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  1. K

    Date offering?

    1.How do u guys offer a date to your girl so that you don't look needy and she says yes? Im thinking about "hey! babe we should get together and grab sth for a bite. Which day is better for you Wednesday or Thursday?" What do u think about this? 2.Is it ok to be the one who always offer a...
  2. K

    Is sex mean she is into you?

    I already fu!ck her but want it more. Im thinking about having a date with her in the mid of this week. How should I offer it? Im thinking about saying like "we should have a dinner this week. Which one do you prefer Wed or Thu? (I don't give her a choice to say no)" What do you...
  3. K

    Is sex mean she is into you?

    From my past experience, every girl that i got laid will initiate a call first after we separate in the morning or maybe the next day. Every girl will be more than happy if I ask her out for a date. But, this girl is different. We got laid in the last friday night and she didn't call me...
  4. K

    Get-laid girl problem?

    Last friday night, I went clubbing and get laid with one girl. That night I try to initiate sex many times but all I got was only kissing. She said she can have a sex only with the person who she got some feeling with. She said she didn't like me that much to have sex (just only a bit)...
  5. K

    Office girls so charming?

    Are you saying that I should not talk to her during the working hour if it isn't about the business? Why do u suggest I move on? If i get the digit, then, can I ask her out right away? I mean in a few days later.
  6. K

    Office girls so charming?

    I don't get what you mean. What does being hired or not has anything to do with hitting on this chick?
  7. K

    Office girls so charming?

    Im doint my internship for my junior year at this new office. Im 20 yrs old and she is like 30 yrs old (9/10), not arrogant but way like hard to get. Almost everybody in the office says that she is hard to get. I say hello to her and have a lil chitchat one day at the office. We also have...
  8. K

    Why did I fail to get laid?

    Thank you for your comments. 1. After talking with the girl that is attracted to you for a while, how do u say to her to make her leave with you without being looked needy? 2. So you are saying that if you find the girl that is into you and she also meets your standard, you won't go talk...
  9. K

    Why did I fail to get laid?

    I used to think that if you talked to the girl that is interested in you for a while and then you go to somewhereelse to make her attraction level rises then you came back to her. Is it not correct to do this? Once you are grinding with her for a while and she is quite interested in you...
  10. K

    Why did I fail to get laid?

    Not really procrastination though, maybe I hit on too many girls and at last I got nothing (Girls might think that im indecisive). 1. If you wanna get laid, do you wait until the club is closed or what? 2. How do you ask her to come with you? What if you and her don't have place to stay...
  11. K

    Why did I fail to get laid?

    Last night, I went clubbing with three friends of mine. I talked to 4-5 girls in the club. They were good. They danced with me and I did some kind of kinos and grinding dance and they didn't step back so I took it as a good sign. The thing is when I came back to my table to talk with my...
  12. K

    Girls wanna be engaged?

    I need different opinions from different person's perspective to help make my decision. You can say anything.
  13. K

    Girls wanna be engaged?

    I met one girl at a club and had sex with her. Im 20 yrs old and she is 25 yrs old. She knows little of my personal info and those that she knows was false info I gave to her. At first, I just wanna have one-night-stand with her. But, yesterday, she told me that she wanna be serious...
  14. K

    Asking in non-needy way?

    It's not really that I ask her for dates. I just wanna ask her if I can still join the trip, but How? The main reason is I wanna meet her friends which are cute. Dating with her is like an extra bonus. So, what's your suggestion, sir?
  15. K

    Asking in non-needy way?

    My girl invited me to join her trip to the sea with her working friends. I asked her, can outside people like me join their trip? She said, they can. But, few days later, she then told me that maybe I can't join the trip as there will be some executives of her working company join...
  16. K

    Infatuation..... kills you?

    Okay thx Can you give me some tips to change my inner game to be more confident coz now im kind of infatuated in her? Before I met her, I was happy with my life, internship things hit the gym, watch movies, play games. But after I met her, Im kind of lose my balance here.
  17. K

    NEWBIES READ THIS -- Comprehensive Guide to Game

    This was really a great post! But, in my opinion, it is kind of theoretical at some points and sometimes hard to understand. However, thx u
  18. K

    Infatuation..... kills you?

    Many thx to your post. Could you give me some examples of those indirect openers? I am a junior in the undergrad level, 20 yrs old. Is it ok to hit on the working age girl like 23+ yrs old cuz, in the country where I belong, students have to wear uniform and everyone knows it that im a...
  19. K

    Infatuation..... kills you?

    Why should I ask just only once? What if she says no, is it okay to ask another time? If girls are not interested in dating and sex, what are they interested in?
  20. K

    Infatuation..... kills you?

    What do you mean by you don't have logistics? Is it possible to have some girls to just want dating, not sex at all? And don't get me wrong here. I didn't mean it to be an excuse though. Now, I approach girls once in a blue moon. I'm working on it coz there's still some damn unknown...