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  1. M

    Would a guy get offended or hold a grudge

    Mike 32ct I think you are being too sensitive. Obviously if the girl agreed to get naked with you in the first place she must have had some attraction to you. So its not that. What if you find out she is later emotionally unavailable or has past sexual issues. Just don't cancel her out...
  2. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    You can drink in an upscale lounge not a downtown nieghborhood bar hole. It cost the same price. I totally disagree with you. I am a very popular mainstream social butterfly and YES for a first date a dive hole in the wall bar is SLEAZY. I would be happy to go and socialize with you after...
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    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    LOL, above is one of the craziest thoughts Ive ever read, men and women are totally different in thinking. The first date is the first impression, its SHOULD BE the best impression not the opposite. The man should make it memorable if he really likes the girl. I could never date you either...
  4. M

    Success stories of getting back with ex? - how?

    I never listened to the move on advice and in college my ex and I broke up and got back together about 20 times. Then got engaged and broke up 7 times. Then got married , got divorced, and now he wants me back.
  5. M

    Things women say/think that make you lose faith in the gender...

    Ok this is why you men should be glad there is a woman posting on here. Let me tell you: When some men get disabled and thus "less manly" meaning 100% healthy functioning , this tends to decrease thier egos and they can get nasty, insulting, and very very mean. The man is probably treating...
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    Would a guy get offended or hold a grudge

    Would this change if you both got to this situation with the aid of alcohol ? And she just got caught up into drinks that you gave her and when she realized what she was doing she changed her mind.
  7. M

    Would a guy get offended or hold a grudge

    Would a guy get offended or hold a grudge if you and a girl were both naked and about to have sex and the girl told you NO ? Would you speak to this girl again? Or would you speak to her and still be angry in the back of your mind.
  8. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    Because you have met some women who did not appreciate a dinner date, movie, etc. this is no reason to say "freak it" I am not spending my money and I am just taking the next girl to a dive bar because I do not care, if this connotates that I want to just sleep with her. The next woman you...
  9. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    You do sound very bitter perhaps you have met the wrong types of women. In my honest opinion if a woman steps over you for treating her with respect and taking her to a nice place then either she is not used to much, had no father figure in her life that was good, has mental issues, or is...
  10. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    I like your style, I would date you. Sounds like your morals are better than most. What some guys do not understand is that most or many women who ask to go to dive bars on first dates often drink alot and sometimes end of sleeping with alot of men, ie. not good girls I am a popular fun...
  11. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    My friends are all ages of women 20's to 30's and we all hate bars for first dates. I think it has become so popular that women just "go along with it" But alot of us women hate it for first date because its not impressive. Nothing is wrong with going after the first few dates though. Alot...
  12. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    I think going to Starbucks for coffee is a better first date drink idea. Its quick and even cheaper but it conveys a better message to a female.
  13. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    Ok if a quick drink I can accept that unless the something else was back to your house/apartment then that would not be acceptable as a first date, at least for me.
  14. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    LOL thanks for being honest because thats exactly what is signals to me if a guy takes me to a nieghborhood bar on the first date. I was trying to see if it could mean anything else. I am a pretty social female who likes to enjoy life but even I would rather a dinner, movie, walk in the...
  15. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    I agree, I dont see a problem with an upscale lounge that has a bar in it or a relaxed restaurant. But just a plain old nieghborhood bar is sleazy to alot of women for a first date and not very impressive. I ask this because alot of my female friends feel the same way and I notice that some...
  16. M

    I Think I have an Anger Problem

    I was dating a guy like this, he annoyed the heck out of me. he was never wrong and he was insulting and disrespectful if you corrected him. Please please go to an anger management course before you end up alone because you cannot keep a proper relationship acting like that and you will be a 40...
  17. M

    Why do guys thinnks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date?

    As a female I have to ask Why do guys thinks its a good idea to take a woman to a bar on the first date? I can go to bars after the first or second date but this is a turn off to alot of women but many guys think this is okay. To me as a female it says "I want nothing else but to get you...
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    I need alcohol to get girls. Without it, I'm a loser. What should I do?

    If you need to drink to get women, you are not going to end up with the "good girls" Good girls from classy homes do not like drunkards for boyfriends and they dont like hanging out in bars. Go to church.
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    Delete that Facebook.

    All true, I actually got into a conflict with this guy and he blocked me off of facebook because of his facebook page. He had too many different women commenting on his wall and posted pics on vacation with another woman, 50 pictures! When this is the same guy who said he could not date me know...
  20. M

    Guys opinion of this ?

    I am a girl, I dated a man awhile back and we kept in touch at his initiation. We went out a few times and he initiated sex but he said he could not date me because of his small childs mother, and she would try to take the baby away. So I said no to going further sexually until he could take...