U guys ever feel this??


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
I am 20 yrs old and have just deeply used this site for like 3 past months.

Honestly, in the past three months, I got to know some cute chicks

and number-close and got laid more than i used to have before.

The problem is even though i got number-close, but those number

is hardly turned to be a date. I got like 10 numbers and only 2-3 of them

can turn to be a date.

I used to have mindset like one-night-stand-only people and just enjoy

having the sex. Now im thinkin abt try to experience LTR with some really good chicks while still spining plates dating other chicks.

So i try to be more sincere about those good girls (prospective mom of my son), but it is so hard to ask them out.

To sum up,

1. Some of my friends say u should call her like everyday to make them

know u are sincere and persistent. Some even say u should talk on the phone

to some degree before asking her out. They say some girls dunt know u enough to go out with u.

They say i ask those chicks out too early.

But, IMO, i just use phone for lil chitchat and then use it to set up a date.

No more BS on the phone, theres a lot more u can talk abt when u are out with her.

What do u guys think about this?

2. When i ask some chicks out, some will say like "well, im not sure"

" i gotta see my schedule" WTF???

What should i do abt this? Keep asking them out every other 2-3 days?

Some people say if the chicks is interested in u, they will ask u for the date.

Is that true?

Nowadays, i feel so fu(king failed that i try so hard to improve myself

abt this but all i got is just some fu(king digits on the phone.

I just wanna go out and have fun with chicks and has, maybe, one good LTR.

Suggestions please


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
So i try to be more sincere about those good girls (prospective mom of my son), but it is so hard to ask them out.
Nothing easier, just ask them out.

Some of my friends say u should call her like everyday to make them
know u are sincere and persistent
Your friends are AFC's, don't listen to them. Follow your own path.

No more BS on the phone, theres a lot more u can talk abt when u are out with her
Atta boy!

When i ask some chicks out, some will say like "well, im not sure"

" i gotta see my schedule" WTF???

What should i do abt this? Keep asking them out every other 2-3 days?
They ain't interested, move on.

Some people say if the chicks is interested in u, they will ask u for the date.

Is that true?
It's been known to happen.

Nowadays, i feel so fu(king failed that i try so hard to improve myself abt this but all i got is just some fu(king digits on the phone.
The path to greatness is made up of small steps.

I just wanna go out and have fun with chicks and has, maybe, one good LTR.
Keep at it champ, spin plates until you find one that you'd like to 'go out' with, but don't get too hung up on her. Keep your own counsel and remember that YOU are the prize.

Don't waste time with chicks that ain't willing to waste their time with you.

You'll get there.



Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
DonJuan_DeRosco said:
Nothing easier, just ask them out.

Your friends are AFC's, don't listen to them. Follow your own path.

Atta boy!

They ain't interested, move on.

It's been known to happen.

The path to greatness is made up of small steps.

Keep at it champ, spin plates until you find one that you'd like to 'go out' with, but don't get too hung up on her. Keep your own counsel and remember that YOU are the prize.

Don't waste time with chicks that ain't willing to waste their time with you.

You'll get there.

Thx for your comments bro.

At least, I guess u have passed this depressed mood.

Well, the show must go on.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with DeRosco; keep your head up. Concerning your friends' advice-- complete AFC mentality, in my book anyway. For me, it would've ended at "have to check my schedule". For her to even remotely imply that her entire week is booked (you never suggested a date for tomorrow, you just suggested one in general; could be any of the seven days of the week), speaks a lot on her interest level for you.

To come off as a 'nice' and considerate guy, it's possible to do without blowing up her phone every day, boss. I would give a girl attention in moderation. Never too much, never too little. But to your concern, don't think that you have to call a girl everyday without fail to come off as a geniune, passionate guy. That's handled in your personality.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
LE6END said:
I agree with DeRosco; keep your head up. Concerning your friends' advice-- complete AFC mentality, in my book anyway. For me, it would've ended at "have to check my schedule". For her to even remotely imply that her entire week is booked (you never suggested a date for tomorrow, you just suggested one in general; could be any of the seven days of the week), speaks a lot on her interest level for you.

To come off as a 'nice' and considerate guy, it's possible to do without blowing up her phone every day, boss. I would give a girl attention in moderation. Never too much, never too little. But to your concern, don't think that you have to call a girl everyday without fail to come off as a geniune, passionate guy. That's handled in your personality.
I don't get that u said "For her to even remotely imply that her entire week is booked (you never suggested a date for tomorrow, you just suggested one in general; could be any of the seven days of the week), speaks a lot on her interest level for you."

Could u please explain it?

OK, i will try not to blow up her phone everyday. Just be persistent.

Now, there is a competitor which is the senior at her office that

hit on her all day. WTF! But i just try to do my best and that is alll i can do.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
I don't get that u said "For her to even remotely imply that her entire week is booked (you never suggested a date for tomorrow, you just suggested one in general; could be any of the seven days of the week), speaks a lot on her interest level for you."

Could u please explain it?

OK, i will try not to blow up her phone everyday. Just be persistent.

Now, there is a competitor which is the senior at her office that

hit on her all day. WTF! But i just try to do my best and that is alll i can do.
Placed plainly, when asking one out, a girl won't tell you, "I've to check my schedule" unless she's playing hard to get, or is simply not interested in actually returning your offer. I would expect, "Yeah, I'd like that", or a simple "sure." from a female who is interested.

What I don't recommend is continually asking them out, especially every two days. If your friends told you to do this-----God, I'm glad you found your way here. To be honest, I really don't see it going beyond the first offer. If she denied it, you have two options: leave it to her to contact you; inform her that whenever she's ready to get with The God, she knows how to reach you- keep it moving; Leave her with something to think about. If you made a sharp enough impression, she'll contact you...Trust me.

Option two, cut your losses. I know how hard it is to move on from a girl you like; keeping yourself busy through out the week makes doing this easier. In any case, do not contact a girl every two or three days asking for a date, man... I think this kind of goes without saying..

Competition, eh? Let me tell you something. Didn't matter how AFC I might've gotten on my worst day, I NEVER competed for a female's attention. No girl, in my book, was that special to warrant a pursuit for her attention alongside multiple individuals. In the case of competition, if you play the math right, YOU have the advantage. Be the guy who DOESN'T give her attention, and you'll ultimately rise to the top of her list. You're dealing with one guy, so let me stay within context.

He hits on her all day. That's fine. Let him be her door mat. You cannot openly show your resentment for his actions. If she really likes you, what I'm about to tell you should work. Once again, I won't go beyond my experience, I only address topics I've experienced. Just keep in mind, nothing ever works all the time.
When I never gave this certain girl attention, she would tell me, "you're not-----being yourself... Why aren't you all----touchy..?" She was bothered when I didn't give her the daily dose of attention she's accustomed to recieving. Conclusively, if you BOTH are swimming in her glorious presence; she turns left, gets hit on by the senior, turns right, gets hit on by you, both of you are going to look like chumps. She's not going to choose one over the other when she can have The best of both worlds.

Stay your distance, but talk to her--- socialize, kick it. Just keep it casual though. Don't try and hit on her. So, why senior is sweating her, digging in his back pocket trying to scramble up some more clever lines to spit out, she's going to question to herself why you aren't doing what he's doing. Am I not good enough? He doesn't find me attractive? etc.

She's going to then try and get you involved.

This is where you want to be, when dealing with 'him'.. She's going to focus on the guy who ISN'T giving her the attention, and will attempt to assimilate you into her world.

(You're in an office; my experience didn't take place in one. so the dynamics can be slightly different. But the essential components remain.)

Remember, this will only have a chance to work if she likes you, i.e knows you exist. She won't care if some nobody walks by her without so much as a glance. But for someone she's interested in, it's all the difference.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
LE6END said:
Placed plainly, when asking one out, a girl won't tell you, "I've to check my schedule" unless she's playing hard to get, or is simply not interested in actually returning your offer. I would expect, "Yeah, I'd like that", or a simple "sure." from a female who is interested.

What I don't recommend is continually asking them out, especially every two days. If your friends told you to do this-----God, I'm glad you found your way here. To be honest, I really don't see it going beyond the first offer. If she denied it, you have two options: leave it to her to contact you; inform her that whenever she's ready to get with The God, she knows how to reach you- keep it moving; Leave her with something to think about. If you made a sharp enough impression, she'll contact you...Trust me.

Option two, cut your losses. I know how hard it is to move on from a girl you like; keeping yourself busy through out the week makes doing this easier. In any case, do not contact a girl every two or three days asking for a date, man... I think this kind of goes without saying..

Competition, eh? Let me tell you something. Didn't matter how AFC I might've gotten on my worst day, I NEVER competed for a female's attention. No girl, in my book, was that special to warrant a pursuit for her attention alongside multiple individuals. In the case of competition, if you play the math right, YOU have the advantage. Be the guy who DOESN'T give her attention, and you'll ultimately rise to the top of her list. You're dealing with one guy, so let me stay within context.

He hits on her all day. That's fine. Let him be her door mat. You cannot openly show your resentment for his actions. If she really likes you, what I'm about to tell you should work. Once again, I won't go beyond my experience, I only address topics I've experienced. Just keep in mind, nothing ever works all the time.
When I never gave this certain girl attention, she would tell me, "you're not-----being yourself... Why aren't you all----touchy..?" She was bothered when I didn't give her the daily dose of attention she's accustomed to recieving. Conclusively, if you BOTH are swimming in her glorious presence; she turns left, gets hit on by the senior, turns right, gets hit on by you, both of you are going to look like chumps. She's not going to choose one over the other when she can have The best of both worlds.

Stay your distance, but talk to her--- socialize, kick it. Just keep it casual though. Don't try and hit on her. So, why senior is sweating her, digging in his back pocket trying to scramble up some more clever lines to spit out, she's going to question to herself why you aren't doing what he's doing. Am I not good enough? He doesn't find me attractive? etc.

She's going to then try and get you involved.

This is where you want to be, when dealing with 'him'.. She's going to focus on the guy who ISN'T giving her the attention, and will attempt to assimilate you into her world.

(You're in an office; my experience didn't take place in one. so the dynamics can be slightly different. But the essential components remain.)

Remember, this will only have a chance to work if she likes you, i.e knows you exist. She won't care if some nobody walks by her without so much as a glance. But for someone she's interested in, it's all the difference.
Thx for your comment. But you misunderstand some points bro.

I used to do my internship at her office but now I have finished it

so I didn't go there anymore.

Right now, I am keeping casual contact e.g. small phone chitchat 3-4 min,

but sometimes she didn't pick up my call so I called her once a day.

I think Im gonna ask her out today and I think if she is busy but really wanna

go she might counteroffer the other day.

I also made her two little surprises already when I was working there.

The first one is just buying a lil snack and write a note and put it on her desk

while she is off for her lunch.

The second one is a music cd that i choose the songs myself and I gave it

to her on my last day of internship.

I just don't understand why she sometimes didnt pick up my call and no

return call. Some DJ said that dont expect girls to call back in the

beginning of our interaction with them even though they are interested or are not.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Okay; so it's simpler than what my response warranted. Still, for the visitors reading these forums, it might help someone out there.

Looks like you have things under control. I just wanted to help you to the very best of my ability. Even if some of the points I made aren't relevant to you now, they might be later on down the road. In any case, good luck man.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
LE6END said:
Okay; so it's simpler than what my response warranted. Still, for the visitors reading these forums, it might help someone out there.

Looks like you have things under control. I just wanted to help you to the very best of my ability. Even if some of the points I made aren't relevant to you now, they might be later on down the road. In any case, good luck man.
Appreciate every of your comments.

Im not sure whether she is interested in me or not.

But i would give it to three times to ask her out if she declines all of them

then i know i should walk away.....


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
3 months and you think everything should be going your way now?

You're making progress, that's good.

But this isn't a college course. You don't just get an A at the end of 3 months and move on. Self-improvement doesn't work on a semester schedule, and you can't start turning off your brain like you'll never have to use this knowledge again.

Sorry I can't offer much more than moral support, but you gotta suck it up and keep improving yourself. You're clearly still unhappy with yourself.

Good that you're getting dates. Keep going on them. But the key here is that you still need to do what it takes to be happy on your own.