

    Thx for your comment. But you misunderstand some points bro. I used to do my internship at her office but now I have finished it so I didn't go there anymore. Right now, I am keeping casual contact e.g. small phone chitchat 3-4 min, but sometimes she didn't pick up my call so I...
  15. K

    U guys ever feel this??

    I don't get that u said "For her to even remotely imply that her entire week is booked (you never suggested a date for tomorrow, you just suggested one in general; could be any of the seven days of the week), speaks a lot on her interest level for you." Could u please explain it? OK, i...
  16. K

    U guys ever feel this??

    Thx for your comments bro. At least, I guess u have passed this depressed mood. Well, the show must go on.
  17. K

    Should I drop her home on the first few dates?

    Im wondering should we pick the place that is close for our house or the girl's house. Assume that we both live with our parents.
  18. K

    U guys ever feel this??

    I am 20 yrs old and have just deeply used this site for like 3 past months. Honestly, in the past three months, I got to know some cute chicks and number-close and got laid more than i used to have before. The problem is even though i got number-close, but those number is hardly turned to be...
  19. K

    Cold approach situation

    Yesterday morning, some of them called me but i didnt pick up since i was sleeping. I called them last night but they didnt pick up and no return call. Hahaa WTF!! I didnt think exchanging missed call is another way of communication. - -*
  20. K

    Cold approach situation

    U mean if they didnt reply any of my calls, so dunt text her and just go NC??