Success stories of getting back with ex? - how?


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
yes yes I know you should move on BUT please just out of interest:

Can anyone recall a time they got back together with an ex? No matter how short it was - anyone make out with/have sex with/ date / get back with an ex?

HOW did it happen??
how many times you meet her before k/f-close? push for first time?

Please no need to tell me its unlikely and hassle I know - lets have a positive attitude here please (I am attractive and girls - including ex's - want me - and I'm not letting a little friction 6 weeks ago get in the way of that).

I realise its more hassle - just interested in some success stories please.

Thanks to all!


What kind of nicknames do you use at the start of an interaction and what do you use later on?

With your gf what names do you use?

Hun (bit old fashioned) Babe? Are there any overtly sexual ones you use with LTR's?

how do you keep it sexual in general not just the names?
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'm on my cell phone right now so I don't want to post something long, but I had great success with my ex who seemed cold and b!tchy not with these pick up techniques being discussed here but by actually being AFC. Being a challenge to her was actually getting me no where. I was getting frustrated, then I came across this movie called "Good D!Ck" and decided to model my behavior using the characters approach, and my ex started trip bring down her defenses because of my persistence.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe the REALITY of lack of success stories will sway you to realize you been DUMPED and its time to move on! You must really like this girl to make another post to save something that isnt there. Or your ego wont allow it?

IF you arent planning on marrying this girl... MOVE ON!

I remember a girl broke up with me ounce and we got back together. Lasted anotherr year or so and we broke up again. I only wished I moved on the first time to save myself the pain of going through the same B.S. with the same broad again. WE HAVE WARNED YOU!


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please don't feed the troll


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
I'll feed the troll:

I got back with mine after a years hiatus. I DO NOT recommend it - since you have to have severed ALL emotional ties with her! Which can be tough for some. What helped me was that I was banging another girl at the same time, and spinning two other plates; SHE WAS NOT THE MAIN COURSE.

So here it goes:

Went to a party with her and some friends of hers, and she pulled the usual ****; just left me there alone to my own devices while she flirted up all the guys in there, I didnt know anyone. So I pretended to have a good time, chatted to some girls and after about two hours told her I was leaving. I told her to come with me outside; I asked directly if she was coming home with me tonight, to which she replied: "dandellion, we are NEVER getting back together again!"... I laughed a bit and told her I didn't want to get back together again, I only wanted to bang her, she looked infuriated, and asked if it was ONLY sex. I said yes, she looked angry and went back in. I left for my house, and lo and behold; the next morning I get a text "Can we talk? I still have feelings for you". Two hours later she was at my house, I greeted her, ripped off all her clothing and we banged like animals all day long.

This went on for about three-four months; and I often cancelled her "Do you want to meet up tonight?"-texts; I never met her in the weekends (was out sarging), and we only met up for some food and then straight to sex and I always made sure to wake up early and follow her quickly to the door.

For me, it worked; but in the end... it was pretty pointless, as I was getting sex elsewhere, it resulted in some drama, when she got kicked out of her flat and needed to crash at mine for a few days (well cleaned my room, clothes and gave plenty of BJs she did (I told her that was the deal)). I think she met some other guy as her texts suddenly stopped. Well I don't care. In the end, it worked out fine, but again I DO NOT recommend it!

In short;

Keep it SEX only, blow her off in the morning, set rules (ie. "Yeah sure, you can come over, if you clean my room and wake me up with a BJ") and make sure you are emotionally detached and banging other girls (Waited for a full year before I saw her again, so everything was processed on my side)!

If you play with fire... You might get hurt! Luckily for me, I didn't, but I won't do it again.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
jacob said:
I'm on my cell phone right now so I don't want to post something long, but I had great success with my ex who seemed cold and b!tchy not with these pick up techniques being discussed here but by actually being AFC. Being a challenge to her was actually getting me no where. I was getting frustrated, then I came across this movie called "Good D!Ck" and decided to model my behavior using the characters approach, and my ex started trip bring down her defenses because of my persistence.
I'm genuinely shocked anything like that worked. Find it hard to believe - although people in the community seem clueless about it so maybe something quite different is called for.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
tomato said:
yes yes I know you should move on BUT please just out of interest:

Can anyone recall a time they got back together with an ex? No matter how short it was - anyone make out with/have sex with/ date / get back with an ex?

HOW did it happen??
how many times you meet her before k/f-close? push for first time?

Please no need to tell me its unlikely and hassle I know - lets have a positive attitude here please (I am attractive and girls - including ex's - want me - and I'm not letting a little friction 6 weeks ago get in the way of that).

I realise its more hassle - just interested in some success stories please.

Thanks to all!


What kind of nicknames do you use at the start of an interaction and what do you use later on?

With your gf what names do you use?

Hun (bit old fashioned) Babe? Are there any overtly sexual ones you use with LTR's?

how do you keep it sexual in general not just the names?
I never listened to the move on advice and in college my ex and I broke up and got back together about 20 times. Then got engaged and broke up 7 times. Then got married , got divorced, and now he wants me back.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Ill give you an honest answer here, Ive gotten back with an old ex a long time ago and things were great, the relationship got even more serious but after a while things didnt work out but we ended up becoming friends and we have known each other now for more than 10 years. The recent ex that left me for another guy,.. do i still have love for her, yes i do, would i get back with her.... My feelings tell me yeah i want to but my mind tells me (Other men have been on top of her) I would have to be honest with myself and say i dont think i would because it would bother me too much in my mind that other guys have been up in that right after me. Other reasons like she played me and from what i know slept with 5+ guys immediately after me, tells me.... i need to let it go. this was a girl i was close to Marrying.